Part 19

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Sunlight shines through my window over my face as the smell of coffee fills up my nose waking me up. I slowly open my eyes only to find myself in an empty bed. Slowly I lift myself up covering my bare body with the bed covers, scanning my house and the mess we left behind. I could hear some noise downstairs so I decided to go check it out.

I walked down the stairs with nothing but the bed covers wrapped around my body, peeping through the walls to see who it was. Soon enough my eyes caught House in his boxers making something. On the diner table were empty plates with two cups of coffee freshly made. He was dancing to jazz music whilst making scrambled eggs I assume. He noticed me then turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back.

I took a few steps closer to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips as he returned the favor. His one hand gripped my waist holding me closer and in place. His eyes looked down at me then a smile appeared on his face once more.

I sat on the counter and watched him cook which was oddly satisfying. He was so happy and cute. This was the side of House I've never seen yet I enjoyed this.

After he finished the meal, he stood in between my legs and made out with me. His lips moved to my neck and shoulder. 

Nothing felt better.


-So what do you want to do this evening- he asks.

-Well I was planning on going to work since I don't have anything planned-

His eyes look at me with suspicion while he was chewing on food. I giggled at his funny expression and took another bite.

I then got an idea.

-How about a date-I ask him and smirk. He looks at me for a few seconds then swallows.

-A date?-

-A date.-

- No.-

I frown. – why?-

-I don't do dates.-

- But you do your coworkers?-

-And hookers.-

-House, come on- I plead.

- Fine. One dinner date tonight.-

I smile at him, then stand up to kiss him on the cheek. 


He picked me up around 8 and took me to some fancy restaurant. We got to our table and started ordering food.

I was eager to find out how he felt about me however he was quiet. 

House: -They have really great music here. Even the wine is nice..-

Cameron -I have one evening with you, one chance. And I don't want to waste it talking about what movies you like or what wines you hate. I want to know how you feel — about me.-

He sighs then looks down. His gaze turns to me.

House - I'm gonna be honest with you Allison I'm not very good at this.

Cameron - Answer honestly.-

House- You-you live under the delusion that you can fix everything that isn't perfect. That's why you married a man who was dying of cancer. You don't love, you need. And now that your ex-husband is gone from your life, you're looking for your new charity case. That's why you're going out with me. I'm twice your age, I'm not great-looking, I'm not charming; I'm not even nice. What I am is what you need. I'm damaged. And this whole affair we are doing is just fun. Don't get me wrong it is nice, all of this..but let's be honest it can never be serious.-

Cameron - You are not my charity case House. You are my boss.. and you're right. This can never be serious. It's just fun.- I manage to say.

I expected a lot but not this. He called me"fun" like I'm a prostitute. I never felt more embarrassed and humiliated in my life.

After that we talked over superficial stuff, ate, and went our separate ways.


The next day I arrive at work and spot Cuddy and House talking. They seemed really close like they were flirting. She was smiling at him as her fingers stroked his jacket. I just walked past them and went into the elevator.

I walk into the office and greet everyone then Chase comes up to me. 

Chase -Hi Alison-

Cameron -Hey Chase-

Chase - So uhm, tonight is this concert and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?-

Cameron -I would love too but I have paperwork to finish tonight. Maybe some other time?-

Chase -Yeah sure-

I can't believe Chase asked me out. I had to let him down gently. He is lovely but I love House, it just wouldn't work.

House walked in and threw a case file on the table. We then began to process it.


As usual, I was last to leave, so I started packing up my stuff and exited the office. Then I saw something, I saw House and Cuddy kiss before she lead him into her office where she shut the door and the blinds.

I felt my heart shatter in pieces once again. 

I took out my phone and made a phone call.

Chase -Hello?-

Cameron-Hey Chase. Uhm so I realized I can leave this paperwork for another time.. can we still go tonight?- I ask him wiping away the tears that slipped down my cheeks.

Chase -Y-yes we can. Can I pick you up at 7:30?-

Cameron -Sounds great-

Chase -Okay see you then-

I hang up the phone and take a deep breath. Then I make my way home.

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