Chapter 27

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~Rylan's POV~
I woke up with a jolt, not because of a nightmare. Just one of those weird falling dreams, y'know, those dreams where you fall and then wake up before you hit the ground. I hate those kind of dreams.

I sat up wincing, god my back hurt...I (quite literally) rolled out of bed, landing on the ground with a quiet grunt. I slowly sat up and went over to my bag, grabbing my notebook and pencil. I put on a random flannel and went out to the balcony, sitting down. I stared at the sky for a bit. The sun was still rising, so the sky was a mixture of pretty colors.

I looked down at my notebook, I was writing a song. But the only thing I have so far is the chorus.

V. 1

Save the lemons for the sob story
No one will believe it
Turn your tears into lemon juice
I hope your eyes are paper cuts
I hope that you will go away

V. 2

I leaned back in my chair humming quietly, reaching in my pockets for a candy bar. I looked down at the lyrics I wrote, munching on the candy bar I found. The lyrics probably didn't make any sense, but I don't care. It's my song, I can do what I want with it. I wrote down some more words and then just looked at the sky, watching birds fly around. I sighed, relaxing. The sound of the rustling leaves was calming to me, any sounds of nature are calming to me.

I ended up falling asleep again.


peepee poopoo

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