Chapter 6

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The sound of flapping caught the attention of the invading soldiers within the town as they looked up to see their wyverns flying above them, maintaining air superiority as they held their post in the occupied town currently they were short in their original numbers as they were left to hold control as the main group continued to lay siege to Montano, but they should be expecting reinforcements within the hour to back them up and support the siege efforts of Montano.

It was said that some of there super weapons they purchased from the Métropoleon Kingdom would be part of this force. These superweapons had been big talk among the ranks of soldiers as when they weren't busy raping and pillaging the town, they were busy talking about the super weapons and boasting about "how no weapon could penetrate their armor" or "how they could easily obliterate large ranks of infantry with ease" or "smash through all obstacles that stood in their-"

The sound of an explosion above interrupted their activities as they looked up to see a large smoke cloud midair, with a dead wyvern falling out of it and into one of the roads.

Another boom went off as another wyvern was caught in a smoke cloud and fell lifeless. "What on Terra is going on out here?" The female voice shouted as the commander in charge of all forces in this town came out of her temporary headquarters to the sound of another explosion as another wyvern fell out of the sky.

From the distance out west, several large flying arrows leaving a trail behind them zoomed across the sky and slammed into more wyverns, ending in more explosions and dead wyverns. The men below began to panic as they were searching for the source before the loud thundering sounded from the west.

In a quick strike, F-14E Tomcats flew across the sky and started firing their guns in a strafing run as they finished off every wyvern with one quick swoop. Much to the surprise of the Grande troops who had never seen such aircraft before. Nevertheless, ones that could simply swat every one of their wyverns out of the sky. F/A-181 Black Wasp IIs flew overhead carrying munitions they still had after the destruction of the enemy fleet as they adjusted to engage the army in the way towards Montano to use their remaining ordinance.

From the same direction, C-5Ms were beginning to descend and drop their payload...

...From inside, Belleza and his crew were making final adjustments to his tank as he and his whole unit prepared for a low altitude airdrop deployment. A new tactic that developed during WWIII allowed the US armored forces to quickly deploy into Asia by air.

"All units be advised, we're approaching drop point." The intercom inside the cargo bays sounded as the female pilot alerted the tankers they were about to be deployed into combat. "Standby for deployment in two."

With the army alert, Belleza and his crew finished up and began entering into their tank, while the other crew, mostly made up of Japanese descendants, began climbing into their tank which had an anime girl painted on the left up-armored skirt. Belleza's crew was mostly made up of white Americans but with an African American as his loader. "Potts start her up! It's time to roll!"

"Yes boss!" The driver said from his compartment as the turbine engines of both tanks began to power up, with cargo bay crew making sure everything was in place before the drop as the rear cargo bay doors began to open. "Both tanks are ready, prepare to release cables!" One of the crew members shouted as two men were at each tank ready to release both cables.

"Standby...release!" The other Abrams flew out of the cargo bay door as the crew moved out of the way for Belleza's tank as his vehicle went flying out of the plane, and slamming into the dirt-covered surface of Iberia.

Around them, more tanks, IFV, and ICVs were dropping out of the rears of C-5 Galaxies that were flying only over a couple of dozen meters off the ground, before pulling up and making for normal altitude height. Leaving an entire armored battalion of forty Abrams, ten Bradleys, and six Strykers on the field. "All companies organize into attack formation! Our first order of business is to secure the town of Coruña and eliminate all enemy presence! Alpha and Bravo company will provide heavy armored support against threats, while Charlie company move into the town and support our mechanized infantry! Be advised there is still believed to be civilian presence so reserve heavy weapons for large concentrations of enemy forces!"

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