Chapter 15

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Members of the survey crew stood along the island offered to them by the Criterrian chieftains to be used and converted into a fully operational forward operating base. The island was formally under use by the Britannian Army and Navy and had man-made structures built into it. A wooden harbor surrounded the island and several tunnels and underground facilities ran through the perimeter. Several stone and wooden structures were present as barracks and a headquarters facility. A single wooden bridge linked the island to the Criterrian mainland for ground forces.

"We make do with this." The lead member of the survey crew said as he mentally mapped out the basics of infrastructure and facilities. "We run demolition on all these structures and flatten out the landscape for proper facilities. Modernize the harbors for housing our ships. Improve and upgrade the underground facilities. Rebuild the bridge with steel to handle heavy vehicles. Expand the island with landfill to make room for a fully operational airfield. Generators over there, armory there..."

The staff began drawing down a basic blueprint for the FOB and where basic facilities would be constructed. Once construction teams arrived with the support ships bringing the construction equipment and materials, they would have a general understanding of the organization, knowing where faculties were to be constructed. The landfill would definitely take up a lot of time during the development process, but it would be well worth it in favor of getting an airbase operational.

As of now, the Marines would be using their assault ships as temporary offshore garrisons until construction could be complete, with additional ships coming from the 3rd Battleship Strike Group consisting of the USS New Jersey (BB-62), two Sumter class cruisers, six Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, four Constellation class frigates, and a single Virginia class submarine to uphold naval security, with the reactivated USS Nimitz being reassigned and added to the fleet to maintain a strong air dominance with the Arsenal Bird returning to the states.

Within a day, the first government-contracted cargo vessels began to arrive offshore carrying aid supplies and materials needed in the construction for the FOB.


The fleet of Britannian ships-of-the-line sailed unopposed as they made full sails ahead for the Criterrian coast, carrying with it a large enough occupation force and the head of foreign affairs aboard the flagship.

The fleet consisted of the two-hundred gun flagship HMS Vanguard as its command vessel, with the support of twelve one-hundred gun dreadnoughts, four wyvern carriers, six frigates, and twenty schooners. Carry with them was about several thousand Britannian troops ready to deploy should these beast folk resist their reoccupation. "Once we arrive Admiral, I want your fleet to maintain a blockade along the port bringing guns to bear. I have little doubt these animals will relearn their place once they see the arsenal we've brought with us." Madam Rachel explained as she went over with the fleet admiral how they would proceed.

"My fleet will be behind you Madam to support your efforts. However I must ask, what if these creatures refuse and defy our demands?" The Admiral questioned as Rachel looked up at him with a wicked grin. "Bombard their shores and send your troops. Send your Eugene's to burn their villages and pillage what remains. Kill all who resist and capture the rest for labor work back on the mainland. Either way these animals will work for us."

They continued sailing with full confidence and without feeling any opposition. Little were they aware however that they were already being tracked and watched, and another fleet was waiting to greet them with guns, missiles, and aircraft at the ready.

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