Chapter 11

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King George III, leader of the Great Britannian Empire, stood up from his throne as his informant came in bearing news. "Your majesty, I bring news over from our garrison in Criterria."

"What news? Have those damn animals decided to stop paying us their due share?" George III asked as Criterria was a huge source of resources, crops, and slaves that made up the Britannian economy and workforce. "Actually sir, it's rather worse than that." The informant said as he explained. "The demons from the dark realm have returned, with their portal opening in the northern region of Criteria. Our garrison is requesting a response from his majesty as to how they should proceed?"

"I see. Very well, send word to our garrison to vacate the area. Return to the mainland immediately. We'll wait until the demons return to their realm and pick off what remains of the beast folks and their villages."

"I understand sir. I'll have a telegram message sent to deliver your orders. I do bring more news that may interest you. It would seem a small fleet of unknown grey ships bearing an unrecognized flag as approached our shores."

"Grey ships?" George III asked as he was now curious. "What kind of flag did they bear?"

"They were of red and white stripes, fitted with a blue square in the upper corner with white stars." The informant described what he saw in words. "Never have I ever seen any flag of that design used by any nation."

"Very well, let them approach, but have our ships watch them should they try anything against us. I don't want a crisis on our shores due to a surprise attack by an unknown foe."


Along the shores of the Britannian Capital of Excal, the town folk who were walking along the peer gathered along the edges as their navy's ships-of-the-line embarked and were responding to the appearance that amazed many.

Due to the fact that the Britannians were rather stubborn when it came to negotiations and politics, the Americans wanted to show some teeth on their first encounter as instead of a small naval vessel to carry out the first contact diplomatic mission, they sent a small fleet of four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, and a single America-class amphibious assault ship, the USS Tripoli as the large metal vessels maintained their position outside the harbor, with the Britannian navy vessels approaching them.

"By the gods, what kind of ships are those?" A Britannian captain asked astonished as even the destroyers easily sized up their ships-of-the-line. The wooden wind-powered vessels surrounded the metal turbine-powered ships as they tried to determine their origins and what purpose they had on their coasts as from the USS Tripoli, one of the side platform lifts began to lower and reveal several men on the edge. One in a black suit and tie as they called out to the Britannian fleet.

"This is the USS Tripoli, on behalf of the United States of America! We come seeking to open diplomatic negotiations and trade with the country of Britannia!" A loud voice echoed across much to the surprise of the Britannians as they understood them. "They speak Britannian?"


"Madam Rachel, a group of unknown people calling themselves, Americans, have arrived at our shores, and are requesting to open diplomatic negotiations." An aid called in as Rachel Marx, head of the Foreign Affairs Division was in her office signing and responding to a few letters and documents she received. "American? Never heard of such a name." Rachel stated, believing them to possibly be a new developing nation that had come to make their existence known. "Do have a representative member with them?"

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