chapter 15

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It was hard choice to made choosing a gift at the gift store Amber and Monique spend like eternity trying to make the right choice Monique decided that ok the nice frame that works with electricity something like a ocean she like it and was sure that Amber's parents would too, Amber finally picked up a two plocks one that says university to dad another anniversary to mom they got them gift wrap then went to A walkins store it was much easier shopping there since it was the last day of March Amber got to use up the coupons and her membership card to get discount for both herself and Monique who bought a shoe and a bag for herself a dress for her mom and a shirt for her dad and Gregory, on getting home Amber took the white boxes inside being extra careful with it thought it was heavy she managed Bart was home for his car was in the drive way he wasn't on the sofa tonight neither in the kitchen she was coming out the kitchen when he came from the bedroom heading towards the door though he saw her and ignored her she spoke with him
"Are you going out somewhere?" She asked
"That's what it looks like right?" Bart asked showing himself off,
Amber nod he walk off,
"Are you coming back?"
"I don't bank on that" he stepped off once again,
"You do remember it's my parents anniversary tomorrow don't you?"
"I remember now that you reminded me" he said
"It's only a small gathering nothing big I just want them to have a good time" Bart wondered if trying to broke him wasn't a good time for them already he have to be helping with bills and rent and she found money to throw a party "if I can be there then I will"
"It's tomorrow, tomorrow Saturday"
"What I don't have a life of my own on Saturday have I dedicated to doing what you want?"
Amber open her mouth at him step closer "you know what Bart if you can't make it thanks anyway" she turn to go out going by him to get the shopping bags out the car he was in the middle of the doorway when she was coming back she squeeze by him to avoid saying excuse,
"All that shopping for a small party ah?" He asked
"They were coupons Bart coupons I got to spend" Amber said "and why do you find fault these days of every thing I can't eat I can't wear clothes"
"When was the last time I bought a new shirt?"
"Do you have to It's not like mother dearest doesn't shop for her precious boy"
"Yes my mother looks after me what you got a problem is it jealously I hear?" He asked with a smile
"Why would i be?"
"For your mother never got you new clothes"
"My mother don't have to I'm not a child I'm a grown-up I'm to care for them now for they already did for me all they could and yes I know my family doesn't have the luxury your family has but they are really nice people not like your mother who paint a smile for people to think she's the world greatest"
"She is" Bart said
"Bart if this is about last night what was it you wanted to do what am I here for your reserve It's been so long since you touched me and then all of a sudden I became the person of interest, you know what Bart screw you go on go to hell I don't give damn" she took the stairs not waiting for a response went to the bed room and closed the door Bart stood for a while then he left with out care Amber fall butt down on the bed hissed at herself for letting herself fuss with Bart he's just making every effort to bring out the worst in her she hissed again then took a deep breath she took up her phone wasn't sure if this is the right time to call Liam knowing he said he will call but she needed some cheering up she got only voice mail cringed she call Monique she was busy with her man as she was fixing something for them both so they didn't talk very long Amber took a shower later on curl up in bed with the radio on listening country music the song that was on sounded like a sad song she wanted to turn it off and just fall a sleep right there right now, she remember the gifts with her name and couldn't wait to open them up she went for the bigger one and found the sexy little pink dress tucked away inside a grey slippers and a nice wrist bag she can't believe Liam got her an outfit since she was spending coupons most her shopping she had gotten a blue dress she didn't but a shoes for she has could be worn the smaller box held a bracelet diamond Amber couldn't believe he bought her another piece of diamond it was so nice she look at the earring in her ears to see if they did match they did she put it on her wrist admiring it she can't believe another diamond piece for a girl who never wore diamonds before she put them aside lay in bed listening to the music that came on it seems all of them were sad now even the ones that she always love she falls a sleep lonely woke up almost forgotten it's Saturday morning and it's her parents anniversary she went out side to catch the morning air from the veranda she noticed Bart's car wasn't there in the drive way where he always park she figure he didn't reach home as he had said he wasn't banking on it she didn't care anyway she shower to leave early to go to her parents since today is the big day and they got spa and with that she's looking to go to the hair dresser as well, she got the things carefully in the car as she had gotten them out then she locked up and leave drove over to her parents place
You're here early" Debbie said hugging on her daughter on meeting her in the drive way "happy anniversary mom" Amber said rocking her mom from side to side Debbie giggle just like Monique would Amber kiss her "love you so much mom, guess what I am taking you to the spa"
Debbie stop smiling "honey that's a sweet gesture but will you afford it?" Amber took the tickets from her bag,
"Oh tickets that's nice"
"They were gift to me wait until you see the lovely outfit I got you for tonight let's go so we can see then and get out of here" Amber called for her brother to help with the taking in of the things her father came along she hug him "happy anniversary papa" she said kissing his cheek,
"thanks dear, you're so early I was expecting you to call"
"This year it's different I came before I call" her dad smile "these are heavy" simond said as he came back to get them from the car, "wow sis what's in them?" He asked "I've been trying to find out myself" Amber said hugging his shoulder they all were inside together when Amber gave each a bag shirt and perfume for her dad and brother "thanks sis this is awesome I love it" he said trying it on "it looks lovely on you son" Debbie complement "thanks ma I think I do" he said spinning around "Thank you my dear" Stanley told her they share another great big up Amber giggle there was a complete outfit for her mom who was excited to have them they were so nice "oh honey these are sooo gorgeous....!" She said "I know right I said this will look perfect for my mom" Amber said Debbie laughed looking over them again, "Ok... mom... we should go...",
"I'm taking mom to the spa" she told her dad and brother when her mother went off to dress "the spa?" Simond asked "yes the spa" Amber ŕeply "That's wonderful dear your mother is going to love it" Amber smile knowing how much she will, she explained to them how the evening will go she was wondering if she could find someone to make soup and fix some finger food but at the time she didn't know who there were things in the kitchen that could do it but didn't have anyone to, Monique call to see where she was as she and her mother were about to leave home Amber hang up soon as she did she pull her mom from the house they got to the spa five minutes a head of Monique and her mom, happy anniversary miss Debbie" Monique greet both their mother share a hug "happy anniversary" Monique's mom miss Ivy said to Debbie they entered the spa they were up for vip treatment "this is so nice" miss Ivy said they vow on enjoying the day, Gregory went by the lopez's home to see what was there to be done he a long with Monique's father
They decided to boil some soup fix some finger food deboned the chicken cut them in small pieces and with that they prepared to make small sandwiches from turkey slices,
The girls enjoyed themselvies as they get their feet and body massage manicure and pedicure a head massage which was well relaxing they left feeling satisfied, "I love my boss" Monique whispered with a grin as she walk leaning on Amber "Thanks to him we get to enjoy the best spa day ever"
Amber smile they went to the hair stylish to style their hair Amber though of changing her's a bit she and Monique was side by side in the hair dresser chairs blow drying their hair when Monique realize Amber was wearing A shiny bracelet "Oh girl...! She said alerting everyone in the room, she held up Amber's arm "this is sooo nice, it was in that small box right?" Her head was push out from under the dryer Amber nod "I love it I love it...!" She said everyone kept looking and Amber had to beg her to calm down,
"He's spoiling you rotten miss lopez" Monique whispered "woot!" She said a loud Amber shook her head,
"I think this new look is magnificent on you" Monique told Amber Ivy and Debbie agrees "it's good to try new things" she said flopping her hair, "new new!" Monique bellowed and get a few eyes Amber slapped her and they both grin,
"So we'll see each other in a short while" Amber said
"We're getting ready over there my dad and Gregory are already over there" Monique said
"They are?" Amber and Debbie asked
"They are Ivy and Monique said
"We should get there to see what catastrophic they are creating now" Debbie said they all laughed they got in separate vehicles heading to Debbie's place, by they got there Stanley,
Montie, simond and Gregory were in the kitchen "something smells good...." Ivy said clapping her hands "Mmh hmm" she said sniffing around, "must be that lovely cake and the cookies over there" the cake was taken from the box and was valed for covering while the cookies were in a clear pan you could see then nice and lovely they has cream in the middle vanilla, chocolate, malt and strawberries the cake was vanilla caramel with peanut butter and chocolate frosting, "the kitchen is smelling so good" Monique said
"Yeah but why so much food when it's just a few people?" Amber asked
"There's always tomorrow" Ivy said
"I've invited my parents I hope you don't mind" Gregory said
"Not at all what's a celebration without friends?" Debbie said the doorbell rang "that's them I bet" Gregory said
"Then I'll get the door" Monique said
"Fire away" Amber said motioning to her to go a head,
"Monique" joy said hugging her daughter inlaw tight
"Travis" Monique greet her father in law greeting with a hug, they entered the kitchen and every one greet each other joy brought some cheese combos a wine and gift for the lopez it was almost time to start the party Amber and Monique put the living room together
"What time is Bart and his parents coming?" Ivy asked Monique and Amber shoot each other a look "I don't know what time" Amber said
"Well he better hurry" Debbie said
"The party will just go on with our him" Monique said saw her man look at her "and shouldn't we be getting ready"
"Yeah right we out to be" Amber said
"Ivy l show you to the guest room" Debbie said leading the way they were told by montie that he will come soon Gregory was left to dress by himself while Monique went with Amber to titivate themselves "Oh wow girl! that dress... hoo girl you look wonderful..." Monique said when Amber came back in the bedroom coming out the bathroom all dressed up modeling her sexy pink dress,
"He got to be studying your body to know what fits, and that hair girl you rock" they slaps hand and giggle,
"Picture time" Monique said taking Amber's phone "pose" she said Amber did Monique push her thumb up Amber smile Monique caught it, "I bet he's going to love this" Monique said attempting to send it to liam"
"You going to send him?, I haven't heard from him, I call last night and he didn't respond to me"
"Ever heard of something call busy" Monique said sending it off"
"Monique you didn't"
"Oh yes I did"
"Give me my phone I'm going to delete it" Amber said
"Sorry to say he already received it"
"Ohh!" Amber cover her face, Monique grin,
Liam had been meaning to call Amber since he got up this morning and saw her miss call he had gotten to Chicago early enough but was ushered into the meeting at the hotel which took some time
Right after the meeting, the business ambassador sent for him to join them in a grandgala where a number of business owners come together and celebrate their success he had host it two years back very exciting venue the grandgala business men support each other at least some of them most of who Liam had come across has been major support he wasn't sure how he knew he was in Chicago but he knew and he couldn't turn it down, he slept soon as he got to the hotel to think he's a man who showers often fall a sleep in his clothes he'd been in all with out a shower so not in he took one sion ad he got up this morning, he did saw the miss call from Amber but because it's Saturday it was still early and she's sleeping with a man he didn't call her then he was call to a golf tournament with a few business tycoon
after a few hours of good golfing which he was awarded greatly two crates of fine wine from E & J Gallo which is an American company been in existence since nineteen thirty it's one of the biggest company that manufacture wine and with wine a few Cubans cigars Liam didn't smoke but he accepted for he could gave them to someone who did, he haven't gotten to meet with Anita who he knew is so looking forward for him he didn't get to call again since he call on his arrival tell her she'll see him soon on given time, he was leaving from the golf tournament to get back to his hotel he didn't rent a car he was shofer driving around, he plan on turning up at Anita tonight as he was heading to the hotel to shower and change
He look at the phone when the message came smile to himself on seeing it was from Amber she sent him a picture, he open it smiling more at her beauty she did something different with the hair that he believes to look amazing on her, he made to text back but refrain from that and call her up, Amber grin her teeth she felt extremely excited she open the phone line to say hello after Monique pushed it on her, "Why not a naked pic?" He asked
"Don't you already have one?"
"That's not enough just like getting between your thighs isn't enough for me no matter how often I do, you're a sweet girl Amber you're my sweet Amber" Monique look at Amber remembering Liam's password to his office computer where he kept those pictures of her on the front page, he chuckle "I love this you look amazing you changed your hair"
"I just thought I wanted to"
"It fits just right on you my sweets"
"Thanks, thanks for everything"
"Hey I want you have I told you how much I want you, or how bad? I want to do so much more for you" he said emotionally Monique look at Amber again, "how are you other wise how is your parents doing the party started as yet?"
"It's about to"
"I hope you all have a great time, so where's your right hand?"
"She's here already" Amber answer knowing he speaks of Monique
"We'll talk again later" Liam said
"What you going to do now?" She asked
"I am going to shower dress and meet Anita"
"Anita?" Monique mouth and Amber asked aloud
"Why you asked Anita as if I can't meet with her, are you still jealous?"
"I'm not"
"You think I would tell you I'm meeting her if we were involved"
"What if you told me for me to be jealous?"
Liam laugh "maybe but it's no fun doing that, for I'm not there to see the look on your face the way you were mad at me then we have that make up sex something I've experienced for the first time"
Monique smile,
"Very cute Liam" Amber said "just tell her thanks for me"
"I'll do that, love you by see you later" he end the call stepped out the cab telling the driver to wait on him as he rushed to get a shower,
Amber look at Monique who looks at her and saw that her cheeks fall "stop looking so worried about Liam he's not doing anything trust me" Monique said "Let's just go have a good time, didn't you tell Millicent to come over, take a deep breath I'm going down to check on my man" Monique told her leaving her Amber sigh she look in the mirror looking at her gorgeous looks didn't want to spoil it like that wasn't going to spoil it for her parents either she she shake off and went down the barking sound of a dog gets her attention she came to find rogue "Hey girl" she greets the dog rubbing him Millicent you're here? Thanks for coming"
"You invited me why wouldn't I?" Amber smile "We're all here now simond i think you can serve champagne now" she said simond nod going off to do so, the doorbell rang they all look at each other Stanley went to get it, Keith smile at the older man, "Mr lopez?" He asked
"That's me"
"Happy anniversary sir we're with Amber we work in the same company but didn't department" Keith said Stanley look behind him to see afew more people Amber didn't tell them her Co workers were coming "come on in" he said they March in one behind the other, Amber turn her head and her mouth open on seeing them, Monique look at her with wide eyes "You guys are here?" Amber asked shocked to see them from behind Keith she saw the others wave Basil smile, "the boss insisted we come over and support" Monique smile patt Amber's shoulder she felt tears tears she fights not to cry she hug him thanking them, "how could you not tell us?" Lavette question as they hug, they all came bringing gifts and wine Abigail brought pretzels and cashuenuts Joshua came too and Monique and Amber was surprised of him there,
The party turn out so much better than expected Amber was glad and thankful for all who came our, Bart was a no show but it didn't matter the party carried out with him not there she vow in not mentioning it him promised herself she wasn't going to, her parents received some very wonderful gifts all of them they appreciated knife set Chinese kitchen set Keith bought a foot soak bath one they could sit together and soak their feet and many more what she gotten from Liam stole the night they were expensive antique collections one they knew must have cost a fortune, it was midnight when they all leave Monique and Gregory being the last to leave for they help to make things fresh again
"That was amazing!" Amber's father say reminded her of Liam saying something like that after they had sex, she can't believe he let so much person to her parents anniversary she never thought of saying it to anyone it's always been few people for she thought maybe they wouldn't be interested in coming to a small town as this to celebrate with her family she was glad to have them,
"The cake was delicious" Debbie said
Stanley, simond and Amber they were in agreement every thing turn out perfect simond set the clock together the lamps too they make the living room light up more Amber didn't bother to go home because of the lateness much as simond wanted to stay up he was too tired so he said good night soon as he finished what he was doing, Amber was coming out the kitchen when she saw both her parents standing in front the click, "I'm sure honey this is a one of a kind" stanley said
"Yes dear, be sure to thank your boss for us" Amber didn't make a sound justnow when she came outthe kitchen wonder how they knew she did, she later realized the clock has a mirror around the face, "It's good you both like it" Amber said "It's the better one this anniversary was the better of the others" Debbie said
"For this year we get to celebrate with more people" stanley said they turn to look at her, "we are... going to say goodnight" Debbie hug her, "goodnight mom love you"
"Thanks dear" Stanley told her they share a hug he kiss her forehead both leaving her there,
after she was left a lone for she didn't feel like sleeping she have another piece of the cake drink some wine there were three bottles of liquor that weren't used up half bottle from the champagnes from those which came from Liam they were say how good they are she smile at the thoughts of the trouble he went through the things he did unexpectedly for her parents anniversary to be so tremendous she can't wait to thank him but the thoughts of calling now only crossed her mind she dears not at this hour especially because he told her he was going to see Anita she's not going to call she knew he said they grew together but she can't help feeling jealous hoping it's useless jealously that she's here feeling for she think she really find with him something she haven't in another man all her years of loving Bart and the other before him but Liam make her feel special with no complains and who doesn't need to feel special.

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