Part 24

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House's POV

My hand is trembling as my knuckles hit the wooden door three-four times. I could feel my heart beating fast and loud. Was I doing the right thing? Or am I making the biggest mistake ever? She seemed happy with him, glowing and smiley.. am I selfish for wanting her all to myself?

I can't help it. The withdrawals are killing me worse than Vicodin ever did.

I hear footsteps approach the other side of the front door and I'm already imagining her face when she sees me. She's probably going to be shocked but she will let me in and we will talk, and I will tell her, I will tell her that I love her and she-she will say that she loves me back and she will be with me and only me...


The dirty gold doorknob turns and the door opens revealing...Chase?


Allison's POV

I stand in shock as I saw him standing in my doorway, soaking wet from the pouring rain, his eyes were red and swollen and he looked cold. His eyes darted from Chase to me. I watched as Chase looked back at me with concern then back at him.

-What are you doing here?- I ask

He looked to the ground confused then a small smile appeared on his face.

-I-uh I came to talk to you about the case Allison.-

He is lying. I can tell, we all could, but we went along with it mostly because all three of us wanted him gone and to forget this ever happened.

-But you have company so it will wait till tomorrow.- House says looking down at the ground and then back at me before he turns and walks away into the rainy darkness.

Chase closes the door and turns to me completely confused and disturbed as well. God, I hope he doesn't as too many questions because I have no idea how to explain this.

Chase: -It's two in the morning?-

I shrug pretending I have no idea what to say. I guess playing dumb is my safe card now.


6 months later.

It's been half a year. A lot has happened since that night. Let me explain.

Shortly after that incident House went to a bar, got drunk, and got into a fight with a random guy, he got locked up for one night but when they searched through his things, they found two bottles of Vicodin pills. The police did some digging and found out he doesn't have a prescription for them. Soon after he went to a trial, plead guilty to drug abuse, and was sent to a rehabilitation center for three months. Formen decided to step in and lead the department and eventually make his own team, Robert and I decided to change departments as well, he went to become a cardiothoracic surgeon and I went down to the clinic. I needed a change of scenery and Chase was more than willing to accompany me. I also dyed my hair blonde, Robert laughed and said we look like twins.

Month 4 

House didn't come back to work. I heard from a few nurses that Cuddy told him to take a break before he came back, they told me he was clean. I was proud of him and glad he moved on for the better.

Month 5 

Chase proposed. One day I came home from work and my living room was covered with rose petals and candles. Chase was standing in the middle of all of them with a nervous but hopeful expression on his face, as I approached him, we were both smiling. He declared his love for me, got on one knee, and said the keywords "Will you marry me?,,

I said yes, and he put the diamond ring on my finger then embraced me in a tight hug.

We were planning to get married in a month or so however I kept in mind that House might come back at any given time. I was really nervous about that but I didn't want to let that stop me.

Month 6

We had two weeks till the Wedding day and I was excited. I already picked out a dress and we planned everything, decorations, guests, food, drinks. Many of my female friends told me how stressful planning an event is, how you're always thinking about if you invited everyone or if you ordered everything or if the day will go as planned etc...but honestly, the only thing that was on my mind, the only thing that was making me nervous was him. He was coming back, I heard the gossip. I don't know how I feel about that but it's out of my control. 

I'll stay away from him and ignore him. He's probably over me so he will do the same.


 House POV 

The glass automatic door opens as I enter revealing the modest and rather boring ambient with monotone colors and a hint of mint and orange on the walls. The gray tile floor hits my heels as I step on it, the ceiling light reflects on it showing its marble effect. I smile and greet the male nurse who's standing by the desk with papers in hand looking confused at me. The familiar hospital smell filled my nose sending me back to memory lane. I haven't been here in months, not since Cuddy told me to take a break. After some time, a few different hobbies, and physical therapy I realized nothing really filled the void I had since I went to rehab. I missed this, all of this, the waiting room filled with people with boring symptoms who usually never have an actual problem or the young nurses who either stand and gossip or panic over patients because they are new. I walk up to the elevator excited to get into my office again, I heard Foreman runs the department now which is great considering he's me but black and bald, however, I was told I would be the boss once I got back. I look to the side and see a new young female doctor talking with a nurse, discussing some things, I assume, when I hear the bell ring and the door opens, as soon as I'm about to enter I collide with someone. 

 -oh my God I'm so sorry - she says. I know that voice.I look down at her and realize who it is. She looks down at the folders she dropped, not noticing me, her hair is blonde, and she is wearing a pink blouse and a skirt, a more mature outfit with a white long coat to complete the look. She bends down to collect what she dropped and I take a moment to recollect my sudden shock before I bend down to help her. 

-I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention, I was in my head and I'm just sorry-she kept babbling. 

I was scared to even say a syllable let alone a full sentence because I felt she would hear my shock and fear in my trembling voice as I responded.She finished gathering her things as I hand her the last few folders and that's when she finally looks into my eyes and figures out who I am. Her bottom jaw opens as her eyes widen, before my eyes the color of her face faded to pale as her hand started to shake slightly. She took the folders in her hand and placed them in the other one, now her gaze fell to the floor. 

We both stand up straight with my eyes fixated on her, scanning that beautiful body of hers when light from her hand flickers into my eyes. That's when I noticed it. A beautiful diamond engagement ring shining right through my heart. Her baby blue eyes quickly look onto me as she realizes what I'm looking at. Her hand tucked into her arm now as she physically expresses discomfort, shame, and guilt written all over her face as anger was on mine.She bit her lower lip as she tried to walk past me but I grab her hand and stop her in her tracks.I lower my gaze at her now piercing through her demanding 

 -Who is he? -No answer. 

I tightened my grip as she bit her lip even harder. 

-House please - she pleads. 

-Who. is. he? - Still no answer. I couldn't help but let a chuckle escape my lips.

Lowering my voice I say -You do realize he could never make you feel the way I do, whoever he is-

Then I proudly smile and let her arm go.

-Congratulations - I say and walk into the elevator, pressing the button with my cane and smirk on my face. Her eyes meet mine and as the bell rings and the door is about to close 

-Miss Chase-. 

The shock on her face was the last thing I saw before the door closed.

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