Chapter 23

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The final bastion of the Britannia's presence on the eastern island was well into the process of being undone as rebels armed with US weapons and supervised by US forces began their assault on the final garrison.

The structure's cannons fired back at the rebels as red coat soldiers manned the walls in defiance of the assault. The rebels proned down like in their training as they reduced their profile and began shooting while spreading their forces out. A few found good spots to lay low as they sprayed out 7.62 at the Brits using M60 machine guns in effort to suppress them from having a chance to return fire unless they risked getting shot.

A few wagons rolled up armed with M2 Brownings mounted on the side as rebels manned the heavy-machine guns and began blasting away at the stone walls. Meanwhile regulars were charging forward with M16s and M1s, making for the front gate that served as one of the five entrances of the pentagon shaped fortress.

During the whole battle, they were not alone as the United States Army Air Calvary was present to supervise and intervene if things got too out of hand for the rebels. Fortunately they were doing just fine, making significant progress as they braced against the stone fortified walls.

"You got that bomb on you still?" One of the rebels asked his companion who pulled out from his satchel an entire brick of what the Americans called C4.

Courtesy of the Army.

"Place it on the gate and let's run! I don't wanna get caught in the blast this thing has!" The rebel nodded as he placed it onto the iron doored gate, setting the timer attached to it to twenty seconds. "It's armed! Run!"

The rebels ditched the wall and began retreating as allied machine gun fire covered their withdrawal. Unaware to the Britannians, the explosive charge began it's final countdown as the timer reached 3...2...1. An electric spark traveled from the device into the explosive material and detonated it. A mighty explosion rocked the garrison as troop on the walls fell over while the gatehouse collapsed. "What was that? How did they destroy the gatehouse?"

"The rebels are advancing again! Don't let them
break in!" The Brits attempted to reorganize their defense and focus on the breached gatehouse, where rebels were charging to. They brought up several tables and took cover behind them as makeshift barriers. It was ineffective however as one rebel came up with an M79 and fired a 40mm grenade with a loud 'Thump!' as the projectile traveled over distance and detonated upon impacting with one of the table barriers.

All the tables were blown into splinters as Britannian soldiers position behind them were either killed or thrown back several feet from the blast. Using this to their advantage, the rebels charged in and began gunning them down before their foe had the chance to recover and fight back.

Within less than five minutes, the final garrison had fallen under rebel control, making this a strategic victory as they now controlled the entire eastern island.

"These weapons have indeed proven to be effective." Washington commented as he and the Rangers had watched the battle ensue from a distant hill. "I no longer have any doubts of a victory over the Empire. Soon we'll be able to join your forces and drive the red coats back into their capital."

"Actually, I just received an update from Colonel Traver." Crimeboss responded. "He said the capital has now been secured and the Brits have lost over seventy percent of their remaining military. Your forces may not experience much combat right about now. We've pretty much already dealt with them at this point."

"Hmm, a shame." Washington commented. "I wouldn't have minded having my forces partake in more combat to hone their skills and experience. But if the Empire is nearly beaten, I can't complain much."

Summoning Freedom (Rewrite) (discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن