Chapter 10

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"This is outrageous!" The senator of treasury stated as he, the senators of the council and Emperor Felipe IV were attending the meeting in place for the end of the war. "Not only have the Americans by all accounts, fought the entirety of the war for us, but now they refuse and threaten us from taking our vengeance against the Grande?"

The whole council had been outraged by the actions of the United States of America after bringing an end to the war. "By national law of war, the victors would subjugate the territory of the opposing faction, and subjugate the people into their country. However the Americans were not allowing any of that and are instead, helping to rebuild the Grande islands?"

"Indeed these actions are outrageous. They have even threatened our forces after a group of our soldiers tried to have their way with some of the women. Have they forgotten who their allies are?" Another senator asked as another spoke up. "I say we fight them! Revoke this alliance and burn their embassy in our territory!" A senator declared as a few others cheered with him. However Senator Franco stepped in to give his piece.

"Those who want war with the United States, you are are idiotic and simple-minded." He said, insulting every senator who supported the proposal for war against the US. "Their power and military highly surpass anything we've encountered. To declare war on them, would lead us down the same fate as the Grande."

"Indeed," Senator Garcia spoke up as well. "Besides, our alliance with them has given us access to amazing products and goods no other kingdom
can produce. It was thanks to them that only twelve people died of a plague we experienced just weeks ago. Still a tragedy but it's better than having to suffer through the lives of thousands being lost."

"These senators do make a point." Another senator spoke up. "And besides, if they are a country from another world, then they probably have different laws of war."

"As second in command of all our forces, I will not seek out war with a superior nation that could wipe us out if they so pleased. Though an official decision falls to the emperor." Franco looked at Emperor Felipe IV as every other senator waited for a response.

The emperor rose from his seat and spoke out. "We will not declare war against the United States of America. Despite their acts in denying us glory and revenge, we must remember that it was they who drove our enemies off of our land. We will continue our alliance with them and our free trade agreement. That is my final word." Many of the senators cheered while some skulked and sat down. Despite their complaints, their words would be overruled or ignored by the council and emperor as the final decision was made.


Back in the Pentagon, Secretary Keller was observing a hologram globe of the new world their country was on as it displayed a full sight of every landmass and all oceans that covered this planet. Along with the marks indicating orbiting satellites that belonged to them, and didn't as his eyes were focused on one of those satellites as it approached the US mainland. "Contact Area 51. Have them ready the Cotton and fire upon the incoming unidentified satellite."

Within the desert of Nevada, Area 51 became full of activity as its newest addition to the base began powering up. The COTN or, Counter-Orbital-Turret-Network, or Cotton as it was referred to, was a defense system made up of nine fourteen-inch railgun turrets, built as an effective counter against Russian and Chinese spy satellites, should another world war break out, in which it did, with the intent of targeting and destroying satellites in orbit, while also capable of being used as a counter for ICBMs as it had shot several missiles down headed for the US mainland.

The turrets were powered by a single nuclear reactor build within the center as an array of SAMs, CIWSs, and LaWSs emplacements should anything come to threaten the guns. A large circular angled wall made of steel and concrete surrounded the site and the Area 51 base.

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