Chapter 16

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Several months had long passed since the demon attack, having been successfully thwarted and defeated by the United States. Now peace had returned to the inhabitants of Criterria and with it, came a new era of prosperity.

Thanks to their partnership in trade and commerce with the Americans, they were given access to new goods, medicines, and materials that quickly started giving a good reputation to the Americans. Already their infrastructure had greatly improved with structures that were once made of wood, stone, and thatch were now made entirely of lumber and sometimes with clay bricks. A proper road network was quickly established being properly paved and connecting to every village across the landscape. The pier had been improved to support the ships of the US's merchant fleet as well as other foreign trading ships that were allowed access given the free trading policy.

Being mostly hunter-gathers, the US government commissioned the exporting of basic farming tools, fishing rods and nets, fertilizers, and compound bows for hunting.

The US had first considered shipping hunting rifles instead, but given how this was a society that barely even had a grasp on the concept of gunpowder, they decided against sending hunting rifles for the compound bows as something that would be more familiar to them.

While it wasn't guns, it was a step in the right direction for the US in exporting weapons.

As for current developments for the US, the island Fob had become operational with some sections still under construction. The harbor had been completed with ships already docked, being assigned as the fleet in charge of upholding the sovereignty of the Criterrians and defending the trade routes.

The island was expanded and the airfield operational, with several hangars still under development. Already aircraft had been shipped in consisting of F-22X Super Raptors, F-16X Stealth Falcons, F-15X Stealth Eagles, F-15EX Super Eagles, B-21 Raiders, AC-17 Azreals, UH-2 Samsons, AH-99 Scorpions, AC-21 Dragons, and A-164 Wipeouts. The final replacement of the old but reliable A-10 Thunderbolt IIs.

The bridge connecting the island to the mainland had been deconstructed...more like blown up by several pounds of C4 explosives, and replaced by a more durable, and stable steel and concrete bridge for the transfer of vehicles and personnel onto the mainland.

Some of the marine personnel would depart the base during times of R&R and make for the nearby town on MRAPs to mingle and in some cases, make out with the ladies. So long as they didn't overstep their boundaries or cause any of the local discomfort or unrest, command didn't give a damn about what they did.

One of these MRAPs was driving down the newly paved road through town as the citizens began moving out of the way. Giving the massive vehicle a clear path through as it came upon a large enough clearing to the side and stopped.

The driver killed the engine and the occupant marines began to disembark. "This the place you were talking about Marco?" One of the marines asked as the driver stepped out.

"Yep, this is the place I was talking about," Marco said as he locked up the vehicle, making sure nobody unauthorized would be able to break in and tamper with their ride while they were out. "They got the best food and service around here, and some fine ladies if you're interested."

"Oh, I'm interested alright." The youngest of the group said. "Think maybe we'll get lucky tonight and get laid, eh?" He elbowed one of his buddies who made a light chuckle, being the oldest of the band.

"You boys go ahead and have fun. I'm just coming along for a few drinks."

"Oh come on Craig we're here to loosen up! Besides, what your wife doesn't know won't hurt, right?"

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