chapter 5

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"Is the boss in by himself?" Amber asked once she reaches Monique's desk
"Good morning friend" Monique said turning to look at her pause with her mouth open, "Is it snowing outside why didn't someone tell me?" Monique grin, "What happened?" She asked
"Nothing I was a bit chill"
"That's not chill that down right freezing attire"
"Can you tell me if the boss is by himself"
"He is haven't heard him mention anything about a meeting"
"He didn't say we were having one?"
"I'm talking someone coming in" Monique said
"Ok" Amber said walking away to Liam's office she was close when her knees suddenly grew weak she started shaking questions herself if she really wants to do it but she couldn't turn around now, she went a head and  knock on his office door, Liam was on the phone talking to Anita who was asking about his new home and how he was enjoying his stay, Amber walk in and Liam lift his head he smirk on seeing her she hand him the cup of french latta "Mmh" he said as he took a sip Amber watch him sip on it, she  could tell he was on the line and it was a personal call the voice sounded like a woman but she  was going to see if he was going to turned her away if he does she'll know where she stands with him she open her coat and stood there she worn nothing except it no panties no bra Liam turn his head  again and his eyes landed  on her nakedness his mouth open wide as he grasped Amber was naked in front of him, "Am-Amber!" He said surprisingly  jumped to his feet "let me, let me  call you back" He said Anita asked "is everything okay?" Anita questioned out of concern
"yes yes everything is great something  just come up" he kill the call before Anita could respond he walk around to where  Amber stood he pick the phone off his desk and call Monique for he has the feeling what was about to happen and could feel himself trembling "Yes sir" Amber heard her say
"Hold all my calls will you please miss Fuentes if I had an appointment cancel it see to it I'm not disturb" he could hear his words shaking for his heart beat picked up speed as if he was going a hundred miles on feet in a desert place,
"Yes sir" Monique said Amber didn't move Liam close the door  "Amber you're naked" he said Amber nod spread her coat a lot wider  Liam  grin as the power of his needs started rising  pushing at his pants he quickly got naked as his clothes started going in all different direction it seems  as if he for got he was in his office at his place of business he didn't care right now he was about to get down right nasty and dirty and nothing was stopping him he quickly drank the french latta push aside some things on his desktop took Amber hand leading her there but she was in the mood to be in control ease him to his chair and climb across him taking him inside of her moving her hips sliding down on him turning her waist Liam gritted his teeth as he felt her closeness gliding on him he love the feel of her so much it makes him want to cry with joy, he moans every movement of her hips as they rise and fall and turn on his grin sinking on his doing it hard and fast changing her pace taking  it real slow then picking up the pace her hands play on his chest around his back her lips about his neck, she had drive him crazy before but this was the limit she heard him moan and utter words she kiss him deep holding him tight breathing his air tasting his saliva drinking on it quenching on it, his hands moving about her naked body giving her heated  pleasure she was brought to a hot climax one Liam felt running on him "Amber" he call in a husky voice"I think I'm crazy about you, for I am crazy about you woman,you do things to me" He said  he grab her hips holding her on him sinking inside of her as he was about to climax turning his hips quickly coming with a hard moan "kiss me" he beg her "kiss me deeply  for he felt he was about to loose control and curse aloud and nothing nice was on his lips at this moment Amber deepens the kiss her finger caressing his ears she keep her hips turning as she felt him vibrate inside of her his head rest on her bussom breathing breathlessly she held him there until  his breathing calm he lift her to the  desk to enter her her legs wrapped around his upper back both their hips turning to keep up with each other they were loving on each other as if they forget about everything else moving from his desk to the door Amber brace her arms against the door to keep her balance Liam's hands held tightly about her hips as his hips pressed in and pull out Amber moan softly as his lips caresses her neck they came to another weakening climax with him hugging her tightly kissing her shoulder "Mmh hmmm Amber" he whispered "I can't help the way I want you you make me feel so magical" he push up inside of her brace his chest on her back kissing her neck, He bull back and she face him he grin at her rubbing his forehead against her forehead she hear him giggle again, the phone ring and Monique came over the speaker "Sir I know you asked not to be disturb but some lady is here to see you and asked to speak to you directly"
Liam back away from Amber pick up the receiver "who is it"
"Mr Turner it's Annabelle Cartwell" the woman came on,
Liam mouth flew wide  open as he started wiping away his sweat getting dressing Amber watch him hurry wondering who she was that was coming to see him so unexpectedly and to have him moving like flash Gordon he roll his eyes at Amber as she got back in her coat and pin up her hair, he was getting in his all foot of shoe when he call back to tell Monique to send her down he was too hot to put on his Jacket  leave it on the chair  Amber  was still standing there when he turn to look at her "I'm sorry honey but we'll talk later " he said kissing her softly the door knocked as Amber was about to go out she opened it and the woman stood in front the door "Hello miss Cartwell" Liam said Amber look around at him she didn't  know he came  up behind her until he spoke he squeeze her butt cheek and a smile spread across his face,
"Did we plan on today for I don't remember us doing so"
"I'm sorry I was in the neighborhood I hope you don't mind the sudden drop in"
"I do mind but you're here please come in"
"Thank you" she said with a smile one Liam returned "Oh please meet my ceo Amber Lopez"
"Amber Annabelle Cartwell"
"Hello" Amber said
"Hi" Annabelle said they shook hand Liam offered Annabelle a seat and Amber leave turning the door,
"Who's that," Monique asked when when Amber came out"
"Her name is Annabelle Cartwell, but I'm sure you know that" Amber said
Monique slap her and grin Amber went down the hallway to use the restroom she got dress and came back,
"Aren't you afraid of heat stroke?" Monique asked Amber just laughed she went in her office and took it off for a while, Liam had talked to Annabelle about getting his men on a contract as she was starting a business she is a  social worker and want to build a children's home she was borrowing and using his contractors she had wanted to come directly to him but he had no idea it was today and his head contractor Basil Trenton wasn't in for they were on a job he went through with her and plan on meeting again after he talk with him hopefully to get them in together he was building up the contract talking with Annabelle he suddenly has a image of Amber's naked body barely cover under that thing she wore this morning make him gritted his teeth wondering if she was still walking around naked under it, for a while he held a image of her like that naked he finish with Annabelle walk out his office with her and at the same time came down to ask Monique to asked Amber to sort out the papers for him, he asked that Mr Trenton come to his office if he came in before he leave
After sorting the papers for Liam Amber came out a few of the guys from construction were in the lobby Basil was there before Monique could give him the message Liam came out the lobby suddenly became crowded for Joshua and Bart step out their offices
"Mr Trenton just the man I want to see" Liam said "Can I talk with  you in my office?"
"Yes boss" Basil said
They were walking away when Liam saw Amber he narrow his eyes and picture her naked again, "Miss lopez" he called Amber look at him
"You alright under that thing?" He asked  Monique look at Amber "I've been asking the same thing" Monique said
Amber knew he was interested to know if she was still naked she back the coat off and saw him grin he said nothing more than just walk away  with Basil,
"Hey" Liam said ashe came up to Amber who was waiting in the lobby for Monique who ran to use the restroom
"Hey" Amber said
"Are you ok?" He asked
"I'm fine what about you?"
"Still shaking you took me off guard this morning I wasn't expecting that at all I'm still shaking I wish you had given me some form of warning" he said he was grinning with excitement in his voice "Don't take  me so sudden next time, a matter of fact it doesn't matter do you I beg you, if you know I'm having butterflies right now" he said Amber smile she look at him and saw his blue eyes light up with emotion,
"Hello sir" Monique said
"Miss Fuentes" Liam said
"Ready?" Monique asked Amber who nod she look at Liam then they walk away leaving him watching her, "have a good weekend" he called out,
"You too" Monique said with a grin Amber nod she look at Monique and shook her head, "you're so obsessed" she said shaking her head Monique grin and hug Amber,
It was Friday evening neither Amber or Monique has anything to do Monique plan to catch up on some of her movies she haven't gotten to watch over the days, Amber was sure Bart wouldn't come home early if he comes at all so she decides to curl up on her sofa with Mr tiger  drink a glass of her wine and watch a good action movie she wasn't into series too long too drawn out she just couldn't bother,
Bart did came home but it was late he had gone just to stay sometime with Polly for his mother call saying she was over the house a part from drinking and kissing nothing happened for she was in her time of month he could use some love it's been so long since he done it with Amber because he's been so ups and down here and there and by he and polly make out once he has no energy left he came and sit at her feet rubbing them she didn't stop him until his hands started moving up her thighs "Bart stop!" She said
"What I can't touch you?" Bart asked
Amber sat up to look at him "I can't touch you?" He asked again "we're engaged and I can't make love to you is this a joke?"
Amber got up grab her tiger "is this how it's going to be?" He asked
"Asked yourself that, am I to just accommodate you when ever you feel a mind?" Amber asked she hissed at him and walk away he got to the room behind her going to the bathroom when she climb in bed she lay there as he came out to lay in bed he has just a towel wrap around him Amber knew he was going to try touching her again and put Mr tiger in the midst she close her eyes until she went to sleep, she walk in the bathroom  Saturday  morning when he was just stepping out he side looks her as if he was the angriest man assigned to this world but Amber didn't pay him any mind she was about  to take her bath her usual Saturday morning bath that long soak where she took time to feel  the softness  of her skin  enjoy the water that lay upon it, this morning she has a lot of thinking for Liam fall on her mind as she thought of him with a smile remember how he react to her unexpected nakedness yesterday
He got dress and later left the house when he did Amber left too and went by her parents to spend time going home in the evening, she thought Bart would come home but he didn't he had stayed by his parents and didn't come until in the evening òn Sunday he  came home  silent and Amber remained silent too she didn't have anything to say besides being silent for she made a promise to herself that they're not going to fight over him staying out a lot making less time for her she wasn't going to make herself sick with all this arguing,
It was a long weekend for Liam with the moving and stuff setting up his new home he had got all his things from his apartment in Canada his car is now here even though he had bought a new one he love that car he had bought a dog a cute dog a woman dog a nice wolf breed grey and white dog and  name her  rogue he always like the name rogue ever since he had watched the xmen but he didn't plan on naming his kid that if he got a kid but he believe it fit the dog perfectly,  it was barely six in the morning and Liam lay stretch out in the living room rogue at his side while he enjoy some tequila and comfort the dog by rubbing behind her ear he was on his second glass and had  promise himself another and he wasn't falling short on that promise if he broke a promise to himself he won't kept it for no one of Crouse he has to go to work but after all the moving and fixing he had to do was exhausted as he said he's a morning guy two things he look forward to in the morning a good rounds of sex or a cup of french latta vanilla caramel or both if it's available he did some morning have a drink of tequila but it wasn't a regular thought tequila is his favorite ďrink but he opens up to other things while there watching the waves his thoughts cross to think of Amber remembering their sweet encounter he thought of it and felt himself shake he couldn't believe he get so nervous the way she came in and stood there naked the way she puts it him like she wanted to drive him mad as he reflected up on it seeing a image of her nakedness as she stood there the coat open and she wore nothing beneath the coat, Mr Turne" Millicent called    him up  cutting in his thought, "yes Millicent" he answered
"Am I to bring you some coffee?" She asked
"Thats fine  Millicent  thank you" he got up and head to the shower, Monday like the weekend was a long day liam sat at his desk just to make some phone calls þhe calls weren't just for this business but for his hotel in Chicago and for his new home as well as he's  trying to get some things to set up with all the calls he made around on Monday make the day seems a lot ĺonger than the entire weekend itself, he was extremely tired that when he lay down it was hard for him to fall a sleep,
since liam  hang up from  Anita on Friday for something what had sounded urgent they haven't spoken she knew he was going to work and catch him before he did calling him early in the morning  " Hey hot stuff" Anita said "How are you?" She asked
"Hey sweets" Liam said
"happy valentine day" she first wish him
Liam had forgotten about valentine day maybe it was because of the fact that he's been caught up with so much things first there's Amber and the moving getting to know a new city trying to get settled into his new home in the office, He chuckle "thanks happy valentine day, funny I for got all about it" he said
"Maybe it's time you get a valentine someone to remind you" Anita said
"Who said I don't?" He asked
"I'm saying you don't" Anita said
Liam chuckle,
"So what happened that other day?" She asked  Liam started telling her about Amber he and Anita were friends like that and he told her every thing Anita didn't Really used to him showing many interests in women settled wise this was the first she haven't commented on the fact that she's engaged knowing Liam he'll definitely used his charms for she knew him to be a charmer, he barely got off the phone with Anita when he was hooked up on a four way conversation his brothers and his parents all shooting out their valentine wishes, they talk a while as he had to work and his brothers has to work Lucky for his parents they were joining friends for golf, he bid them good bye asked them to pass on the valentine wishes to their wifes he had himself á shot of tequila though he said it wasn't regular he  took a shower bid his house keeper Mildred goodbye he stooped to pampered rogue a bit then he left in his Mercedes
Monique and Amber got to the parking lot the same time Monique first noticed there was a different car in the parking space than the white twenty sixteen porce was parked all week for the boss,
"Hoo!" She said whistling "it seems our new boss is hot on cars I wonder if he's that hot on women" Monique said Amber look around and saw the Mercedes he had driving back in Canada but didn't mention it to Monique, they went together to get french latta and Amber asked Monique to take one down for Liam which she was glad to she like to look at him wouldn't get tired of doing so she wasn't doing it in a lusting way for she was in love with her boyfriend but it was just for admiring sake she knock and enter "miss Fuentes hey good morning" he didn't miss her red and white out fit "happy valentine day sir" she said with a grin
"Thank you miss Fuentes" Monique saw that under his grey suit he wore a red shirts "happy valentine day"
She forgot she haven't told her friend but before she could go into her office her lines were starting to light up so she sat at the desk today she took the calls saying "happy valentine day thanks for calling  risk financial how can I assist you?"
Liam thought that he could treat his workers to a small token since it's valentine day he haven't heard much people talking about it wasn't sure if it's because he was mainly in his office he called and ordered liquor for them a bottle of wine with chocolate he wanted to give Amber something different and think of a pair of diamond earrings he saw she only wore a small gold nob and a small leather watch a long with her engagement ring he would a whole set but for now he ordered it  on line but didn't charged it to the companies account as he did the chocolate and wine he pay with his own personal bank card and asked that his name didn't go on the item and for it to remain anonymous he wasn't sure she love roses but with the earrings he ordered a bouquet of rose garden caramel antike white he love those though many women goes for red roses or pink he hope those work the same,
"Happy valentine day" Monique said when she entered Amber's office
Amber open her mouth she totally forgot about valentine day maybe it was because she and Bart wasn't saying that much to each office now she realized why her friend was dress into red and white
"I didn't even realize" Amber said
"Gregory is taking me out we might have dinner and go to the club I'm thinking We can go together"
"That should be a romantic dinner for you both" Amber said
"You know how much he likes you I'm sure he'll love you to, you could invite your fiance"
Amber look up an smile, "you don't mean that"
"Of course that way we get to be together"
"Bart and I not even talking right now, but I'll ask him"
Monique smile anything for her to have Amber out with her tonight she smile and nod " it'll be fun"
Amber nod "happy valentine day"
Monique grin as she walk out turning the door, it was late afternoon when Amber came out her office the lobby was buzzing with people dressed in their valentine clothes wishing around Amber saw Bart came out came to her at her office door to hand her some papers Happy valentine day" Amber said Bart nod he was walking back to his office "Bart" she called he stop turn back to her "Monique and Gregory are both inviting you and I out later"
Bart nod "What time"
"Maybe around eight she haven't confirmed yet"
He nod and walk away he wasn't in his office yet when Liam came out his and every one around that section started saying happy valentine day to him Liam accepted returned  it Amber saw him look at her his eyes rolled over her like he undress her make her shiver and shake she didn't know why she felt so different around him he brought out so much emotion she look at him and wet herself she didn't want to want him so bad but it's the way he made her feel she can't help herself.

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