chapter 31

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Millicent was settling dinner on the table for Liam when he finally got up and go up the stairs one look at him and she could tell something was up and the way he talked to his girlfriend earlier,
He move around the counter making himself a banana shake poured it into the glass with the small amount of tequila he said down taking the fork and knife in both hands "Thank you Millicent"
"You're welcome sir" Millicent turned to look at him,  she wanted to asked about Amber but he was furious at her earlier and she wasn't sure his reason for it,
She stood at the counter while doing what she was she watch him in-between he took his time to eat,
"Did I tell you Millicent?" He asked
Millicent turned fully "Tell me what Mr Turner"
"There's going to be a baby in the family, Amber is expecting"
Millicent smile "That's wonderful sir, congratulations to both of you"
"Thanks Millicent"
"So how is she?" She finally asked
"She's ok" he said then went silent Millicent turn around only to hear the fork and knife hit the dish in a angry way, "She's OK while I'm far from it" Millicent turn to see his face change he look upset, she haven't seen him upset before,  "she's so gloomy so damn  gloomy that she doesn't want to have sex is that even possible" he hissed
Millicent smile, "Miss Amber is experiencing body changes Mr Turner, it last for some time, and the fact that it might be a boy, they don't give you that feeling often"
Liam look up, the thought of him getting a son make him smile, "you think it's a boy?" He asked
Millicent nod, she turn and hear him giggle she look around again and he was eating a gain thinking too it seems for his face has a nice smile,
"It will be alright" Tamala said squeezing Amber's hand as she got up to go off to bed Amber nod smiled at her they hug and she went out closing the door,
Liam watch Amber walk in the lobby blooming like a rose bud, the rose garden caramel antike white she love so much he could smell her sweet scent as she came further  she looks so amazing so beautiful and sexy and sweet, he really wants her, he was there talking to Keith and Basil both look at him as he drifted off into Amber's world she smile as she got near "Good morning" she said
"Morning miss lopez shining bright like the morning" Basil said
Keith laughed "yeah as always"
Amber smile, Liam look her over then at Keith and Basil, he watched Amber walk away before turning back to talk,
They went out and he went up, Amber wasn't at Monique's desk but in her office he talk with her before going off, he has  a on line meeting with his hotel staff and he's to go in to Chicago this Friday after leaving work,  just as he came down the hallway as he was leaving work Amber came from her off they walk into each other, he caught her at the waist holding her steady "you have to watch where you're going, want to hurt yourself" he spoke to Monique it sounds as if he speak with a child he let her go and walk away he was gone when Monique and Amber got to the parking lot,
Wednesday evening they met with the wedding planner Monica wanted to discuss with them about the vows she had found a few that sounds amazing but Liam already know his vows he didn't need words on paper to tell the woman he loves what he wanted to say he wasn't a man who was shy in anyway though he have not love this deeply,
"You're both OK and ready it's in two weeks" Monica said
"I'm ready" they both said looking at each other,
"Can we meet again on Saturday?" Monica asked
Both Amber and Liam said they look at each other again
"I have business in Chicago over the weekend, however we can meet on Monday"
"Ok" Monica said getting up she left them there sitting in happeas, ""should I order dinner?" Liam asked
"No!" Amber said crossley, making others look, "I'm no hungry"
"It's not about you being hungry anymore Amber it's about what you do for yourself and the baby what's growing inside of you, and why are you evenangry?" Liam asked
"You're going away this weekend and you not even mentioned it" she said
"I was going to mention it soon but isn't it ordained for me to travel to Chicago I have a  business there and soon the financial company will be open so I have to be taking trips"
Amber look at him, she didn't want him to leave for Chicago she worries he might do things, not that he can't here but Chicago is further
She nods "I know I'm sorry"
Liam smile took her hand and placed a soft kiss there, ""did I tell you how gorgeous you're looking?" He asked Amber smile he haven't been telling her any nice things since of late he notice that himself but he's been caught up in his own self not even roses he bought her but in time  "now shall I order?"
"Yes please" she said
What Amber will never get over at happeas was the great tasting every thing they serve she didn't need much more than some  chips, vegetables and nuggets that she ate easily with guava juice they finished eating Liam bid her goodbye as  soon as they got to her car,
Thursday much as they both were at work they didn't see each other and Liam didn't call neither did Amber, she was in her room with Tamala as she had just got back she had took some pictures of some baby stuff to show her while there they heard footsteps lift heads to see Liam at the door,
"Hey Liam" Tamala greets him she got off the bed from next to Amber
"Tamala how you doing?" He asked
"Great good to see you"   Tamala they  smile at each other as she goes by she was gone when he walk in the room close the door and came to stand over her bed he look down on her she look up at him, he could ravish her now sink into her and made her say his name, he didn't want to try, "I came to let you know I'll be leaving in the morning"
"You won't be at work?" Amber question
"I won't be at work"
She nods
"I don't know what you'll need but here" he came out his pockets with 5wo cards credit card bank cash card and some extra money, "I'll see you on Monday" he said
Amber nod he bend to kiss her forehead Amber head came up to kiss him but he pulled back "Don't start that now, I'm just gonna go, I'll call you" Amber frowns watch him leave she sigh she could heard his car driving away when she look at the cards she wondered how he haven't given her a pin for either card then a text came with the numbers and pictures of the cards to identify for each  number
Amber texted him "thànks" she said
"Anytime" he replied
She layed back relaxed herself till she fall a sleep,
"So your man is out for the weekend?" Monique asked
"That's what he said
"How things with you two?"
"BAD" Amber said
Monique pause stood with a kimbo looking at Amber
"I can't touch him he even band me from come over"
"He said  you're not to come back?"
"I call him the other night to say I was going over there and he said  I'm to stay home, I try to touch him and he said  not to bother, I don't know what is happening"
"Of Crouse you know what is happening" Monique said looking  at Amber "wè both know what it is"
"I'm not feeling it what am I to do?" Amber asked her phone rang and she silence her for Liam was calling she open the line and said "hello"
"Letting you know that I've landed" he said
"Ok bye talk to you later" he said and then hang up with out she responding
Amber open her mouth but said nothing Monique did the same only she gave a smile,
No time during the say on Monday did Amber saw Liam she wasn't sure if he was I'm office or not but on getting to happeas to meet with Monica he was there he arrived few minutes after both she and Monica did
Every thing was going according the wedding is in a few more days they were in the last week of March, and were now planning for the big party, more people at the work place born March than any other month, as Monique always say the marchers are plenty they did the gifts shopping at a earlier start than any other month,
Thursday they met with Monica as she was hoping that Saturday again they would meet but Liam said today was better for he's going to Canada,
Amber wondered if he's going to be going away every weekend now if he's going to be gone on there wedding day too, she complained with her mind, they were left a lone for Monica was gone, "So tomorrow we'll leave after work" Liam announced
"We?" Amber asked
"We" he said points to himself and to her,
"So I'm going to go see you tomorrow" he got up kiss her forehead ture to leave, Amber pulled him back look up at him, "we don't even spend time together anymore these days I feel like I'm being treated like a surrogate"
Liam sat back down and look her in the eyes he took her hands rub over it, "I don't know how that feels but it's not that I want you feeling that way but I can't just spend time together and I can't get no love, do you know how much I want to make love to you? Bad" he said Amber hang her head, she was pretty sorry the feeling wasn't there but it's not her it's her body,
"When is your next doctor's appointment?"
"The tenth" Amber answered
Liam nod and left her there,
Amber sigh thinking what to do, she brewed got up taking her left over chips and left,
She call Monique as soon as she got to the house  to tell her her and Liam story especially the part where he said they're going to Canada "Oh that's nice" Monique grin
"A weekend away won't be bad, I'm going to miss you but it's just for few days"
"Next Saturday is the wedding"
"I'm so excited" Monique  said
Amber sigh "what if he canceled"
"He won't he loves you"
"But he's not getting love"
"Doesn't mean he doesn't feel loved"
Amber grin she bid Monique goodbye then start packing, she finish and went out to the kitchen where the family was finishing dinner
"Sorry I'm late" she sat down and help herself  to some lettuce and ßome purple cabbage cut to itself, "Liam and I had to see the wedding planner,
"And we're going to Canada this weekend"
"Oh" Debbie said nodding, "So it's all going on supper?"
"Yes it is"
"Next Saturday is the big day" Tamala said with a giggle
"It is" Amber smirked "and... to-mor-row,  is the party I hope you get to come"
"I'll love to" Tamala said
"I might work till late" Simond said
"Too bad" Tamala told him,   "I'll just enjoy without you"
"I bet you won't your mind is going to be on me the entire time,
Amber giggle at them both,
The conversation was on going about the party until Amber's phone rang Liam call to let her know that he's  calling her a cab in the morning he hang up after informing,
She didn't ģet a chance to respond she was talking to Monique about it her mother over heard the conversation,
"Are you and your spouse fighting?" She asked when she was off the phone,
"Fighting?, no way of course not" Amber answered she sigh "he's just upset I guess"
Debbie felt she know why she remember that conversation the night maybe it's the same reason,
"Are you working it out?"
She asked
"It's kinda complicated to work out now" Amber said with a deep sigh
"Remember now there's a baby on the way"
Amber nod this feeling inside of her reminds her alright and it's because of that why Liam is angry for he can't have his way, "We'll be alright mom" She said but then wondered if they will be,
Her mother touch her cheek smile at her, "I'll forever pray for you"
"I know mom" Amber touch the hand that was rested on her cheek, they smile at each other, she said good night and went off to bed
The cab was here as  Liam said it would  be "I'm ready" Amber said as she was well packed for the weekend
Debbie smile wish her the best as they share a hug she hug her ďad, brother and Tamala they bid goodbye to her Liam was just getting out of a cab himself when Amber got out they went up together "how are you?" He asked
"Fine" Amber answered
"How you feeling?"
"Think you're ready for a weekend with my family?"
"Fine" Amber said liam turn and look at her she turn from him, he smile "don't feel I don't love you Amber I still do, I'm just going through the motion right now" he smile  lean in to kiss the side of her mouth felt her shiver, it felt like such a long time since he kiss her turning her to deepen the kiss he was still kissing her when the elevator stop both turn and Bart was standing there he turn his head they both got off went by him as he was getting on going up to the engineering department
Bart breathe hard when the elevator door close this was his first time seeing his ex-fiance with her man although he learn they were together for some weeks now and they are getting married next weekend but he haven't seen them so close that they were kissing, he sigh again
"Ýou two are finally going on your very first official romantic weekend together" Monique  said liam and Amber exchanged looks "
"Well I'm not going to say romantic more to me like a business weekend where you went with you assistant and you aren't expecting to make love to her"
Monique look at Amber who side look Liam he smile "see you later miss lopez" he said walking away,
"I hope you enjoy your time" Mon said
"I hope too" Amber said but it looks hopeless
Bart went by them þurning to look Amber over she was starting to show since she never had such size tummy before she's even getting larger breast, he lust after her it's been some time too for with out polly he haven't gotten romantic with anyone and because of pollý he had hold back from Amber for he was trying to get over her to be with just polly,  he knew now polly's reasons for leaving him for she found another man, Amber reason is the same but he didn't do as right bý her as he was to polly when polly left him it was for no reason sometime he feels it's her fault why his parents weren't relected for she stop working  towards it he remember Liam saying it was looking ugly that his parents didn't stand a chance to win he was right it wasn't as if it was a hard battle it seems the people just decided to let his parents go it haven't been all that long since his parents lost the election but already everything changed the medical wasn't on their tail anymore but there were still some news in the paper about the lost he knew they not taking it so easy especially his mother who so like to be above all things it make her pretty sad when she watches the news and say that other vice president and the president more so around the governor or the senator since the lost of the election he haven't seen them haven't seen Mr or Mrs Goldsons the last he saw polly was at the club hanging on þo her man, he didn't know quite well who he was  but then it came to him that he was one of the security guards the head who guards the Goldsons, he can't believe polly left him for that guy wondering what he got over her, he remembered Liam saying some things about her he can't quit remember the words but in order to say she's spoiled she his he wondered why it was now he saw it and not before he lost Amber and his enter life,
"Why did he just look at you that way?" Monique asked Amber didn't see what way but said "he saw Liam kissing me"
"Good for him" Monique said not bothered if he felt bad he outh to,
"Well I'm going to my office" Amber said and was gone,
Liam had one client in the morning one in the afternoon,
Amber didn't have any thing to do she sit all day pondering the arrival to her in laws what it's going to be like,
They were ready by five after work,
"We'll talk I hope you have a good time" Monique said smiling at Amber then to Liam,
"Well we're off on our business weekend wish us luck" Liam said Monique grin Amber frowns at Liam slap Monique and the grin became a laugh,
Much as Liam owns a small jet he took the flight at Edward's international Airport the jet was mainly for business trips anyway, they got to Canada Anita was waiting for them ran to Amber with excitement she hug her, "you look absolutely beautiful and amazing" she said
"Thank you" Amber said with a grin Liam look her over he didn't tell her today how much she look amazing but he did tell her how much he love her, he wasn't sure she feel he does anymore because he's been so angry ĺately for not getting any love he need some love and she's holding out what else can he do,
"Shall we?" He asked looking at Amber
"Yes we shall" Anita said walking to the car, she got in the driver's seat Amber though Liam would sit up front next to her so she got on the back seat he came in next to her sitting close,
This was Amber's second visit to Canada her first time down this way but Canada like her home town Miami was beautiful there's always something fancy to see, she was quiet most the way until Anita started talking to her as she and liam made business talk for a while, his business in Chicago was almost ready for opening and the hotel was lifted off the ground since ground breaking Amber haven't seen what it looks like hoping one day to drive by there,
"So miss lopez when  is the doctor's appointment?" Anita asked
"The tenth" Liam said
Amber look at him to how quickly he answers
"You both feel alright though?"
Amber çhuckle but didn't say whether she was feeling alright or not,
"I'm not alright that's for sure" Liam said
Anita looked at them through the mirror they sat close Liam leaning halfway on Amber,
"You both have to be alright the wedding is soon" Anita said Amber look at Liam
"We're getting married that's for sure, we're going through some difficult times now but I sill want to marry  her I still love her" he smile turn and kiss her forehead his hand wrapped around her neck, they  drove the rest of the way like that,
"So Amber how are you with work?"
"We are fine with word and she'll work for sometime maybe for the next four months" Liam said
"You're saying that as if it's my decision"
"What else do you want to do?"
"Quit" Amber said
Anita look at them,
Liam hissed "I'm not letting you quit"
"It's not your decision to made liam"
"Maybe it's not but I'm making it anyway, you're not quitting, a few months is all you get"
Amber look at him with wide mouth she try to speak
"Shhh, nothing you say will change anything"
Amber frown and bit her lips, they were so busy arguing they didn't realize Anita stop Liam didnt see that he was at his parents home, Anita chuckle at them, "guys we're here" they both look out Liam smile,
"We're here, this is my parents home" he told Amber they got out walk around to the front
"Amber you arrived" Beth said  as she came down the steps in the front yard "welcome my child" she said
"Thank you Mrs Turner"
Beth rub her cheek "did you have a good trip?"
"It was fine, thanks for inviting me"
"It was my pleasure" Beth look at Liam with a smile "Honey" she said pinched his face
"Hey mom" he said "where's everyone else?"
"Inside come out in" she touched Anita as she went by leading Amber to the house,
Ona and sash hug her when she came in the kitchen Chris and Shane the children came to hug her as well she noticed Chris first child was there too but didn't see the mother anywhere
"We were making snacks and as we know it's been a long trip and you must be hungry" ona said
"You must be for you're now eating for two" Chris said Amber smile,
She wasn't that hungry but yes she could eat and she did eat the first she ate so much since she became pregnant
They talk a lot through the time they sat there,
"So how long have you been a shopper at A walkins?" Anita ask
"The day after the grand opening?"
"The grand opening?"
"I discovered that the store works for me"
"So why weren't you there for the grand opening
"I was busy that day, for i had some clients"
"Oh, I noticed that every time I see you you're in her design"
"It's where I shop since, shoe bag hats and shirt for my mom and dad they go to church, shirt for my brother it was where I got my wedding dress, I have  discovered that they don't sell maternity clothes"
"Oh so you went looking for maternity clothes already, you're barely showing"
Amber shrugged
"I was thinking" Anita said
"Thinking what?"
"Of starting a maternity collection, and I was hoping you'll wear them for me" Anita said
"Well I would be happy to so when are you going to open up your maternity store?"
"You see Amber A walkins is my store" Anita said
"Ah...! You're kidding right?"
Anita shook her head Amber look around then at Liam "she's not kidding?" She asked
"From what I know she's not?"
"Wow that's nice congrats it's a great place"
"Thanks I see how much you love it, and how well you fit into and wear them, I've never thought about maternity designs before, but Liam came to me grumbling about how things were going between you guys you've holding off" Amber look at him he put his hand over his face,
"I've never seen him care this much to complain in order to cheer him up I said to him maybe she's pregant and told him right away that I would start that maternity design and have you wear them model them,
"The minute you gave him the news he told me and I knew that I could move forward, so what do you say you're interested right?"
Amber look at Liam
"It's just a few shots" Anita said
" I'll see about it" Amber said
"I'll give you until after the wedding"
"Ok" Amber nod
Anita grin "I'll pay you I promise"
Amber  sat looking  at Anita staring out of space more like it for she still can't believe that actually came to know A walkins she wasn't even sure if A walkins was a male or female she just knew she love the design, she heard her speak heard her words but at the time she was lost in thoughts and to think she even want her to be apart of her fashion team surprising and shocking, "ah, you'll pay me is that what you said will ì be that good to be paid?"
Anita smile "let's see right friend?" She asked Liam patting his shoulder as she got ùp she went for a bag then came back "I know it's early but I got something for the baby I couldn't resist" she hand her the bag
"Really Anita?" Ona asked
"Yes I'm excited about the baby too it's not like we knew this would  happen his father isn't really a settle down guy and now he's talking marriage and fatherhood who wouldn't be excited" she said Liam sit forward to look at her he star her down grinm and shook his head before leaning back,
Amber look at Liam in observation and he watch her from the corner of his eyes she turn back to open her bag it was two set of blue blankets suits hat and socks,
"I think it's cute, but why two of the same?"
"It was how much I like them" Anita smile
Amber shrug then nod, "thanks"
"What's for dinner?" Liam asked getting up from next to Amber
"What are you preparing?" Beth asked
"Nothing" he said
"So aren't  you hungry?" Anita asked
"Hungry for what I can't have" he grumbled Amber look up at him then around the room "I need a drink" he said
"So you rather to have hard liquor than food?" Beth asked
"What you talking about mom I have sex and tequila for dinner all the time, it's just that now sex is limited, but anyway cheers" he said  lifting the glass he clutch tightly iñ his palm" Amber  lift her head and saw him look her way just before going out the door,
Shane and Chris laugh,
Amber watch liam out
the door feeling bad not able  to supply his needs but feel even worst he's acting like this especially in front  his family
"That's the words of a desparate man" Chris said Shane laugh harder she turn and look at them
Ona and sash caught the look on her face look at Chris and shane,   Beth shook her head as she look at Adam who stare on, for forty-five minutes Liam was gone it was getting close þo dinner time when Beth got up vowing to prepare just a little  something for dinner, ona sash and Anita volunteered to fix dinner they were gone for fifteen seconds when Amber felt she needed to use the bath room,
"It's ok to use the rest room right?" She  asked
"Oh of course dear, oh sorry about not showing you to your room,  where is our hospitality, let me show you to your room right now" Beth said
"Thanks" Amber said as she got up and took her bag, they got to a room on the far end of the  upstairs  "this used to be  Liam's room" Beth said Amber look around the room was fancy almost as nicely decorated like his bedroom in Miami,
"A while back he had went on his own so  he didn't live here for some time and when he visited he normally slept anywhere he like it on the couch"
Amber smile,
"But we always leave it ĺike this"
"Does he ever bring company?"
"If you mean another woman? no" Beth answered with a smile Amber nod and wonder  why,
"Liam was the  kinda a guy who play ìt sàfe  he once  seems to be afraid  to get his heart broken but I see  now where he's open up to love"
"Ì don't think he love me that much" Amber frown,
"He does I can guarantee you that he does"
Amber frowns more,
"I'll let you do what is to be done"
"Yes thank you" Amber said beth hug her, "Well come to the family, welcome  to our home" Amber smile watch her leave pull the door behind  her, she  went a head and used  the bathroom she didn't go back down at the same time she stay back to look around she freshen up after looking around,
Liam walk back in the livingroom no one was on the couch he pour himself another ďrink then went into the kitchen to find then there everyone except Amber
"Where is she?" He asked
"She ran off crying because of your attitude"
Anita poke him
"I didn't say anything wrong, she's holding it back and she knew it, She of all women know how much I ĺove my sexual actions and she's holding back now, what am I to do pretend it's satisfying?" He hissed
"Maybe it's not on purpose" Beth said Liam look at her Beth goes around him holding her hand up hoping not to say anything more"
Amber came to the door to gear them talking in the kitchen she could hear Anita's voice,
"I don't think you're feeling that desparate liam" Anita said
Amber didn't know he came back in the house then he spoke,
"Are you kidding me right now? You don't know how long it's been but you know what?, let's forget that,  that's a thing of the passed" He sat at the table stretched out his leg lean back on the chair drinking,
Amber wondered what he was indicating to the others being a long time wondering if it was still about the love they weren't making, she hope it was OK to push the door and went, she did and then all turn to look her way the way they look it was as though they forgot she was there
"Oh I see you're fresh just in time for dinner" Beth said smiling "Liam honey set the table will you" Liam look around on the table then at his mother but didn't care to move,
"I can do it if you want" Amber said
"Thank you" Beth said ona gave her some knifes and forks for the dishes were in the middle of the kitchen  table sash help her with the dishes into the dining room leaving her by herself, Amber was astonished by the huge table it was much bigger than the amount of people  in the house wondering hoe they would sit she decided to set at the two table head and to one side  she was almost finished setting the table when shoes steps echo inside having the feeling it was Liam she didn't lift her head but it got closer and something was rest on the table I the middle of the dishes, then he was walking away again
"Nicely done Amber" Beth voice echoed in the room when she walk in to see what she had done,  "I was guess we can all take our seat" the others came from the kitchen Amber sat at the chair where she stood and the others took their seat Liam sat to the other far end down close to his mother and next to his brother Chris for his mother sat at one hèad of the table a table with almost fifty chairs fifty people weren't around now so there were lots of empty chairs Anita sat next to Amber she turn to smile at her,
"Who wants to grace the table?" Beth asked "You Amber?"
Amber shook her head
"Liam dear give thanks for the meal dear" Liam çracked an eye to look at his mother "there are so much things to be thankful for, look at ìt you're getting married in a week I am pretty sure you didn't see that coming" Beth continued to talk to Liam, he smile look at Amber before closing his eyes again,
"Let's pray" Beth said gracing the table herself
"Amen" went around the table Amber open her eyes took around her eyes landed on Liam as he was reaching to get the bottle of wine poured it out before be started dishes himself some vegetables dishes a portion of that before the meat, some kind of meat Amber didn't know,
"What ìs it?" She asked when the dish was pass on to her"
"That's the wing from the turkey" ona said
""Oh ok, I would have been able to recognized the body with out the wings but it wasn't as easy with the wing without the body"
Liam look at her the others grin,
Anita gave her the dish of potatoes she took two half that she eat with the  vegetables and meat,
"You don't eat a lot Amber, feel free to have as much as you desire you're eating for two"
"It's ok" Amber said
"Are you sure"
"Mom" Liam said "she said it's ok why you forced it"
"I just want to make sure she's satisfied"
"Really Mrs Turner I'm ok"
"Ok dear" Beth said turning her eyes up at her son,
"It's normal for you to have lest appetite when pregnant" ona said
"There's lots of things being pregant make you do less of" Liam grumbled
"There's a strip club on the high way the girls work around the back they ain't doing less of nothing so your problem is slove" Anita said
"Then there's shades" Chris said
Amber look from one to the other as they speak,
"If you know me well I don't do shade I don't do back road, you think I'm easy?" Liam asked
"Tell it to the girls you date" Shane said
"It hasn't been that many" Beth said
"How many of them did you meet mom?" Chris asked
Amber look from Chris to Beth, Beth look at Liam, she shrugged,
Liam side look her, "I've only met Amber" she said turning to smile at Amber,
"He haven't really gone steady" Shane said
"There's been this one girl that he talked to for a while a year right best friend" Anita said
"You feel you know me and know everything about me don't it?" Liam asked he frown  and shook his head,
"Ok let's forget that, my son is getting marriedin a week, we're planningto come down on Tuesday"
"Tuesday?" Ona asked
"That's when we plan to go" sash said, 
"Well why not wait on us then?" Beth questioned Liam
"Why you all comingon Tuesday,  the wedding is on Saturday?" Liam said
"We want to be there for the rehearsal" Beth said
"That's on Wednesday,  Monica said" Liam informed
"Did you pick your tuxedo already?" Adam asked
"I did that"
"You did, and you didn't show it to me? so I could judge it" Anita asked "if it's hanging in your store it simply means that you approvedit so you don't have to see it until I'm wearing it"
"Is it a grey suit with pink shirt?" Anita asked but Liam shook his head, to the way he love  grey Anita thought it to be "Is it blue or white" she continued to inquire Liam shook his head, "I hope it's not black"
He didn't shook is head this time, "What's wrong with black?"
"I don't see you getting married in black"
"Is it black?" Beth asked
"What is wrong with black?" He asked again "stop fussing alright" he grumbled tossing both hands upwards,
Anita frowns makes him grin but he haven't confirm to whether it's black or not he just let them believe what they care to.

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