chapter 32

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"I got my self a marvelous grey suit with a pink inside and  white jewelry" Beth said, "those are the colors right" she ĺook to Liam for answers "right Amber?" She asked Amber lift her head look around to look at Liam "That's what your son decides" she said
"I didn't just decided on my own we both talk about it and told Monica" Liam said
"I think the invitations are real cool" ona said
"I think so too" sash said "And Speaking of, i think my dress is fantastic I might not going to look as good as the bride but I want to think halfway there is comparison enough"
Liam look at Amber then at Anita, he haven't seen Amber in a wedding dress before but he was sure like everything she wears she's going to look absolutely adorable and extremely beautiful, nothing compares he hope she wears her hair down with those magical curls that hang at her shoulder he sat there just staring at her,
"So Mr L Turner have your groomsmen done their tux fitting as yet?" Anita asked but the way he sat staring Amber down he didn't get to hear Amber lift her head to see him watching her Beth touch him and he turn from Amber to look at his mother, "What was that?" He asked
"Anita was just asking if your groomsmen done their tux fitting"  Beth replied
"I think the only thing left to do now is to see the barber and I've already make out appointment"
Amber wasn't sure who else was his best man she know Roman was his best man but didn't know who else was participating on his behalf, he haven't told and she haven't asked as far as she's concerned they are having  a distance relationship right now, to think when they met they talk much better,
"So you needed an appointment to see the barber?" Chris asked him
"Riley took me to his barber and I get a cool air çut and thing so I kinda just book a spot for Friday evening"
Amber look up at him, she totally forgot that he and Keith became best buddies,
"So he's one of them, one of your groomsmen?"
"Keith, Roman, Gregory and my brothers"
"So who's you best man?" Ona ask
Amber look up it's as if she isn't part of the wedding like she's not the one getting married she knows nothing apart from what is being done on her side,
"And everyone  is on the same page?" Beth asked
"Are we?"  liam lean back to asked Chris and shane"
They both nod
"And miss lopez?"
If she  meant  to asked if she's on he same page not even close she   haven't even open the book as yet,
"Everything is under control" she said nervously make Anita look at her
"Can I be excuses I have to call home" she said
"Of Crouse dear go right a head there's a phone in the den if you want to used it" Beth told her,
Amber got up Liam watch her to the door she stop turn and look at him,
"I can tell you really love her" Beth said five minutes after Amber walk away Liam turn 5o look at her them back to the door, "What else did you expect mom?" He asked
Beth smile  taking his hand "I'm so happy for you" she said
Liam nod and he too smile,
Amber call her parents she later call Monique surprise that Gregory was in for the weekend she wasn't expecting him to be home before the wedding weekend she asked "youŕ husband is home?"
"Yes" Monique whispered, "here for tux fitting Liam made the appointment why didn't you tell me he was one of the groomsmen?"
"I just learn that my brother is best man at dinner so don't blame me" Amber said
Monique giggle "your man is full of surprises"
"He is isn't he" Amber said
"How you guys enjoying Canada together now that it's not your first time meeting iñ a bar and hucking up?" Monique asked
Amber giggle then sigh, "husband to be is doing him so far, we're close but yet far a way"
"You're not talking?"
"Not more than the ordinary"
"Well he's still going to marry you"
"Is it a question? For if it is I don't know the answer"
Monique giggle "I'm saying he's going  to"
"0h OK" Amber said
"So how is the family"
"Everyone is OK they can't stop talking about the wedding they seems excited for all the sons will be married"
"I'm happy too for I know how much you want this"
"I do"
"That's why it's happening now"
They both giggle,
"Since your husband is here I should say goodbye we'll talk again tomorrow"
Liam ģot up from the table to call Gregory to see if he made it home for the fitting is appointed for ten am they had before share the information but he just wanted to be sure he'll be in at ten,
"He's on the phone now, sounds as if he's talking with your man" Monique whispered for Gregory wasn't far from her,
"Oh, OK, I'm going to say goodbye anyway for I've been gone for a long time so I'll call you"
"Yes and try to enjoy your family in laws, say hi to Anita"
"Oh girl I didn't say, but Anita is A walkins" Amber said I  a surprising voice,
"I over heard them talking one night"
"You knew"
"When someone says not to say anything I always hold it"
"But I'm your best friend"
"I know it's not because you're not why I didn't tell you"
"She asked that I model a few pieces of maternity clothes for her store"
"Oh she did, what did you say?"
"I said I could or I would"
"You're going to do so well" Monique said happily
Amber grin and sigh they finally said goodbye Amber got up to go back down they were no longer at the dining table but in the livingroom she been gone so long it seems they have done with the dishes and freshen up and change, Liam was the only one that wasn't there Amber didn't think he could be talking  to Gregory so long she sat for a while   and they have a conversation she then said goodnight and went back to the room,
The others waited for Liam to come before they were all saying goodbye,
They were all gone when he got up to go to his room, Amber was by the window by this she had change into something more free a small nightgown she was looking out on the street as it shown from the window though  it was far away the lights shine as if she could reach out and touch it, the sound of footsteps got her mind turning though she didn't move a muscle, Liam walked in the room knowing that he was there make her shake as if scared to be in the same room as him,
The scent of her gill the entire room he became shakey with needs it's been a long time since he really held her make love to her he long to do so long to be in between her thighs he walk over to where she stand, Amber trimble knowing that he was near he reach out to but the glass of tequila on the side table held her firm by heŕ upper arm kissing her shoulder Amber  shiver as his lips caresses her his palm rub around her breast down her tummy to fondle between her thighs he was close to her as she felt him poking her butt cheeks he jerk a few times as he was pressed up against her his fingers rubbing her nipples as he caresses her neck with his tongue and lips his hand slide down to claim her flesh between her thighs gathering it in his palm Amber held her breath he let go after some time slide around to grip her bottom in one hand reaching for his tequila in the other she felt him back away then his foot steps echoed away Amber turn to see his back going out the room as he close the door behind him, she sigh wishing it was better but what can she do now, she left the window and lay in bed to see if he was coming back,
Liam took a shower in the single bathroom on the downstairs remain in his work pants and his under shirt after another glass of hard liquor he make himself comfortable on the couch  where he fell asleep and stayed the night as it was intentional
Amber woke up in the late our of the night to find that he wasn't in bed next to her she wasn't looking for them to be talking till now for it's almost three o'clock she went down to find him on the couch a sleep she left and went back to the room she lay for a while before she falls a sleep again,
Liam walk out to the patio as early as six in the morning  his glass of tequila still in his hand he lean against it's wall taking in the luscious cool morning air as it wipe over his skin and under his hair tickled his skull he relax to the feel of it,
"Hey" he heard someone,  saying  it in a low voice he turn and saw  Poochie a  neighbor he knew also from childhood days he had hit it off a couple of times with her back then he used to now and then back when he left home and might stop on and stayed for a night but it was nothing like going steady, he haven't since himself and Amber came in a relationship she  smile and wave he smile and wave back she call him over he left the patio and went out to her by her gate,
Amber got up fresh up and went down on getting down no one was to be seen in the kitchen or in the livingroom it seems no one got up and even Liam wasn't on the couch as he was late last night she wondered if it would be OK to take a strole outside to get some of the Canadian air she made her way across the living room to go out on to the patio
Liam stood talking with Poochie she inquires about what he's been upto saying to him What she's been up to  she was finishing up acting school and Start a little studio acting Liam was glad she finally ģot into acting she's been dreaming of such day he remember her acting by herself those years back he thought she wouldn't but nothing ever happened before it's  time, just like him he had always known what he wanted and always went after it but marriage wasn't on the list but in few days time he'll say I do to the woman he loves the most,
"I heard your mom saying to my dad that you're getting married"
he nod,
"Congratulacions now that you're going to it means you'll actually starts a family"
"There's a baby on the way"
Poochie grasp  and cover her mouth, "Congratulacions ìm surprise you're moving fast Liam Turner" Poochie grin as she reach to touch his chest,
Amber got to the patio and saw him with the girl they seems to be having  a great conversation close up and grinning as if both flirts with each other they seems so caught up in what ever and as if lost in each other,
"So now that you're  caught up does this mean no more you and I?" She murmured
Liam grin she sip from his glass, "you still crazy about it aren't you?" He laughed Amber heard his wild laughter almost like few of the times they had love conversation and he's been put in the mood, she knew he's not getting on her and is expecting him to with someone else for knowing him he can't go on without sex, he sip from his glass looking in Poochie's face
"You're welcome to it anytime you know you always were" Poochie said
Liam nod,
Anita couldn't find neither Liam or Amber he knew Liam love his early morning and think that Amber might have gone along with him for a strole but she spot her on the patio and went out she see what got her to that spot, "That's Poochie Liam's and family's neighbor" a voice said from behind Amber on turning she saw Anita  standing there she came next to her with a smile, "she lives here all her life"
Amber smirk and nod,  Anita  didn't need to  say that she and her fiance were actively involved to that look on her face and that grin Amber look back out at them both her hands rest on his chest now she was grinning even more now, Anita what Liam was up to, she knew what took place between him and her and wonder if he was really out there seeking it to happen now her she was leaning closer now as if they would kiss, she look at Amber who kept watch
"Poochie hi there" Anita called Amber turned and look at her, Poochie and Liam they both look Poochie saw Anita and a girl, Liam saw her and Amber when he met eyes with her she went in side  Anita watch her into the house widen her eyes at Liam,
"Anita Hey, how are you?"
"I'm fine" she answered
"I'll see you later" Liam said Anita saw when she held on to his finger said something that made him nod, she wait for him there,
Amber got back to the room to lay back in bed thinking of what she saw
"You're still into that with Poochie?" Anita asked with a frown
"What you talking about I can't talk anymore?" Liam asked
"That look like more than talk to me"
"Anita it doesn't matter what it looks like to you, it was talk for me, you know what?" He point a finger shake it at her, "I told you too much of my business, and when did you came my booking agent telling me how to schedule my life" he hissed
Anita frown at him again, he walk away and she followed him to the kitchen by now they were all seated about to ate breakfast his mother was putting on the table some giant blue berries pancakes,
"Where is Amber?" Beth asked
"She ran off crying because she saw Liam making out with the neighbor" Anita said
"Poochie?!" Shane and Chris asked
"I was just talking" Liam shrugged
Chris knew about him and Poochie they both knew he caught him leaving her house a few times and told Shane about it,
"And what make you said Poochie is she the only neighbor?" Liam asked Beth look at him
"I told Shane I saw you leaving her place a few times?" Chris said
"What?" Liam asked unaware that happen he hiss "what I can't live my life without someone meddling in it?" He asked
"Not when you're living it like a candle in the wind" Beth said
Liam shook his head he turn to leave the kitchen
"Adam you need to talk to that boy he can't keep going around throwing his thing like that,  if he continues he'll be fathering kids with more than a dozen women" they laugh Liam turn shook his head, before he could leave Amber came in the door,
"Good morning" she said from the doorway as Liam was standing in the way,
"Morning" they said
"Come in dear breakfast is ready and waiting get it while it's still warm" Beth said
Amber look up at Liam she watches him for sometimes before going around him to have a seat at the table Liam came and the space at the counter he said there with the kids,
"How are you feeling?" Beth asked
"What about morning sicknesses?"
She was feeling bitter in her stomach but she haven't thrown up in a few days but it's the feeling of not wanting to do somethings she would have love to do like having sex with her man and enjoys it like she used to before becoming pregnant, "So not bothering me now" she smile,
"I hope you'll be able to have breakfast" she puts a large pancake on her plate Amber roll her eyes she have not seen a blue berry pancake so big she knew with her stomach she might not go half of it, but she decided to eat as much as can, she nod with a smile Liam sat watching her as she tries to eat, he got up when he saw that she wasn't going far I'm it came to her lean over and took the fork she look up at him as he cut away some of her pancake and have it, he did that until it was finished from the plate he took another then went back to the counter this time sat with his back to them, he was done eating when he made a vegetable dish to gave her,  he  did dishes  then they went to the pool, his family has a outdoor pool around the back ànd most of the morning they spent there just talking the day went by Chris and ona fix dinner peas soup Amber enjoyed it eating a little too much became over full, later on Liam was with Chris and shane in the kitchen when Amber came asking to have some of the peas soup dishes away for her to take home, Chris nod the ok and shane put it away
"I'm glad you're keeping this one, glad she's carrying you're baby fatherhood will suits you" Chris said
"I really love her"
"I can tell that" Shane said, "we can both tell that" he touched himself and pointed to Chris "I think the entire family can tell that"
Liam smile and nod
"You know man for a guy who's not getting no love right now you sure drinking a lot" Chris said
Liam been drinking from the glass since he got here last night and haven't literally left his hand  "I want to get some love but what to do?"
"You check Poochie for it?" Shane asked
"We were only talking she was telling  me she's doing some acting"
"Yeah that is cool isn't it, She wanted that, it's not like you you didn't want to settle down but you are now" Chris said
"True" Shane said
Liam smile "you two are nothing but talkative" he said the three of them giggle they share a hug before leaving the kitchen Anita and Amber were off in Liam's room when the door push open liam came in to hear them discussing the  magazine shoot,
"It's way past your bed time Anita" he said
"Who are you my mom?" Anita asked hissed as she got up said goodnight to them both then left, Liam rest the glass on the bedside table  and went to the bath room there was more liquor I'm it now than when Amber last saw him in the kitchen, after exactly fifteen minutes he came from the shower dress in a knee length soft jeans no shirt he took up his glass off the bedside table moving it over to the dresser where he rest it down lean in to look in the mirror from the mirror he watch her watching him, she sat there just looking after done smothering his face and hair he lift the mirror coming over to the bed, he sat closed to her Amber hang her head, Liam sip from his glass, they barely talk since they got here and the last encounter they had was at breakfast where he ate her pancake and fix some vegetables for her,
"We were only talking" Liam said
Amber wondered what he was  talking about but  Amber didn't asked
"This morning that girl and I wasn't doing nothing more than just talking"
Amber look up at him she didn't  know why now  why he's saying this to her now and that happened from earlier not that she forgot it but didn't need a explanation now, she nod, he got up and left the room Amber wasn't sure to where but she slide in bed close her eyes and didn't take long to sleep, he was in the bathroom when she got there he was in the mirror so she took a shower her stomach rumble but like yesterday she didn't throw up either but the feeling was making her weak, she  has fewer appetite especially for sex that got Liam keeping his distance from her even flirting with that girl who's his family's neighbor, she climb in the shower took a warm bath she got out
the shower but he wasn't  inside there any longer, she got dress went down to find the family in the livingroom Liam came in the front door Amber went to the window to see Poochie the neighbor going across from the house she figure he was talking to her, Poochie was in her door when Amber turn found that Liam was looking at her,
She remember him saying last night that he was just talking to her but if it was that they were talking yesterday and talking again today what is it could they be talking about some what,
"Liam Turner" Beth called as if he was still out side, he turn and look at her Beth point a finger "breakfast is on you this morning" she said Liam didn't respond but he got up went to the kitchen half hour later he called to say breakfast is ready, they got to the kitchen on the table were baked bammies, gritz waffles egg and cheese with bacon and parched vegetables, and squeeze orange juice,
"Wow honey!" Beth expressed on seeing the massive breakfast liam put together, "Oh I forgot how briskly  you get things done, I appreciate it" she said kissing  his cheek, "Thank you honey"
Liam smile
"Well I can't wait to start"
Chris said sitting at the table, some at the table some at the counter they had breakfast and enjoyed a long conversation, in the afternoon Anita's boy friend her family and Roman's family came and they have a big dinner laughing and talking Amber believes that Roman's family were sweet she like the family of Anita's too but knowing the story behind them make it marvelous to know them,
"It's nice to meet you Amber Mrs Edward said
"Same here" Amber grin as they hug,
"And all the best"
Amber nod and smile they bid goodbye Anita leave with her boyfriend and family little later saying she'll call,
Chris and ona   went with the children early Monday morning leaving for work, as Amber was expecting herself and Liam to go too but he surprised her when he said that they won't be leaving before the next day, Amber slip away to call Monique she was just arriving when she did, she was looking forward for them to chat disappointment to hear she won't come today but the time off for her was good she never really took time off and she worked hard especially with the baby she need rest,  "Sorry you not coming today, but... I'm glad you get to relax, you're relax right?" Monique inquired
"It's hard"
"What's hard?"
"Relaxing is hard, Liam is completely distance and that girl next door been flirting I'm sure he is going after her to get what he isn't from me"
"I'm sure if he loves you he'll wait"
Amber sigh falls back on the bed,
Liam came to the room to see her laying there she wore a dress and he could see between her thighs she was buffing out her pink silk underwear her clean shave flesh and her fresh scent make him vibrate he stood looking at her, she felt his presence and sat up extending her legs were he could no longer see, "sash is going into town she wants to know if you're coming?" He asked
"Oh sure" she said he walk to the door look at her then left,
"I felt I'm doing him wrong, it's like punishing a kid taking away their favorite toy knowing well they love it and it will drive them crazy not being able to have it" Amber said
Monique wonder if it could be that hard to not have the feeling and let the guy still have his way but she didn't say she can't tell exactly how her body feels she herself probably wouldn't force it either,
"Call me later"
"Will do" Amber said sliding from the bed she grab her bag put on a flat sneakers then join sash shane was joining his parents for golf with his children and Liam decided to stay home, both cars leave the drive way at the same time, on the way out Amber noticed the neighbor Poochie as she was told by Anita standing on her porch waving as the cars goes by Amber turn to look if Liam was coming out but he wasn't,
Amber and sash spent a couple of hours in town and the others were gone for a long while too, after half a day cooped up in the house Liam got house bored and went out on the lawn, he was there when Poochie's father Mr Bartlett came to the door to call to him, invites him in for a drink that he accepts he was coming out the house shirtless with a beer in his hand and barefeet on seeing him sash look at Amber who became nervous jealousy rage inside of her a long with anger one that make her tummy stiff out and strain, Liam saw the way she looked at him as he went to help them bring in the few bags they didn't do much food shopping for they all leave tomorrow for a entire week,
"You guys stayed long" he said
"We did" sash said
Amber wondered why he is saying  that as if he wasn't glad he get time to go off with Poochie the neighbor,
"They're not back as yet?" Sash asked
"Mmhmm" Liam answered
"What have you been doing all day?" Sash asked
"Locked up alday" Liam said
"Oh I see" she said "oh so Amber" sash said  as she turn from Liam to Amber,  "you'll help me cook right?"
"Oh sure but give me a minute I'll be right  back k I have to used the bathroom"
"Go a head" sash said Liam watch her out the kitchen the way her ass move as she walk he could only imagine touching her loving  her humping her Ohoh he longs to be deep inside of her I make his nervous system shakes,
By the others came freshen up and came back dinner was on the table Amber baked a small pineapple cake which they ha e for dessert "Mmh, Mmh well I know that my son is in good hands he love his food so I know you'll feed him" Ada said Amber smile saw Liam look at her, her cooking was the least of his problems for he can cooked himself a meal but it's the love that got him craving after her this much it was her charming beauty at first sight but now it's every thing,
After dinner they took a swim then then it was bed time for time passed them at the pool,
Amber jump right in the shower forehead haven't have one all day Liam came in the bathroom just before she was about to close the door his hand came in to stop it he got I'm his naked body stood firmly in front of her he look to be an extra inch or two from his regular ten ge himself look to be talking  than his usual size, she turn from him to turn the shower head on but he did so instead turning her back to face him leaning in to kiss her a long hard kiss, kissing from her cheek down to her breast hi hands about  her body ad he make love to her it's so long since they have sex and he wanted that even a little bit would do but he felt her tension and left her without entering her he bath himself soon he was gone from the bathroom he wasn't in the room when Amber came out to go to bed, everyone were off to bed but Amber believes that if he's not sleeping on the couch he's gone by to rock Poochie's world she lay in bed and a million thoughts came to mind,
They didn't leave Canada until midday on Tuesday so work was off once again,
Monique was at her desk when Bart came out, "you boss ñot in?" He ask
Monique shook her head,
"Amber?" He asked
"They didn't come in yesterday"
"They must be off having  the time of there lifes" Monique tries best to rub it in Bart's face, "any messages"
"I wanted to talk to the boss"
"And to Amber too?"
"Just the boss"
Make Monique wonder why he asked about Amber too,
They went to work on Wednesday Bart was in the lobby on the first floor when they came in together although there was no conversation they came in side by side Liam bringing Amber's bag they came up and Liam went by greets him by his sir name as always,  he nod watching them to the elevator, he still can't believe Amber make him look so stupid in front of everyone and to think he can't quit now because of the circumstances with the family, since he took over a year ago a new boss he doubt  he'll pay him off if he let him go and right  now he do need this job he thought of it so often now, how much he needs this job,
Monique was glad to see them both she smother  them,
"It's good to be back" Amber said sigh as she finished speaking
"Don't  worry home is where the heart is" Monique said
Amber shrugged
They got together later and talk after work Amber, Monique, Lavette, Lafayette and Abigail
Thursday night was the wedding rehearsal and it was the most beautiful thing, Liam and his family did a movie  at the cinema,  but Amber and her family did their movie at home, ,
Friday the talk was about the Bachelorette party and the bridal shower that will take place in the later hours, throughout the day Amber didn't see
Liam he  leave work by three for he had to get his hair done his grooming he need to look good for his wedding, for his woman, the woman he can't wait to marry he can't believe  it's only a few hours before  they actually do get married and awaits the moment with anxious anxiety, he was so anxious that he felt he wasn't enjoying himself at the party, Amber was too distracted to even feel the party that was going on while the others were enjoying themselves, it seems a long night for them both, but the time before the wedding as they prepare themselves to get married
Amber look at herself in the mirror with a long overall look thinking she's getting married today finally someone wants to marry her she started in tears,
"Don't cry now" Debbie said holding hèr daughter's cheeks, wiping away tears with her finger tips "luckily you don't wear makeup you would ruin it" Amber giggle as she held on to her mom's arms, "I'm actually getting married mom" She said
"I know honey, and I am so glad, you're going  to start your own family"
Amber nod and grin
"Wow! Wow!" Monique said when she Walk in the room, "You're so beautiful, i bet he's going to break down when he ĺooks at her,
Amber grin and hug Monique, "Thank you for being here for me"
"Like I'm not only just returning the favor" Monique said they both grin, Debbie smile a them, happy for this day for her daughter as well,
"I have to find dad I don't want to be late" she said lifting her dress as she step out the room to seek her father to go to the church,
Liam wait nervously at the alter for Amber  to come and being as anxious as she was to marry him  she was right on time, he looks around the bridemaids and groomsmen a they March up something bubble inside of him  on seeing heŕ, "isn't she amazing" he whispered hugging Simond's shoulder, Simond didn't quite  see his as  yet but he smile and nod to Liam,   he cuffed his cheeks and bite his teeth  bìting back the tears that threatened to fall,
Amber stood before him on her father's arms as she was given her hand I'm marriage to him, her veal was lifted and Liam grin even more, "You're so beautiful he said
Monique grin on seeing the way he look's at her friend they both waited for this day now it's here she's as happy for her as when she was getting married months ago,
"We're gathered here at this moment to witness miss Amber lopez and Mr Liam Turner get married if anyone isn't with this union speak now or forever hold your peace"
The church was quiet rogue bark as she ran inside the church ùp to the alter whinging both Liam and Amber  went down to pet her she rub against them both before running off to Millicent to sit at her feet,
The priest smile "Well then" he said as he continued the ceremony
They had both make their own vows, Liam took Amber's hand kiss them, "Oh Amber i can't think of anything so amazingly beautiful like you're and you're all mine, this is the best ďay of my life, no no meeting you was the best day of my life, I never thought I would meet someone who chance my life the way you have before you I wanted friendship but now I want a relationship one that will last for ever I know that this is the right move the best decision ive made for I intend  to keep you in my life, I won't promise you that they won't be glitches but together we'll over come them, I love you Amber even when I'm being a complete jerk I still love you and I'll always love you"
Amber sniffles and wipe her eyes, "Liam I never thought this day would come that I would ever meet someone like you, you amazed me even when you're a complete jerk for there are times when you're but who cares I still want you, even when I don't want you, want you, I love you so much" she said
Liam grin  taking her hand to kiss  easing himself in he kiss her lips, "Well go a head kiss your bride" the priest said  with a smile the congregation laugh as he took her closer and kiss her deeper a long thirst quenching kiss.

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