Chapter 8

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~Dave's POV~
I looked over towards the bathrooms after talking to Rowan (I found out that his name is Rowan) for a few minutes, Kurt, Krist, and the one dude (I think his name is Rylan, I'm not sure. I'm just gonna go with Rylan) Rylan looked tired, but all three of them were smiling, I bet Kurt or Krist made a stupid joke or something.

I didn't even realize I started smiling until I heard Kurt say "Hey Davey what're you smiling at?" I looked at him "Hm? Oh, nothing, just glad that uh-" "Rylan." "-Rylan seems to be better" I said gesturing at Rylan, Kurt nodded "Yeah Krist said some wise words to him" he said somewhat wrapping his arm around Krist's shoulders "I was just trying to comfort him I don't need a medal of honor for it!" Krist laughed. I looked over at Rowan, he wasn't really paying attention, he was talking to the bartender. Hm.


~Kurt's POV~
"Yeah Krist said some wise words to him" I said trying to wrap my arm around Krist's shoulders, I'm saying trying because I'm short and Krist is basically a fucking giant, "I was just trying to comfort him I don't need a medal of honor for it!" Krist said laughing. I noticed the other kid wasn't talking, Rowan, that's his name I think. He wasn't talking, wasn't even paying attention to what was going on in front of him. I looked at the clock and then back at Rowan and Rylan, "Hey it's like 4am, don't you guys have school or something?" I joked. Rowan looked over at me "Yeah but we usually ski-" "Wait wait wait its already four?!" Rylan asked as he looked at us panicking. I guess happiness is temporary for him. Then again it's temporary for everyone. I looked at him "Yeah, why? Is something wrong?"

Rylan started tugging at his hair "Shit, Raymond's gonna kill me! Rowan can you take care of the equipment for me tonight?" Rowan sighed "Dude this is like the tenth time-" "I know, Rowan! I'll make it up to you with ice cream or something, but right now I gotta go!" Before we could say something to him to try and calm him down, he was already running out the door.


~Rylan's POV~


The cold night wind blasted me in the fast as I ran out of the club. Fuck it's freezing out. I looked at my watch. Shit. Shit. Shit! It's almost sunrise and I'm not home, Raymond's probably up and wondering where I'm at. I know I was supposed to be staying with Rowan for the night but of course I had to be like

"Fuck it, I'm not tellin' him. If he gets pissed that's his problem."

Why am I like this?
After a while of running I finally got to the house and ran around to the back and slowly opened the door, sneaking in. And as if my night couldn't get any worse, Raymond turned on the light.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He asked stepping closer to me. I know I haven't made it clear but he's my older brother, he's the oldest out of us. Then there's my younger brother Jason. Don't ask about our parents, they died in a car crash five years ago.

I looked at the ground "Club." I braced myself for yelling, a hit, both if he was angry/drunk enough. And unfortunately tonight it was both.
"Why didn't you fucking tell me you'd be going to that shitty club?!" He yelled shoving me back, I fell back against the countertop behind me, knocking down a bunch of plates and breaking them. Shit. Raymond lifted me up "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!" He punched me right in the nose. I managed to not scream out in pain, he'd yell more if he heard me scream. He threw me down and started kicking me in the stomach and ribs. I don't know how I didn't scream, it hurts so much. After at least an hour of yelling and hitting he finally stopped, storming to the couch and passing out on it. I ran up to my room and quietly closed the door, locking it.

I slowly went over to the cracked mirror hanging on my wall. God I was shaking like a fuckin bitch. I grabbed some tissues, cursing under my breath. I looked in the mirror, holy crap did he beat the living shit outta me..

My nose was most definitely broken, it was bleeding nonstop. That'll be hard to cover up.
My right eye was starting to swell up, I could barely open it enough to see.
I had a bunch of cuts all over my face, my lip was busted.
I took off my shirt and looked down towards my stomach, bruises all over and some spots were bleeding.

I sighed and started wiping away blood and wrapping bandages around the worse injuries, I don't know what to do about my nose. It's crooked and still bleeding.

I'm heading to the bridge for a while, I ain't gonna stay here with that dickhead.

unga bunga

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