Chapter 7

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Above the mountain range, C-17s of the United States flew across the sky as they made way for the city of Montano, where an invasion army was on its way. F/A-181s dropped the last of their munitions on the enemy armor before bugging off as they flew past the larger planes in the opposite direction back to the 6th Carrier Strike Group where they originated from.

Inside the C-17s, soldiers, drones, and M777 Howitzers of the 101st Airborne were undergoing final preparation before they would jump out of the planes.

"Attention all unit, approaching drop point in T-minus three." The intercom went off inside the cargo bay as the soldiers who were seated at sides stood up with their gear and reusable parachutes attached and ready for deployment as the Lieutenant Colonel of the entire battalion and the Captain of the platoon with the plane began walking down the middle of the cargo bay.

"Good evening soldiers, hope you boys ain't getting too comfy because today is our time to shine." The Captain announced as he walked past the left line. Yesterday at 1000, our new allies, the Iberians, have come under threat by invading forces, and have requested our assistance in driving back these invaders. Currently, we're on route to a vital city that must be secured at all costs. Should it fall, the enemy will have a straight path to the southern region of Iberia and things will get messy from there."

The Colonel began to speed up then. "Gentlemen you and several other platoons are being sent in to hold the line and prevent the enemy forces from taking it over or even laying siege to it long enough for our bombers to arrive and sweep them up. We don't have much intel on the layout of the city but we're hoping the local defense force will give us more insight so we can better coordinate our defense. Artillery units will be deployed at the rear for support, so make sure to coordinate fire with them and relay targeting coordinates. And just as a reminder, these guys have muskets in their armory, so despite them being centuries outdated from us, they're still deadly so make sure you take cover when necessary. I don't want anyone dying because they got hit by a stray ball."

"Approaching drop point T-minus one." The intercom from the pilot said as they were nearing the city. "Sound's like that's our time to shine. Men, grab your gear and prepare for battle! Let's show this world who the Screaming Eagles are! Hoorah?"

"Hoorah!" The soldiers all chanted in sync as the side doors of the cargo hold opened, being the way every soldier would be jumping out, while the planes carrying artillery pieces opened their cargo bay doors to drop the guns.

"Standby at red!" The jumpmaster shouted as the soldiers attached their static lines to a railing so their chute would open once they exited the plane. "At yellow, standby!" The jumpmaster shouted as the signal light changed to yellow as they neared their deployment zone, before changing to green. "Jump! Jump! Jump! Get the hell off my plane!"

The soldiers began running out one after another as they jumped out of the side of the plane with their chutes deployed. Multiple aircraft were undergoing the same procedure as infantry poured out from them in mass, with a few dropped artillery guns from their cargo bay as they were loaded onto a platform with chutes attached.

From below, the inhabitants and defensive force of Montano could only look up in amazement as they watched several large objects fly over, and drop what appeared to be, giant mushroom slowly floating towards the ground. Upon these mushrooms getting closer, they were able to realize they were giant fungi, but people floating down from large round pieces of fabric.

In the surrounding plains of the city, the Screaming Eagles began to land and retract their parachutes which rewound into their chute packs, ready to be reused should they need them again. In the opening between the mountain behind the city, artillery guns were landing and crew who had landed began to set them up and reorient them into firing positions. An old HMMWV still in service was also dropped to assist in moving the heavy guns into a line formation as an entire battery was formed.

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