chapter 2

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"What about you?" Liam asked Amber lift her head to look at him as he stares at her, "How much boy friend did you have for I couldn't help but to noticed how" He paused left her to wonder what he has in mind to say, he smirk and shook his head he held his hand up, "you don't have to answer that" he said "two" Amber said already began to give an answer "there was this guy, we broke up a while before I met my fiance" He nod he was surprised he wasn't the first she was so small he could have been fool saying it was her first time he like the way he fit into her feeling how she gripped him with those tight muscle walls like a vice gripe he bent to kiss her hand he smile at her "You're amazingly beautiful and sweet" he commented,
after two more glasses of the German red cherry wine with creamy feeling and ninty percent alcohol Amber gave in and watch him finish the bottle, he pushed his dish a side after a while Amber was full and did the same she was sure she didn't have to eat anything before she make it back to her place tomorrow evening,
"We should dance" he said there was a live band playing for entertainment he got up pulled her with him to the guy at the counter he paid the guy and make his request billy ocean suddenly they dance to it twice as the man played it again it was over the second time around when they leave from there they took a walk a long the beach he bought her a heart balloon and stopped to throw ring around bottles where he won a huge stuffed tiger and a expensive bottle of Italian white wine which he gave to her, Amber though the tiger was nice and fell in love with it, loved it more because he gave it to her,
"So how long before you leave?" He asked "I have a few more hours I leave tomorrow afternoon" "Can I have those few hours if I promise to make them special?" Amber wondered what else is there for him to do he was already making it special she had not value another moment spent with anyone like she have now she nod looking for the chance to be longer in his companion "we going back to my place?" He asked Amber needed to clean up and change "I have to get to my condo" she told him, He agreed to go with her they got to her room and she went through her bag to find something fresh she haven't pack anything fancy apart from a orange color suck dress she plan on wearing it out tonight since it's Saturday and she might go for dinner or like last night a bar, but this guy plan on making the few hours she has here special and she looks forward to it,
Though she had took a shower at his place Amber took another she got dress and they went back to his place, they climb back into bed get as close as they could get make love and make more love then lay there together relaxing themselves a bit with him holding her they later they went out he took her down the river to a restaurant known famous for its location on the river side where they serve it how you want it prepared it to your order but after such a lunch neither wanted yo have dinner they order both a slice of chocolate peanut butter cake, and Liam order sex in the driveway a drink that contains fifty percent off alcohol and sweet tasting and blue almost the color of his eyes, "sex where, in the driveway Oh ironic" Amber said with a giggle make Liam smile he went back and ordered another it was the sweetness of it that cause her to ignore the fact that it was strong she did her third try to stop him from getting her the fourth but when it did came she drank just the same he later took her on a boat ride the night was extremely chilly and he gave her his sexy jacket to ward off the cold it was warm and with his hands on her it felt much warmer there was no drive way for them to have sex in for they were on the river but it was good on the boat just the same as she believed it would be in the drive way in his car, the guy took his time getting it down the river while they make out Amber believe he know just how to hit the right bottoms pushing them playing all the cards right giving her pleasure after pleasure brings out her sweetness after sweetness, "How is it that a guy your size manage to be so gentle?" Amber asked after her climax and she was hugging on him, "maybe because I found you to be so beautiful I don't want to see you hurting" he told her but Amber find it rather hard to believe,
"Why didn't you tell me you want it rough?" He asked once they were in his car driving back to his place,
"I never said I did" Amber said he look at her and smile
They went into silence as he drove to his place Amber sat looking out the window of his black Mercedes Benz they got there and before nothing said he fall out his clothes Amber turned in to him find him standing there naked his she focused on his length at his waist still can't believe he's that much he was so clean and fresh she rest her bag on the sofa and wine out of her dress he watch her strip down stepping out of it leaving it there on the floor coming to him the lace mess pantie she wore cover her front area hold up by two straps one at her waist the other hiding between her butt cheeks she wrapped her arms around him kissing him she ease him on the couch to take him in as she cares his neck nibbling on it sucking on it her hips turning on him her bottom rising and falling against his grind makes him suck air through his teeth she was rubbing against him quitting it on him squeezing around him he was being pleased and getting pleasure from the way she was riding him with magnificent power her firm butt cheeks hitting his grind causing a massive trimmer inside of him, he slap and squeeze her butt cheeks Amber heard him curse indecency she look at him there was passion in the way he looks at her with overwhelming emotions in his eyes, "Yes, yes baby oh yeah" he moans boosting her to go on as she did he moans from all the pleasure he came on rapid repeating over the same indecent language he used cursed through his teeth, they move on into the bedroom where she continued to love and caresses him in the same fashion as before kissing on him grinding on him sucking on him until she leaves a few love spots on his chest he lift his head to look at them then at her "I shouldn't have?" She asked
"Do all you want to" He told her laying still as she did leaving him with multiple love spots filled a side of his neck, they spend most of the night again making love he rolled her to her back climbed between her thighs entered her just to lay there at three in the morning her hands about his back rubbing him down he push up inside of her and she felt him vibrate, "you're so handsome" she told him "are they real, your eyes are they real?"
Liam smile nod his head "they are as real as how you're sweet" he was being truthful she's the sweetest woman he yet to have and to think he had been romantic with so many different types of women
Amber touched his eyes he close them and let her rub over them he was still inside of her filling her space he pulled away laying with her in his arms they both fall a sleep where he woke her at six for another love match "sorry about waking you but hey I'm a morning guy I hope you don't mind" he told her he really was a morning guy he love one of two things in the morning a few good rounds of sex or a cup of french latta vanilla caramel or both if it's available he did some morning have his way with a few glasses of tequila these two morning waking up for Liam is the best things and wish there were more morning like this but in a few hours only a few hours this woman who has made his weekend the most exciting weekend there was was leaving going back to her home town where he haven't learn he too didn't have long in town for tomorrow he move to a new city and if there's ever a possibility that she visits Canada again he might not gotten the chance to see her for it can as well be a time when he's not here, he was sure of now and sure making used of it he knew she is engaged to be married and when she leave from here she'll be going back to her man but he wasn't holding back on taking all he could if even it meant leaving nothing for him to get,
Liam ease out of bed reach for the phone to order breakfast two of his usual cup of french latta vanilla caramel over easy eggs and french toast Amber lift her head off the pillow her favorite morning scent greets her, her very first favorite morning scent which was french latta vanilla caramel she could smell it anywhere and know it, it's so amazing one cup gets her through her toughest day it help her to keep a clear head, this guy scent became her next favorite he was so fresh and sweet make it easy to breathe the air around him he taste so good almost smooth and creamy like the cup of french latta vanilla caramel that goes down easy, "breakfast is serve" he said using a familiar line he read in a romance novel he sat next to her she got up and freshen up to join him back in bed, "french latta?" She asked Liam nod "vanilla caramel?" He nod, "How did you know I wanted it?"
"A real man has to know what a beautiful woman wants" he said Amber grin lean against him her forehead rest on his chest they have their meal in bed Liam lay finishing his tea while Amber look over a booklet that came in on their breakfast tray they relax there while the luscious morning sun creeps over the city Liam finally finished his cup rest it a side his fingers curled through her hair her head lift to look at him and he kiss her it was almost time for her to leave and before she could drove away from here she has to go back and grab her things from her condo but before she could go back to the condo she wanted to feel him inside of her for the last time she climbed over removed the robe she wore taking him inside of her,
They both came to a climax relaxing themselves she still sits on him keeping him inside of her
"This is the most amazing time I've had with anyone I can't thank you enough"
Amber said
Liam smile rub her face with the back of his hands, "can I tell you? You excites me so much, I happened to like excitement and you provided it" Amber giggle she could tell that much about him she think him liking excitement means giving it as well, he reach for his pants to take out his phone going into his camera "What are you doing?" Amber asked
He took her picture twice "something to remember you and I had this moment" he said he put it back in his pocket after a few minutes of more cuddles they finally got up to leave his place
"Liam" he said Amber turn to look at him they were both seated in his car as he was driving her to her condo, "I've just introduced myself"
"Liam?" Amber asked
Liam nods
"I'm Amber"
"Oh Amber" he said with a nod, "hi Amber so nice to meet you"
"Same here" Amber replied
"Did you know Amber is a precious gem stone the most beautiful gem stone?" Liam asked
"I know it's a color" Amber said
They both grin
"Yes but as you're a color is beautiful but you, you represent a precious gem stone"
"And Liam?" Amber asked
Liam means clears depression, stimulates the intellect and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression. It encourages decision-making, spontaneity and brings wisdom, balance and patience.
Strong healer protector" Liam told her it is true he's strong an is a healer and he do protected he protected his heart for he wasn't falling for a broken heart, they got to her condo while she pack he wait in the sitting room and she called Bart to let him know she was about to leave coming home he was already at his parents home and didn't bother to mention he was and they already invited the Goldsons over for dinner Bart knew Polly will be coming and he's been caught up with polly for a while now since his mother started playing match maker with the two of them and she's been coming on strong he was spending a lot more time with her on his mother's doing, it's obvious she doesn't want him and Amber to get married he had not seen another wedding canceled as the one he tries to have with Amber but he haven't rush it they say a mother knows best he doesn't for get the way his mother act when she learn that Amber was from a small town family who wasn't rich in status but it was when he announced their wedding she started questioning if he's ready, she went on as far to say Amber is from a lower background and she believes that he's to marry someone who's like his mother from a family with a name and a background some one like Polly who's parents are like his parents with a background for they too are in to government he like the fact about going places with Polly for its true she stand out her dad is the longest ruling governor in the state and his wife your excellencies was like a queen so Polly gets to live like a royal he didn't want his affair with Polly to spread as yet for he didn't want his fiance to start a brawl especially with them at the same work place , it's been a while since they spend anytime together she was a bit upset but it was so it's her than his mother he loves and want to see her happy just the same as she wants him to be,

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