Chapter 14

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"So those drones we just sent were very promising." President Kingsman commented as the reports from the conflict in Criterria had just reached him. So far, about sixty-five percent of all demonic invaded land had been retaken and secured. Though they had been slowed down by that fleshy mass that covered a lot of the landscape.

Once the drones tried to cross over them, tendrils had been bursting out trying to stop their progress. Nothing fire and explosives couldn't handle, but the clean-up would be extensive and expensive.

"Indeed Mr. President. However there is some concern out of latest reports. The more we push in on the epicenter, the more desperate the demonic forces seem to get." Secretary Keller explained. "We've seen increased activity on satellites. They're trying to push more numbers out in a shorter time. If this keeps up we may start dealing with more than we can chew, and the situation may get out of control and we'll suffer major casualties."

"So what can we do? Why don't we drop bombs into the portal?" Kingsman questioned.

"We have sir to no major effect. All it has done is cease the flow of hostiles crossing through for only a short timeframe, then it continues as before. It's gonna take more than conventional bombs to stop these things for good. Which is why I come before you for a proposal."

"What kind of proposal?" The president questioned.

"I request the authority for use of a single tactical nuclear warhead."



"I honestly hope you are either joking or have a good enough reason for making such a request, Mr. Keller."

"Indeed I do sir. I may not be an expert on portals between dimensions, but if you just think about it, something has to be maintaining the portal to keep it open. Clearly that something is not visible on this end which means whatever's keeping the portal open is on the other side." Keller explained as Kingsman was listening.

"My proposal involves sending a single warhead through the portal and detonating it on the other side. If I'm right, then we should destroy whatever's opening the portal and force it to close in on itself."

" want to use a nuke to close the portal?"

"Indeed I do sir. It doesn't even have to be a full ICBM. Just a low yield tactical warhead from an aircraft should do the job." Keller confirmed. "Hoping that I'm correct and whatever's keeping the portal open is with proximity on the other side, the blast should destroy it."

"I understand. Your proposal while quite large, does come with some logic in it." Kingsman thought over as the planned sounded like a possible solution to the current conflict they were in. "Very'll have your nuke and a B-21 to deliver it. You better hope this plan actually works and we didn't just waste a nuke to slow down an unrelenting mod of demons."

"Don't worry Mr. President, I have no doubt this plan will end in success. We just have to make sure it flies into the portal and detonates on the other side."


At an airforce base, a single B-21 Raider was parked under a hanger as a single missile with a special warhead was lifted into its now open bomb bay. The staff underneath made sure the weapon was securely and correctly attached so it would fly off when needed. "She's all set." One of the crew shouted as he walked out from below the bomber. "I almost feel bad for whoever's about to get this thing dropped on them."

Everyone backed up as the Raider stealth bomber began taxing itself out the hangar and onto the tarmac as it made for the runway. The engines concealed within the black fuselage began to power up as the aircraft let off a loud constant whine, indicating it getting ready for take-off.

Summoning Freedom (Rewrite) (discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin