First Impressions~~~PEEDOFILE!

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You cried, sitting on the cold concret of the city streets. Your mother and father said that they would come back in a little while but it has been 8 hours and you were hungry, cold, and tired. You sneezed inbetween sobs rubbed your arms trying to keep warm from the cold chilly winds.

"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!!" You cried, trying to call out for them still crying.

"Whats the matter mon ami?" A man said with wavy shoulder length blond hair said waking toward you. You froze, frightened that the man would hurt you. The man held out his arms in front of him trying to show you that he meant no harm.

"Don't be scared~, i won't hurt you i promsie!" He said in a reasurring voice moving closer to you.

"BUT YOU MIGHT BE A PEEDOFILE!" you argued moving farther away from him.




"YEAH HUH!!!!"

"NUH UH!!!!!!!"



"Whats the matter Francis?" A man with dark brown hair and green eyes said walking up to you and Francis.

You ran to the other man hiding behind him.

"HELLLPPPP!!!! ITS A PEEDO!" you yelled pointing at Francis.

The man with green eyes laughed on the brink of tears and said "no no, no (mijita/mijito!!" The man kneeled to your height and ruffled your hair. "That is just Francis! My name is Antonio but you can call me Toni!"

You smiled "Hi Toni!" You jumped on Antonio giving him a hug.

"AND I AM THE AWESOME GILBERT BELSCHIMIT!" Gilbert yelled jumping in front of you and the two other guys. You waved smiling at him.

"Really? You talk to them but not me?!?" Francis yelled trying to get your attention.

"hahahaha how are you doing little person?" Gilbert said walking to you and ruffling your hair.

You sniffled remebering that you had lost your mom and dad. You started crying and told them inbetweeb sobs "I-I don't know!"

Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio gave you a worried look and said at the same time "You can stay with us until we find your parents!"

You sniffled and held out your arms to them. Antonio picked you up and smiled "Don't you worry we are going to take good care of you!"

"Ja! and the more you hang out with us the more awesome you will be! kesesesese~!"

"Oui and you will learn the true meaning of lo-" Before Francis could finnish talking, you held onto Antonio yelling "ITS THE PEEDOFILE!"

Antonio and Gilbert laughed walking away with you yelling "PEEDOFILE, PEEDOFILE, PEEDOFILE, PEEEEEEEDDDDOOOOOFFFIIILLLLEEEE!" to their house while Francis countinued to argue with you.


haha so this is my first cute fan fic and i would like you guys to review this! This is pretty much a introduction to how you got there and Please leave comments on what i should do next in this series and i wish you eternal happiness and PAAASSSSTTTAAA~~~~!

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