chapter 12

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"Ladies" Liam said coming out the building behind Monique and Amber they both stop when he called he came close to slaps Amber's butt squeezing it with a grin, Monique looked at him then to Amber narrow her eyes, liam overall Amber holding that same smile one Monique believe to be really cute he rest a hand on Monique's shoulder facing Amber where he watch her "Did i tell you how beautiful you look today? And to imagine we leave home together pardon me sometime a man can get so distracted, but you do look lovely"
"Thanks the outfit fits just right" Amber said
"Yeah and to think it was my first time, I look at it and said that's definitely my baby" he smile Monique look at him then to Amber who shrugged she didn't know he could just look at her and bought a outfit that fits so perfectly, she figure now that when he went out last night it was what he went to do, Monique view Amber's outfit she meant to tell her she looks nice but because she became so caughtup she had totally forgotten, she can't believe it's Liam who shop for them for her he does got taste make Monique wonder how often does he shop for ladies, "so are we ready to go miss lopez?" Liam asked cutting in Monique's thoughts she look from him to her friend
"To go where?" Amber asked
"Home" Liam said
"Oh yeah I'm ready"
"My place"
Amber shook her head "not tonight again"
"Why not baby? You know tonight could be a hands off night"
"Hands off?" Amber asked
"Yeah, hands off we'll do nothing we won't have sex, you could just lean on my chest where I would hold you close then we would talk" Monique look at him and saw him smile sweetly "I might going to kiss you for I love kissing your lips
"I have plans"
"What's plans?"
"Dinner plans With Monique"
"Some dinner plans"
Liam look from one to the other Monique nod "Ahhh!" He frowns holds his head, Monique look at him smiling at the way he was behaving as if he was sad, "I'm sure she'll be available tomorrow" Monique said Amber look at her wide eyes
Liam smile "alright I'll give you both some space so I'll see you tomorrow God's will miss Fuentes
"Have a great evening sir" Monique told him he nod to her he lean in to kiss Amber but she pull back, "What?" He asked "I want to kiss you" Monique look up at him she look behind them for he was still leaning on her he lean in again this time Amber let him Monique peep around to see he was deep kissing her tongue and all he held the back of her head a bundled of her hair gathered in his palm as they lip lock it was a long heated kiss Monique didn't believe she ever had a kiss that deep and he made sounds he pulled back and Monique look up at him saw him suck his lips ran his tongue over them both, he look so sexy with the emotions she saw in his eyes, Monique look at Amber who just stood there looking emotionally distrort and stunted she imagine that after that kiss what happened to her lord knows, "text me later or call me which ever I'll be waiting" Liam said
"I'll text you" Amber said he kiss her again this time softly and squeeze her butt, Amber push his hand away and he grin at her, before he let go Monique to walk away Keith and Basil came down a little a head of Bart and Joshua they all stop with them, Ladies" Basil greets Monique and Amber "Basil" Monique said
"Mr Trenton" Amber said, "Mr Turner how are you sir" he greets Liam and they had a firm hand shake,
"Miss lopez you're looking lovely" Keith said Bart look at him then to Amber "Thank you Keith" Amber smile at him, "Miss Fuentes how are you doing?" He asked "rather fine" Monique said and keith gave a smile, he seeks for a friendly chat with Liam who didn't at all mind the conversation Amber remember he spoke well about Keith and could see that even Keith has a liking for him as be it, "how are things on the job?"Liam asked as he chat with Keith,
"Things are great" Keith said
"Tell me about it, I was just about to leave"
"I'll walk with you" Keith said Liam nod rest a hand on his shoulder and they walked together towards the parking lot, when they did walk away Basil himself bid the others goodbye then left,
"Looks like some of us are sucking up to the boss" Bart said Amber and Monique look at him "What he think is in it for him?" Joshua said
"Probably think he's going to make him co-owner" Bart said and he and Joshua laughed Monique make a face and Amber knew she would try to defend for she like to play defender "maybe we should go, it's already late" she said Monique turn on her words they were stepping of about to walk to their car "Amber hold up where you going off tonight again?" Bart asked Amber look at Monique "you know we need to talk right?"
"When I gets home" "what time will that be five in the morning?" he asked angrily Joshua look at him "or any at all?" Amber ignored him "Let's go Monique" she said they walk away leaving them standing there, Monique walk close to Amber whispered something then they both giggle "it seems the boss is getting cozy with miss Fuentes" Bart said "Oh yeah, but I thought she has a man" Joshua said "she does have a man but what does he has to offer he pilot a ship properly get much smaller pay than the man who clean the street" Joshua laugh patt Bart's upper shoulder "thats a good one" Bart pleasingly smile "between the boss and Monique I don't think it's nothing more that sex between them"
"Maybe looking for away not to pay for it for if he have to he's bound to become broke" Bart comment Joshua nod, "The company doesn't even has a lot of money and all this stupidness about Jack with logos" Bart hiss, "What is wrong with the way I dress?" He complained looking at him self rubbing down his expensive suit looking down on his fancy shoes "I'm so proper I could be mistaken for the boss" he said he and Joshua laughed and knock fist,
Amber and Monique got to the capital grill Amber ordered a small bottle of champagne nothing big nothing expensive it was just the two of them and they were just enjoying each other's company and expecting to chat they made a ordered for grill fish and vegetables stuff sweet potatoes, they had it before and it was good, Amber took two sip of the champagne and relax on her chair, but Monique likes to get in to the conversation she brew and Amber look over at her, "that kiss back there, girl how did you handle it I bet you wet yourself for I sure did" Monique said "Monique!" Amber laugh "that's not funny" "he was so all up in it"
"That's how he likes to kiss" Amber said "with all that tongue that must had been just a small preview of what Mr Turner does in bed right" Monique grin "how did you sustain yourself after such a kiss and not take him there?"
Amber shook her head at Monique she covered her mouth and grin, "just because he's hard to resist doesn't mean that I can't" Amber said
"He's gorgeous Amber, Mr Turner is a heck of a gorgeous guy"
Amber nod
Their order came and they began to eat, "So tell me what happened last night?" "We spent a little time at the beach then go to his place he has this really cute dog her name is rogue and she's a wolf dog"
"Wolf dog?" Monique asked
"Yes she friendly"
"Oh" Monique said rounding up her mouth "I was wondering, but aren't wolf dog dangerous?" She asked
"Not this one"
Monique nod
Amber went in her bag "What I wanted to show you was this she rest the envelope before her, Monique rest the fork down to look, "magazine from A walkins design" she said "Oh my God! Amber these are March and April issues" Monique said flipping through them her mouth still open, "isn't this the woman who visits the boss what's her name Anika, Anita"
"Anita" Amber said "Where is she?" She asked sliding over next to Monique "it want to look that way, Liam did say she sent them" Monique look wide eyes at Amber
"Just like that?"
"Liam said she's not his girlfriend girlfriend but they're best friends"
"They are?"
"According to him they grew up like sister and brothers for along with him and his brothers they grew together but she sticks to him more"
"Which can be true but how the hell did she knew you need these?"
"I got a membership card" Amber whispered showing it to Monique, she scream hugging Amber "this is cool, this is so cool"
"This means that Friday when I go shopping for my parents anniversary I will get plenty of discount"
"Yes" Monique said "so you going to have a party?"
"I'm thinking a small one" Amber told her, "you know we're going to be there myself, Gregory and my parents?" Amber smile knowing they wouldn't miss it for the world Monique and her parents has always been there no matter what so Amber knew if the world was ending and the day of her parents university they would still make an effort to be there the world would end them right there, Amber nods with a smile They went on to look back in the magazine looking at the woman again they look at how she looks thinking it got to be Anita, they look at each other shrugged
"So is his place nice?" Monique asked Amber nod "from what I see the dining room the kitchen the living room, his bed room, his furnitures are great big and beautiful"
"Did you invite him for Saturday?"
"Before I even mention about a party he said he won't be able to make it"
"What is he doing he doesn't work on weekends" Monique said it with a grin remember he said so the other day, Amber smile as she too remember,
"He has to go to Chicago on Friday"
"Chicago what has he in Chicago?" Monique asked but Amber didn't have a clue
"So your fiance is taking the day off tomorrow"
"Oh" Amber said
"Seems mama dearest has a mission for him" Amber smile
"Liam thinks Bart is too self centered"
"He is" Monique agreed
"He didn't actually say it in that word but he said he can see him waiting on him to fail the business"
"That's true"
"He said that Bart doubt me as he every one"
"That's another truth,
He did gave him a time limit right"
"He said he imagine how it kills him having to come to me to approve what he's doing"
"He has to for he thinks his reputation is so much better than yours a small town girl who's parents aren't the president or vice president that got a link with the senator or the governor general, Liam doesn't care about your background whether it's rich or not he cares about you"
"Liam doesn't know my background Monique and if he knew that we are up to our neck with bills to pay and that I'm the only one in my family with a job he might not find me as sweet but he will see me as a woman in need and think I'll be a burden I got rent I got bills margate my parents my brother it's a lot I have to make sure I don't miss my parents margate for I don't want to see them outside or have to be living life like a liability"
"I know but things will get better soon don't worry, your brother will get a job and he'll help"
"He signed up so many places and no where is calling"
"I know" Monique said taking her hand as she tries to reassure her it will be well, they grew quiet for some seconds until Monique giggle she got Amber's attention now as she rests both hands upon the table and her face in her palm she held a huge smile
"What now?" Amber asked
"Do you call his name during intercourse?" Monique questions
"Depends" Amber said
"Is he slamming guy or a round the circle guy?" Monique asked slamming her palm together as if clapping, moving her fist in circle, Amber laugh, "he's both"
"Both ah?" Monique widen her eyes she went back to rest her face in her palm sitting there looking straight at Amber, "Did I ever mention I like a man who slams more than a round the circle man?" She asked
"I think you have when you had asked that about Bart when we started dating"
Monique nod she remember it too and Bart is around the circle type,
"I think it's good any which way but when he's the slamming guy it's harder" Amber said cringed as of in pain,
"Scared?" Amber asked
"Of him of Liam, I never knew when he's going to change the pace like he did this morning, said it was a test and how well I handle it"
"You go girl! Sometimes male used our weaknesses to proved their strength" Amber laugh she too believes that and Liam was a game changer and she can never tell his game plan,
"I think he's pretty cool" Monique said Amber nod "He happened to be stubborn but is ģentle I know he's a Taurus guy represent by the bull, but he has so much quality of a Sagittarius male, I was reading up on the horoscope and they said a Sagittarius male is stubborn but they also sympathize has warmth they're very down to earth creative and witty not sure what witty means" Amber said
"Witty means characteristics, intelligent and clever" Monique looked it up quickly
"Ok OK" Amber said nodding for liam seems to be intelligent not to mention clever "his golds are very high always know where his place is work with what is given to him, he's graceful makes himself respected quickly with most people who he interacts with we all know not everyone is going to go for you" Amber said
"That's true look at Joshua and Bart and who knows who else" Monique said
"Oh they also say that a Sagittarius man might run from committing but eventually they might settle down"
"Might?" Monique asked
Amber nod "I'm not sure Liam is at this point ready to settled down"
"Did you remember what sign I said Liam is under?" Monique asked
"Taurus" Amber shrug
Monique nod
"This here is definitely him for sure, they're very loyal and loving and that's what they seeks from their woman, when it came to bedroom action he ranks right up there" "woots" Monique said Amber grin, "listen" Amber said Monique pause, "he's a great lover who will make you feel wanted and ensure you're completely satisfied with the experience"
"Oh!" Monique said shaking her body "He's a sensual guy with a big sexual appetite he expects plenty of between the sheets fun, yeah I think he expects too much between the sheets fun though" Amber said Monique laugh "you know my Gregory is hardly ever home and when he does whoo lala!" Monique said
"Bart used to be between nights two or three days apart but it's been weeks"
"Does it bother you?" Monique asked
Amber sigh and her shoulder falls "it used to to bother me I think that night I walked into liams bedroom was to get rid of the longing and the loneliness I had been feeling"
"Now?" Monique asked
"Now I just want to be with him and yet still I don't know where we are"
Monique just sat looking at her she wasn't about to advise her on that decision she knew who she would choose if she was caught between Bart and Liam she would definitely goes for liam not because he's the boss but because he's charming and seems to be caring, in the middle of their conversation Liam call, Amber turn the phone around to show Monique "ignore it for a little" Monique advice Amber did he didn't ring back when she didn't answer, they left the restaurant at eight bid goodbye to go home Amber called her mom on the way she was talking to her when a text came in from Liam she slid down the screen to read it, he has asked if she wasn't home as yet, she finish her conversation with her mom then call him "What took you so long beautiful?" He asked "I just got off the phone with my mom"
"Oh ok, how is your mom?"
"Actually she great" Amber said
"That's nice to know your dad, and you brother?"
"You, are you great?"
"I am"
"So you dropping in to see me tomorrow after work?"
"Aren't you going to be at work?"
"Well yeah what you want to have a one on one in my office?"
"If you're thinking your office, your office isn't that convenient for some one could walk in on us at any time"
"Next time you be sure to lock up" Amber grin,
Liam chuckle "you're so right about that"
"Yeah" She said going off in silence she could hear him breathing on the other end and rogue barking and whinging the sound of the ocean echo in her ears so she was able to tell he was out walking on the beach,
"I miss you over here baby" Liam finally speaks again Amber gritted her teeth and tighten her hold on the steering wheel she was actually missing being over there but she wasn't going to tell him it's her little secret, "Really?" She asked
"Yes, Really" he replied "if ever you were here I would be holding you in my arms right now probably kissing you maybe your nipple would be in my mouth between my teeth and I would be squeezing on your firm butt cheeks"
Amber smile a part of her believes him that he Really miss her but the other part kept telling her it's all about the sex and nothing else, then again she shiver at his words for that's exactly what he would be doing
"I thought to night would be a hands off night" she said Liam laugh "thinks can change in the blink of an eye miss lopez"
"And with Liam Turner you can never tell ah" he laughed again sigh deeply "I love you Amber I want to be there for you I know you're just getting to know me and someone else is in your life the fact that you know him so much better might be a disadvantage"
Amber wondered again how this guy said he doesn't read mind but he was definitely a mind reader
They say on the line talking Amber wanted to know what was his business in Chicago but was afraid to ask she wasn't going to asked but she wondered if he was still trying to get the business in Chicago then move from here if that be the case she was going to miss him then she thought if that be the case the company might get shut down and they'll all be out of a job and for her who didn't really have help and have to be helping her family what will she do, just as Amber drove up in her drive way and told Liam he too was getting a call he told her bid her goodbye they told each other to have a nice night "if you still feel like talking anytime during the night feel free to hucked me on" Liam told her they both hang up Liam went on the other call and Amber went inside, Liam didn't know the number but it was a Miami numbered strange someone calling him in his cell phone with intrested he seeks to know who and took the call, Bart was coming from his and Amber's bedroom just as she entered he pause on seeing her look her over then walk away headed towards the kitchen Amber left her things on the center table and went in the kitchen as well "you made it back I see" Bart said turning to look at Amber
"Of course I made it back it was just dinner I had with Monique"
"So you managed to afford to eat out two three days in a row now?" He asked
"I don't eat out so often and what I have to eat is nothing anyone can't afford"
Amber said walking out the kitchen
"I really think we should be saving money now" Bart said walking behind her back to the living room, "you don't see me doing that"
"Are you trying to say I'm not to eat because we're saving money?"
"I'm saying to drop the fancy restaurant and expensive food cook in your kitchen for a change"
"I've been cooking in my kitchen almost every night but you've been too busy to noticed that you're full every time you came in that door" Amber pointed towards the door
"You took long weekends and I'm not able to do that so what's wrong with eating out?"
"Paying the rent, paying the bills the light the water the cable that is what's wrong with eating out"
"I do pay the bills and I do pay the rent an I put food in this house I'm not working to just eat out but for me to put so much effort in my work I think I can enjoy eating out" she told him walking away from him, Bart hissed furiously cursing angrily
when Liam took the call it was Roman Edward a guy he knew in Canada he had moved away some years back the last time his brother had said he ran into him in Washington state but he had move again he was a pilot and sometimes got shifted around he was in Miami said he visited Canada and stop by his parents and was told he's now in Miami and he wants to meet up Liam had accepted his invitation to meet tomorrow both were looking forward to them meeting, Liam couldn't believe it he's going to see Roman after so long but it was a good thing and he appreciated him calling,
"And I bet you're expecting me to do everything about the wedding" Bart said as he took the stairs behind Amber
"What wedding!?" Amber snapped she turn into him they were standing inch away from each other, "Who's getting married you to your mama for that's the only relationship I see you're putting interested in having"
"What that's nothing to say that's my mother"
"And I don't have a mother, what she's not good enough, she doesn't add up to your mom because she doesn't have a high-quality background as her?" Amber question
"You want to blame me for that?" Bart asked and Amber couldn't believe he just asked her that, she shook her head walk away feeling distrort she wish to call Monique and talk but instead she lay in bed nestled up on Mr tiger and cried her eyes out,

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