chapter 11

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"This is delicious" Amber said eating ùp her scramble eggs and waffle with broccoli lettuce with cauliflower and a tall glass of orange juice she barely ever eat like this in the morning it's grabbed then go sometimes she didn't grab anything she just go, "Millicent made real good scramble eggs she's a great cook"
"I can tell the dinner last night was great too"
Liam smile he got up and went into through another door he then came back with two glasses with a bottle of tequila he set the glasses on the table pour into them he reach one to Amber, she dress back shook her hand "a bit too early for that"
"Live a little on the wild side"
"Isn't being here now wild enough?" Amber widen her eyes
"You think?" Liam laughed
"You're trouble Liam Turner" Amber said Millicent look at them both he laughed laugh once more he drank from his glass empty it then pour again he drank left the glass on the table Amber had only one drink she wasn't used to drinking this strong on a early morning she maybe drank late but for her to be doing so now, "let Liam has his way and you'll be in deep waters" Amber said
As Liam walked away she heard him laugh "shouldn't we be leaving?" Amber called after him, flopped her arm on her lap when she didn't hear him respond he came back in the kitchen "Let's go beautiful" he said Amber stood up he over look her "You're beautiful" he said leaning into kiss her Amber was aware the lady kept eyes on them open one eye to view her she was smiling as she watch them "Oh kay" Liam said rubbing his palms together he clapped them he look at his watch then at Amber it was seven twenty in the morning "Are you sure you don't want to call in at work we'll stay the day in bed make love have great sex and cuddle like it's snowing on Christmas day" he said it with out whispered Amber twist her body shyly turning to Millicent though she has her back to them she didn't need to be told that she heard him "You know I have to go" Amber whispered when she step closer to him,
"You don't have to, but let's go" he told her Millicent I'll see you later"
"Have a good day sir" rogue got up and bark her usual friendly bark "Hey girl I'm leaving now I'll be back after work what should I bring back for you?" Rogue continues to bark "how about a beaf bone ah girl you could bury it later in the sand" he touched her smooth her down she lay on her side whinging "stay" Liam told her as they were about to leave "nice to meet you rogue" Amber said to the dog who whines  at her and wagged her tail "I think she's saying same here" Liam smile Amber turned on her heels to face Millicent funny these shoe were so comfortable and every thing fits Liam seems he does this thing all the time shop for female for these things these things were completely perfect and well fitted, "Thank you so much Millicent you're awesome cook" Amber said with a smile Millicent smile too "I'm glad you like my cooking please feel free to come by at anytime and I'll cook for you I'm so glad you like it, thank you"
"Gracias" Amber said bowing to Millicent Liam led the way out the kitchen into the living from the starting of the stairs going down he pause there she came to stand next to him
"About earlier" Liam said
"What about earlier?"
"The way you handle that like a real professional" Liam said to Amber they were still standing on the stairs on their way down as they were leaving for work,
"Now what did I handle?" Amber asked
"You know"
"What breakfast for breakfast was pretty good" Amber tease
He laughed sweetly "the morning slam" Liam said
Amber looked at him side looking him she smirk she continued down the stairs walking ahead of him,until they both were standing by her car in his garage about to get inside her car, "Why you weren't expecting me to handle it?" Amber asked Liam shrugged Amber grin they together climb into her car with him in the driver's seat "it's just that you're so small" he said reach over to fondle between her thighs touching her at the spot which was a little swell and sore, "I'm a big girl" Amber said shakeyly and shyly "and big girls don't cry"
Liam smile, "I guess you are, I guess they don't, it was only just a test run" he said
"A test run?" Amber asked
"Yes for truth is Amber I don't want to hurt you for 8 don't want to see you hurting"
"Ah well that didn't stop you now, did it?"
He smiles
"You like playing games don't you Mr Liam Turner" she said his name makes it sounds sexy he like hearing her say his name especially when they make out, "maybe that's because I have found some one to play it with"
Amber shook her head and smile he lean over kissing her long and sweet one that makes a lot of sounds she wondered if he was going to romance her again she had to push him away "work" she said breathlessly Liam shook his head and make a face "you know we don't have to go right let's pretend it's Saturday and go back" Amber shook her head after sleeping out last night and not showing up for work won't be something Bart won't question,
"You know I can give you a reason to stay"
Liam said
"You give me so much reason to stay but there's other reason to go too, and see you already made us late" she smirk
"Next time you're here whether it be on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday I'm going to make you wish it was a Saturday"
"Amber fold her lips looking emotionally at him she touched his cheek rubbing her fingers across his lips easing up to kiss him, she didn't speak just sit back he look at her with a smile he started the car backed out the garage as he turn to leave they saw rogue on the balcony looking down Liam blow the horn rogue bark, "that's my girl"
"You made a great couple" Amber told him
"We made a great couple you and I too you know"
Amber smile
"Now I have to girls who loves me one jealous while the other isn't"
Amber laugh shook her head cover her mouth Liam kiss her hand,
"Is your sister half as pretty as you?" Liam asked
"I don't have a sister I got a brother who's younger than I few years younger he's twenty three"
"Oh and your parents?"
"They're all right that reminds me it's there university weekend this weekend"
"Sorry I won't make it to the party" Liam said Amber look at him he look at her,
She wasn't sure what to do but a party sounds good it doesn't have to be anything big but she's definitely throwing them a party invite a few friends serve cake and wine maybe some snacks,
"Why can't you come?" Amber asked though if she was having a party she sure wasn't going to invite him or maybe she would she doesn't know,
"I won't be in town"
"You going to visit your parents?"
"I am going to Chicago"
"Yes Chicago got a little business there I wish I knew it was your parents university I wouldn't go but it's a must I've to"
Amber nod
"But I'll definitely be at the next one" he said with a smile Amber wondered if he would really come to her parents university party he didn't even know them,
"This is why I told you Amber you have to tell me more about you"
"I'll try for you're not available to talk Liam only dirty during sex it's mainly your hobby"
"You like it too" he said smiling she corner look him, "How old are you?" He asked
"Thiry two"
"What thirty two then why do you feel so much like sixteen" he push his hand up her thighs again grabbed her flesh she push him away he giggle "Why, you're always clean shave"
It's a monthly thing she does after her three day period which didn't arrive as yet in the middle of March but since him she try to maintain it for his purposes "why you don't like it?"
"I already told you Amber I love everything about you that means if trees were there for you kept it like a forest and it was that sweet I would be all up in it the same"
"Not funny" Amber said pushing him and he laughed a loud,
"True it's not funny" he said with a smile,
Bart was a little late for he over slept this morning funny he did he never really sleep over time whether it be work or on a weekend maybe it's because his mother was always calling early but he did this morning it could be due to the fact that he slept a lone in the house for the woman he has at home chose to run off with her friend when he came and park he noticed Monique's car but didn't see that of his fiance she's probably the only one who wasn't at work at ten to nine work started at eight thirty on a regular she wasn't really the late type he got to the floor of his office to Monique's desk, "where is she?" He asked Monique look at him, "didn't you see me calling you where's Amber?" Monique tries to come to terms that he's asking her for his fiance when they both live together but if he's asking for her it simply means that Amber didn't go home last night make her wonder if she's OK her stomach became heavy and flipped over in her chest she got to be okay Monique though "her car isn't in the parking lot, I thought maybe she went for french latta for she was right behind me when we left my place" she lied
"I've been calling her alright what is she doing staying out alright she's engaged to the president's and vice president's son for her to be out roaming the street and all this got to the media how you thing it's going to be on my parents they're going to say for a person who wants to run the country couldn't even chose the right woman to marry her son"
"Bart no body knows that you and Amber are engaged and your mother doesn't care and here I am wondering if you even care when was the last time you went out with her for the pres to know that the president and vice president son is engaged to her?" Monique said to him she wouldn't have said it to Amber this way but Bart need to know it,
"Don't get in it"
"I'm already in it she's my best friend I love her and I care for you, I've been the one to comfort her when her nights gets lonely and you were out doing God knows" Bart hiss he turn away and left her there Monique breathe deeply shook her head fretting on the cost of why her friend were abouts wasn't known,
Amber reach for her phone for the first time since she got in her car Liam had caused her to left it in the car last night there were many missed calls two from her mom one from Monique at some minutes after two fourteen from Bart, her phone was at five percent she think to charge it and check in with her mother they were soon to be in office
"Fourteen times he called you?" Liam asked Amber looked at him having no idea that he watch her phone he hissed he turned in the parking lot and pulled up in Amber's parking space she heard him sigh saw him shook and whimper or you could say he wheeze but he grumbled on with a upsetting frown, "I'm glad your phone was left behind or else our evening would be ruined with such excessive amount of calls"
"Ruined Liam Turner evening ruined ah I would like to see who made that happen you stopped at nothing Liam to get your own way so that wouldn't ruin anything" She look at him he grin at her brewed "well thank you miss lopez thanks for such a tremendous evening a fantastic morning and the sweet sensational love it was such a melt down, whoa you knocked me off my feet girl" Amber look at him
"One french latta vanilla caramel coming right up" he said he kisses her leave the key in the ignition then got out he was walking towards his car when she got out clear her things out took the keys from the ignition then went up,
Amber got to Monique's desk clear her throat for Monique didn't see her she was busy writing down something Monique turn her way and her mouth flew open "you're just coming to work?" Amber nod
"You look beat"
"That's because I am Liam isn't the easiest guy to have as a man he's up until late woke up early he love sex and gets his own way all the time" Amber said Monique grin "hush" she said anyway go on in tell me all about it later I'm a bit active minded now"
"What you doing?"
"Planning a party we got a few marching people around here for our birthday chart and the month is just on its ending"
"Doesn't it ends after next week?"
Yes but as I say we got a quite a few people for this month so the sooner the better, speaking of I still haven't gotten your man's date of birth"
"He's my man now and not the boss?" Amber laugh shook her head "see you later bye"
"Love you" Monique said Amber smile as she turn to look at her Monique forgot to tell Amber about her fiance tantrum ànd attitude didn't see it necessary at the time obviously she's still in a good mode what ever Liam got her doing was imprinted on her she didn't meant a thing when she told her she looks beat it's only because she knew she was with Liam why she said it besides she's busy now and didn't care to waste time on Bart predicaments talking about press Monique cringed and hissed,
Liam got the two cups of french latta got his things out his car as he was now heading up to office "Hello good morning miss Fuentes" Liam said cheerfully as he stand over Monique's desk Monique look up at him saw him grinning "Mr Turner you seems in a mighty fine mode this morning did you hit the jackpot?" She questioned teasingly
"If that's how you intend on saying it your friend is a mighty damn fine woman" he said Monique twist her lips rolled her eyes "give her these for me will you?" He touched the cup of french latta and a envelope he rest on the desk "Thank you"
"No problem sir" Monique said and watched him down to his office looking sexy and hot from the way he walks he look to be a sex godest a master of romance and a professional lover knowing that her judgment isn't wrong her friend said it not in many detail but from the look on her face it says it quite well, she got up to bring them to Amber rest them on the desk Amber look up "what's that?"
"Your man send it"
"Noticed I didn't say fi-an-ce I said ma-an the sexy romantic one"
"Bart is sexy"
"In your eyes even if he's not romantic"
Amber laugh "get out" she said Monique grin "can we have dinner or is it that you got another bed humping appointment with the boss"
"I doubt that"
"Knowing Liam you can never tell didn't you said it yourself that he gets his own way all the time"
Amber roll her eyes she didn't think she'll ever be able to stand up to him to night all she would want is to just lay with him rest on his chest and relax but was sure Liam wasn't into that kind of thing not for the night entirely
"Later" Monique said pulling the door behind her the door pushed again Monique walk back in "What?" Amber asked
"Well your fiance was furious I gave you an alibi if you wanted one, I told him as if we stayed the night at my place I want to think it's what he believes, but can you believe he call me at two looking for you"
"I saw his missed calls the phone got left back in the car when we went to Liam's place"
Monique shrugged she left this time and didn't come back Amber sip on her latta for a time she then opened up the envelope surprised to see newly issued magazine infront of her from a walkins design Amber March issue and April issue March wasn't done yet, so these are what Anita gave him for her she get to have the magazine for she bought them when the month got through and the coupons weren't of value and the price of the magazine went down, she wondered where Anita get them she remember Liam asking her about her clothes and Anita was intrested too this is so nice she shook out the envelope to find a first class membership card her mouth flew open she was anxious to tell Monique she got up from her desk went into the lobby to Monique's desk she came out to see bart coming from his office he stop and look at her because he was looking at her she was looking at him as she walk across she didn't see Liam coming from down the lobby and collided into him he caught her at the waist to steady her "you ok?" He asked Amber nodded "Are you sure?" He asked she nod he let her go and walk away Monique didn't missed the eyes he gave Bart as if he was the one who pushed Amber into him, "Sir, Mr Turner, boss" Monique called to get his attention "Yes miss Fuentes" he stop to say
"Sir you haven't given me a date yet" Monique said
"What for again miss Fuentes"
"Your birthday remember our birthday club"
"Oh yeah right the birthday club it's on the twentyforth of April"
"Oh so Mr Turner is a Taurus ah the bull represents you, you're calm and patience stubborn Oh well thank you sir" Monique said Liam nod
"Ok miss Fuentes no problem"
"Oh need I forgot were having a party next Thursday at three for the machers"
"Fine by me" Liam said and walk away,
"So Mr Turner is a Taurus isn't that amazing all the signs represent him and to think you rule under the same sign two bulls in one pen Oh ravishing"
"I'm not a bull remember"
"Doesn't matter I think you're perfect for him as he's for you"
"You think he believes that?" Amber asked Monique she look at her for a while then nods "you're a fool if you don't believe it"
Monique told her giving her something to think about "you know what, what I had to share I think I'll share later"
"What is it?" Monique asked "later I'll tell you"
"You're not angry at me are you?" Monique inquired "I might just be" Amber said she turn and walk to her office Monique grin as she get back to her work, Amber sat and take a few moments to think about Liam and what her friend had said she find that she's really in love with him she love him next to life she feels he's her life she feels special when she's around him for he acts to be so caring and his charms are never ending but what bothers her is this does Liam wants commitment or just straight up sex, he made it interesting for sure he does and she do not want to ruin a good thing so for now she's thinking of accepting him as he is,
Liam went out in the afternoon and brought back lunch for Amber just as he came to sit on Monique desk leaning over to talk to her Bart came out his office to see them talking pause to watch thinking it was some sort of relationship he was building with her,
"For you" Liam said pushing towards her a lunch bag, "and for my baby as well, you know my baby right" he said smiling Monique smile back at him, "Yes sir I think I do" he touched her shoulder nodded at her then got up as he turn to go to his office he saw Bart as if to be ease dropping he look at Monique narrow his eyes then walk away she saw how Bart look at him wondered if he heard what he said he was walking up to her desk but keep looking back until Liam's office door closed he didn't say anything about it asked her to check his appointment for tomorrow asked that she put him down for day break tomorrow" Monique wonder what he was taking the day off for if it was his mother decision mama's boy she thought smiling inside, she recall what he had said this morning about Amber going off and if the press learn of it they going to talk and his mother reputation could be affected she didn't even remember clearly it upset her so much who do he think he is he and his mama can go to hell, she sigh remembering his words he wasn't even planning on saying it to Amber it was no use wasting her time with it let her live a little, when Bart close his door Monique got up took the lunch into Amber's office "you went out for lunch?"
Amber asked
"Asked your baby" Monique said taking the things out the bag the lunches they came from happeas the top dish has a single rose garden caramel antike white tape on top with a note "I know breakfast wasn't much" it said Amber wondered who was he kidding she haven't ate so much at breakfast, "and after our little activities I think you might want something stronger" Monique roll her eyes "I hope you enjoy, love you my baby" he drew a heart Monique smile Amber shook her head the bottom dish said thank you so much miss Fuentes" Monique laugh thinking it to be romantic, it was cute too the way he did it they got water with lunch "water?" Amber said
"What's wrong with that?" Monique asked Liam text Amber read his message "Don't mind the water" he said Monique smile "I'll be at my desk"
"I'll see you later" Monique close the door and Amber sank deeper in her chair relax as she have her lunch it was just lobster with vegetables just like that but they were plenty and big great tasting vegetables happeas was definitely her place the food was great and enjoyable it was like being in Liam's company it was a joy to have it and she looks forward to it every time.

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