chapter 1

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A soft moan left her slightly part lips as he kisses and caresses down her neck across her chest to claim her left nipple between his teeth his hand ŕub over the other in a gentle caressing way his hips pressed up between her widely spread thighs the tendency in his waist gave her goosebumps she kept turning her hips to keep in ridim with him his eyes never left her face she was unable to console herself as she felt the sweetness of his love lodged in her inner thighs she hasn't been love like this before he was making every effort to bring out the woman in her to give her ecstacy it wasn't long before she was bought to a sweet orgasm holding him screaming for him a guy she didn't know his name but he had bought out the woman in her so many times with his passionate love.
Amber lopez lift her head off the pillow to look around the surrounding inwhich she woke up the guy from the bar lay still a sleep next to her she could tell it was deep to the way his chest rise and fall she sat up to admire him one leg extended out while the other partly bend she overall his body focused at his waist his fresh scent fill the morning air along with lingering memories of the love they made he was partly covered at the waist and she became interesting as to what lies under there, there was something rather romantic and charming about the way he love his strength and power was his his touches and kisses but rather gently at the waist to the way he made love he can't be more than a few inches tall, he was tall in height Amber had noticed that from the bar last night maybe a few inches over her five feet eight his olive skin tone smooth and clean his dark hair nice and shine a clump of it falling upon his forehead his muscular chest and shoulders firm and strong his eyes tightly close under his heavy eye lashes his small amount of facial hair growth give him a even more manly look than he possessed,
She look at him he haven't move since the time she sat up she lift the cover to spot him out quickly she was overwhelmingly surprised of what she has discovered if she was any good at judging size he's about nine inches in length as well as it could be more it was obvious he haven't discovered what priceless possession he own's or it was she who didn't discover it he kept his hair nice and smooth laying on his body coming up to his sexy navel he grew a small amount of chest hair going to meet at his navel he was extremely gorgeous she reach to touch his chest rubbing her hands across his chest to his shoulder his eye lid flop open and his ocean blue eyes stares at her he smile at her, "Good morning Lovely" he said reaching for her naked breast passionately squeeze into it making her moan hoarsely Liam Turner pulled Amber into him for a deep and ravishing kiss which was still as sweet as it was last night it wasn't long before he was entering her lifting her leg across his hips pressed against her butt cheeks her back to his chest as he love her to climax hugging her tightly kissing her deeply, over quiet an hour of passion and intense love he finally pulled away she watch him into the shower fighting herself not to go in and join him to continue pushing that fire that's still left burning between her thights but she wasn't sure if like her fiance he like to grab his showers a lone she slide in the bed waiting for him to come out the shower so she herself can grab a shower too it wasn't a long time that he stayed in there for but he was extra fresh when he came out she got up and was about to go into the bathroom she had slide into his tshirts left on the bed from last night heating match he grab her naked butt cheeks his palm tightly holding on to them as he chewed on her ear giving her another sweet wave of delight she watch him went back to lay on the bed before making her way into the shower she left the door open as she did so, her usual bath on a Saturday morning would be a long soak where she would take time out to enjoy the feel of her own skin, but this morning something rather excited awaits and she rush to it after drying nicely she climbed back in the bed climbed across him take him in inside of her their hips Join together moving with the same beat she curl her fingers through his hair holding them there he bought himself up to a sitting position claiming her breast sucked on them both Amber moan holding his hair running her fingers through down to his neck she wish to call out his name as he pleasure her so deeply she came with a mighty rush, he smile at her exposing his sets of neatly shape white teeth and deep dimples cheeks with curve lips Amber lift her hand to touch his cheek rubbing it across his face kissing it softly as he have his way with her another round of delightful love making got her breathing extra hard as if she would actually faint she held on to him as if she depends on him for air his hand soft and tender as he run it through her soft thick almost brown hair that falls at shoulder length his hips still pressed up between her thighs loving her taking from her as much as he's been giving he climax after a while sinking into her kissing her,
The morning resolve around them making out giving and taking they both heard of one night stand but neither though doing it would be so much fun she amazes him as he was amazed by her all was amazing he was still caught up with the sweetness between her thighs he was buried inside of her moving to climax another time her legs wide apart as she try desparately to capture all the sweetness he throws at her as his waist work deeper pushing and turning making her body Vibrate her palms in his back rubbing him down, her phone rang somewhere in his bed but she was caught up in the romance she didn't want to loose the feeling it ring again and she found it to answer it soon as she said hello and he heard the male voice he pulled away from her laying next to her she wish he didn't for he left that space empty she didn't want to feel it empty, it was her fiance Bart Wilson calling to check on if the thing went alright he totally ignores the fact that she sounded so tired and out of breath to raise questions about the contract she came out to sign, she didn't have the energy to speak work now and didn't care to speak work now she dears not wanting to loose that great feeling that fill her inside once he's in that space, "why not give me some time and I'll call you later to tell you all about it" Amber said hearing him hang up she lift her head to look at the guy she reach to touch him bending to kiss him she slide back to her back he climbed back between her thighs entered her and love her with the same magnificent love he had been,
"Mmh aren't you the most sweet and beautiful woman" he whispered with a smile Amber look at him he nod, "you are definitely the most sweet and beautiful woman, she rub his cheeks his blue eyes stares at her she had only read about men with ocean blue eyes in books or see them in movie she wonder if his are real, "stay for a while will you at least let me treat you to lunch" he said
"Na I don't want to trouble you, I already taken up half of your day" Amber said
"I'm ready for half more day with you" he said and Amber felt him vibrate inside of her and look at him she rest her head on his shoulder care to be more in his presence but didn't want to act wild though ended up in his bed was proven to be wild already,
It wasn't long after she arrived in Canada and sealed the deal with the retired government agent who was taking out a loan with risk financial company he was unable to come to Miami Florida so Amber took the business out to him he and his wife want to start a quick business so they were borrowing money to do so, after signing off the paperwork Amber though she could use a drink she found a bar a long the sea side close to the condo in which she was from the minute she sat next to the guy at the bar and he turned to look at her something glorious happened she felt emotional sexual and needs she ordered a shot of tequila which happen to be her favorite he told the bartender to put it on his bill like her shot he was drinking tequila as well, it wasn't something that she is used to she never let guys she just met buy her liquor especially one she met halfway from home in a town she's traveling for the first time and knew no one, but she thank him, "Are you a lone?" He asked
"Yes" Amber answer he nod then took another drink,
"Are you?" She asked
He smile widely at her, "I was upon till that time you sat down, you're not from around here I've noticed"
"Are you familiar with every girls around here to be able to tell I'm not from around"
"Not really but I'm sure of a stranger in my town"
Amber nod
"Married?" He asked looking at her hand on top of the counter where her engagement ring was visual to him,
"Engaged" Amber answer
"For how long a month or two?"
The truth is Bart and Amber been talking marriage since there first six months of dating they had met over five years ago now it's been three years since they gotten engaged they have set so many dates but been put off constantly when it wasn't work he has to do out of town for his mother it was the time being too inconvenient for his mother his parents were into government his mother the vice president of the United States and his father the president with that in the way Amber had to be waiting until it was convenient for them if it will ever, "it's been a while" she said
"What happened?" Liam asked
"What happened where?" Amber asked
"Why you not married yet?"
"It's a long story, I'm sure you don't have the time"
He grin at her and she felt for him deep in her inner thighs,
"Maybe next time" he smile
Amber smile back
"What about you?" She asked
"You're asking if I'm married?" He stretch out his hand towards her "What you think?" He asked
There was no ring on his fingers that's for sure she roll her eyes and he smirk at her,
"Would you like another shot?" He asked Amber turning to the bar tender another shot for the lady" Amber quickly refused and he ordered one for himself drinking in one gulp this was is fourth shot since she sat here and couldn't tell how much there was before but he stop the bar tender from pouring the next then pay his bill
"Let's dance" he told Amber who nods and let him take her to the dance floor she was held to him where she was able to feel every vibrating muscles and his heart beating just as he held her billy ocean song suddenly was on the turn table Amber always love the words of this song never tired of hearing it,
used to think that love was just a fairy tale
Until that first hello
Until that first smile.
But if I had to do it all again I wouldn't change a thing
'Cause this love is everlasting.
Suddenly - life has new meaning to me.
There's beauty up above and things we never take notice of
You wake up and suddenly you're in love.
You're everything a man could want and more.
One thousand words are not enough to say what I feel inside.
Holding hands as we walk along the shore
Never felt like this before
Now you're all I'm living for.
Suddenly - life has new meaning to me...
Each day I pray this love affair would last forever.
Suddenly - life has new meaning to me...
There's beauty up above and things we never take notice of
You wake up and suddenly you're in love.
There's beauty up above and things we never take notice of You wake up suddenly and you're in love.
The words of the song were so trilling Amber had no idea why she felt so in love she admits the fact she's been a bit lonely and longing but was sure what she was feeling has nothing to do with it this guy possessed something that makes her want to forget about everything else and start a life with him,
She had heard of love at first sight hearing people describe it Sparks flying and butterflies in your stomach but has not experienced it before this what she is feeling now got to be love at first sight they dance to one more song love at first sight
a song by Kylie Minogue a song Amber didn't know but it was about two people meeting in a club for the first time having share a moment of passion and intimacy on meeting what was wrong change to right, he ease back to look at her "I know you don't know me and don't think me to be crazy but how about we get out of here my apartment is a short while from here"
Amber look at him she had an idea why he wanted to get out of here and was ready for what ever he had in mind,
"What you say?" He asked
"Well I'm not objecting if that's what you're asking" Amber said he leaned him and kiss her softly his lips soft and tender and tasty she held his neck as it deepens he pulled back and they gave each other a smile, "Let's go" he said she nod and they left the bar though she was in a condo further on the beach which would be much quicker and easier to get what emotions that was stiring up on she agreed to go with him they got in his car driving to his apartment it was a quiet ride when they got there and the door closed behind them he pulled her in to him kissing her that's where the magic begin they had love none stop till she falls a sleep around five getting lest than an hour sleep, they started the morning round somewhere between seven fifteen an seven twenty they break for a shower he then pulled away for her to take the call but was back in side of her soon as the call ended,
He waits for her to give an answer to his invitation to lunch though she rather stay in his room stay in his arms and be relax in the comfort of his love but she agreed to go to lunch, they had lunch at a sea food restaurant where they were serve curried lobster and lasagna with broccoli lettuce cucumber and slice tomatoes covered in melted cheese, he ordered a bottle of German red cherry wine with it,
Amber marvel at her plate isn't this too much shouldn't we be having this for dinner?" She asked
"Feel free to have it for dinner as well I'll pay for it" he told her she shook her head no way could she have such a meal twice in one day she's even sure she won't be able to eat this all, he sat watching her as they ate lunch there was something about her that really amazes him she was so beautiful and breath taken he love the feel of her lips a long with the taste of her kisses he love the firmness of her nipples wishing they were in his room so he could be sucking on them,
"This taste good" Amber said lifting her head to look at him for his opinion,
"You taste much better" he said Amber hang her head for a while she look back at him to see him smiling, "Since you're not from here how many people do you know here?" Liam asked
Amber look around she was in Canada for the first time she had only came to get some papers sign with the couple she met on the phone and after last night she bet they are no where near this side "here? I know no one here" she said
"Good, that's very good for I want to come over there and kiss you like crazy to feel your lips beneath mine and to get my tongue in your mouth" he said. Amber shiver at his words, "Why would I mind?" She asked He got up lean over her table lifting her cheeks claiming her lips deep kissing her sucking on her lips getting his tongue in her mouth as he said he wanted to his fingers caressing her cheek a wave of delight creeps up on her making her wish he was inside of her he kiss her with longing kiss her with passion kiss her as if he wasn't about to stop, "I love your lips" he mumble when he let her go "I love everything about you"
He sat back and she saw him suck on his lips ten times or more he reach for her hand holding it across the table,
"I know you not married but a handsome guy like yourself got to have a girl friend or two right?" Amber question when her throat didn't felt all that heavy anymore
Liam smile over at her but he didn't make attempt to reply
"Ok so you don't want to get personal alright" Amber held up a hand
It wasn't that there was a steady woman in his life none he owns at the time he had only two more days before he move out to Miami Florida so he was leaving behind all the fast girls from his past here he wasn't leaving Canada not to come back for his family were here both is parents live here in Ontario Toronto Canada who both happen to be on retirement his dad was sixy two and his mom sixty both had been judges for a very long time even have there own court house where they supply lawyers at a minimum price even free for who were unable to pay, his older brother Chris has taken over now running things in the same fashion they were he too live here in Canada at Montreal Quebec he's married with a son and have a daughter from a previos relationship but Shane his youngest brother the one who followed him Shane lives in Washington state in a small town by the name of folks he too his married he got a son he is a criminal lawyer he own and operarte a law Firm over there in Washington, as for him he is free and single he's just focused on building up his career as a business man he's the only one who shows no intrested in law he chose to go into fiance business as he's been doing so since he was only sixteen he had gotten a small place to house his business for four years then he found himself a partner partnership had help him to own a hotel and the hotel had help him to make enough money to own his own office he had stepped out of partnership and had bought the business from a man in Miami Florida he was trying to get the business place in Chicago where he already has his hotel but couldn't he didn't let the chance passed him by when he heard of this man selling his company it was the same thing that he was into and he told him of his excellent and experience workers and he wanted a excellent team and was willing to keep them on he haven't met them yet but come Monday morning he will have the chance to do so but for now his intrested was with this beautiful woman who has captured him whole heartedly and he want to hang on to every moment of the time given with her.

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