another place, another time (it was always in our teenage minds)

Start from the beginning

"Lily…" James whispered. He had always been so uncomfortable around feelings. Particularly Lily's feelings as they mostly were about him.

"I so badly want to say it's okay. But it wasn't. I wasn't. I would send out 30 snaps a day just to talk to someone. And you guys would leave me on read. I had to beg conversations out of you. So then I just stopped talking to you guys. Why bother?" Lily cut off her own thoughts by taking a long swig of wine. After a few good gulps she set the glass down and looked back at James. "This is not what I wanted to talk about with you. I didn't agree to come here to make you upset. I'm sorry. Let's just talk about something else?" She shot him a sad smile.

"I'm sorry Lily. I truly didn't know it was that bad. You seemed okay. You acted happy. I mean I know you weren't, you were so sick. Having to go to the doctors all the time, no one believing you about your pain. But you were sending out so many snaps. And laughing. And sending music. And I know it's not an excuse, but I was also at school. Living my life, and you'd send so many snaps. I just didn't even know what to say to you any more. But I should have reached out more. We all should have. And I'm sorry." James reached across the small table and grabbed Lily's hand, giving it a small squeeze. "So, what have you been up to in these three years? What brought you to the beach?"

Lily sighed. This was a much easier topic. "Remember how I joked about opening a bakery? One made for people like me who have to eat for their health. Well. I did it. It's called Upper Crust. It's an all vegan and gluten free bakery. It's truly my passion, though I could do without the early mornings. And when I'm not at the bakery I'm painting. I've been relearning to paddle board too. Sirius and you weren't the best teachers. Basically I'm living how the summer of 2019 was. Always at the beach." She flashed him a big smile as she finished off her glass of wine. James finished off his as he waved down a waiter for another round.

"Oh my god that sounds amazing! I'm glad you are doing better. Man, I forgot how good of a baker you are. I'm sure you're very popular." His hand, which had only left hers to flag down the waiter began to rub small circles on Lily's hand.

Lily, being a lightweight was already slightly tipsy. Which lead her to not think before she opened her mouth. "Oh I am! All the men in town love me!" James' smile faltered for a minute before Lily realized her mistake. "Oh god, I just put my foot in my mouth. I just mean that I have a lot of men stop in often for stuff for their partners, and they get a lot of brownie points. Can you tell I've had a glass?" Lily quickly reached out to grab the new glass of wine.

James laughed and ran his fingers through his hair, his cheeks were already slightly pink from the wine. "I forgot how much of a lightweight you are! And wine is for sipping Lily! If you are going to drink like that, get some shots or something don't ruin a perfectly good wine."

"Wine is meant to be drank straight out of the bottle and you know it James Potter!" And so they continued on for the rest of the evening. Talking and reliving life. Rediscovering themselves, and each other.

Lily hasn't had this much fun in years. Her smile felt light and her soul felt free. And so, without a moment's hesitation, she kissed him. Lily put everything she ever wanted into that kiss. The pain and the joy that comes with crushes and first loves. She kissed James so hard she didn't even notice when her boob knocked over her glass of wine.

James was slightly breathless as Lily pulled away. His eyes wide and unfocused. Breath consistent, and deep. Lily didn't give him time to speak. She softly smiled at him as she threw down some money and left the bar. Wondering why she ever though five years could hide or change anything.

Lily was not expecting to feel a hand wrap around her arm. To give a light pull, turning her around. To see James, a giddy smile on his face. Eyes still wide and excited. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, unable to find the words. What do you ever say when one of your best friends kisses you? What do you do when it's all you wanted them to do for years? What then? Then you kiss her.

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