Chapter 22

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The distant sound of repeated gunfire kept the soldiers on edge as they marched down one of the main roads followed by wagons and artillery guns at their disposal.

The war had not been going well, for them, as their land was under siege, invaders were entering from their shores, and the enemy dominated the skies above. Morale was at its lowest before, with some parts of the Royal Army outright abandoning their posts and deserting.

Despite the circumstances, this did not go unpunished as officers lined up those who attempted to desert and ordered them to be shot. This invoked much fear into the other troops as they remained silent, and kept all thoughts of abandoning the Army deep down in their heads, not wanting to be among those who were executed.

The once Great Britannian Empire, a nation that invoked fear and power upon those who were beneath them, was now having a taste of it's own medicine.

The sky above an army of six thousand strong roared with a terrifying sound they were familiar with, and had wished they never heard. In complete panic, they bolted and split off from their formations, before a hailstorm of 30mm high explosive incendiary munitions came raining down upon them.

This attack was conducted twice as six hundred men were shredded or blown to pieces by the soda can sized projectiles.


The terrifying noise reached the ears of those who were not targeted yet as two A-164 Wipeouts flew overhead before coming around for another pass. "They're coming back! Run for your lives!" The soldiers below began running to try and avoid the flying beasts before they let loose with their cannons.

More high explosive incendiary munitions struck the ground where soldiers were as around four hundred more were killed by both strikes in total, followed by the horrific sound reaching the survivors' ears.


From a distant hill, two Army soldiers were watching with satisfaction as the two birds they called in started to going to town and annihilate the hostiles they spotted.

"Looks like Fourth of July over there." One of soldiers said as the Wipeouts dropped four, one thousand pound bombs filled high explosives. "I almost feel bad for them."



The air was filled with the sound of helicopter rotors as a force of the United States Army Air Cavalry had entered the fray and were on route to their target.

The entire force consisted of a fleet of twelve UH-2 Samsons, five AH-99 Scorpions, and a single AC-21 Dragon carrying two M1128 Strykers. Behind them maintaining a distance, was another fleet comprised entirely of fifty UH-2s escorted by ten MD540 Nightbirds. Their mission, to raid the Britannian slave labor camps, and extract it's occupants alive and safe.

The Colonel in charge of this operation was standing in the AC-21 Dragon as he observed through the pilot's cockpit at the landscape around them. By it's namesake, it was literally a dragon amongst the other rotor aircraft present, packed to the brim with weaponry at it's disposal.

"Colonel, we're approaching target sight!" The pilot shouted from the cockpit. "ETA two minutes!"

"Roger! All helos maintain approach vector! Engage weapons free, master arm on! Elements of Pegasus standby to deploy ground forces and low air support! Elements of Guardian maintain observation and engage all hostile on sight! Secure the entire area for Angel to arrive and begin extraction of VIPs!"

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