chapter 13

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"Hey you" Monique said when Amber reached her desk,
"Hey" Amber replied
"Had a good night?"
Monique asked
"Not really Bart and I had it out"
"About Liam?"
"If it was but he's saying I'm eating out too often and that I'm not saving"
"So he's thinking you're not to eat?"
"I am to but I must use my kitchen"
"All the audacity" Monique hissed "who do he think he is the boss of you, you're working too and if you want to eat out every day for the qeek you earned it"
"Pity you and Bart don't see eye to eye on that" Amber said
"You left him at home?" Monique asked
"He was heading to the shower on my way out"
"Good for him, so where is handsome dearest got any phone call from him?"
"Not since we talk last night"
"Ladies" Liam said Amber look at Monique she roll her eyes and twist her lips, he came up behind Amber getting as close to her as he could get she could feel him hard and firm pushing on her butt cheeks Amber shift from him and turn to face him, "want to see me in my office?" He asked
"I have two appointments"
"Oh yeah I got one with you come to my office, now" he said sign and walk away, Monique look at Amber as she watch him, she wasn't thinking of going for she know her appointment will be here soon so she ignored his invitation she spent most of the hours throughout the day in her office with her appointment looking over and approving loans, she did overtime to get some papers ready Monique push her head in to say she was leaving her because of what she has to do for her mother "your nbf said that you're to message him later he said that he's catching up with a old friend" Amber look puzzled "nbf?" She asked "your new boy friend" Monique said make Amber laugh "very cute miss Fuentes"
"Bye later"
"Call me" Amber said Monique nod she left closing the door, liam and Roman met at kyu restaurant for a chat Liam was glad to know he has gone from employees to employer he's running his own air strip now Roman wasn't a boy fortunate as him growing up as he was having both parents in wealth for they were judges the family build on when his brothers and himself start becoming successful but Roman was the first of five children and they didn't have much but his family was in it with them through thin things, Roman haven't forgotten how Liam and his family busomed him and his family when they didn't have nothing thanks to them he break the chain and was living better,
In the evening when Amber finally finished work she swing by the grocery store and pick up a few item for she was trying to avoid an argument with Bart he wasn't home when she got home she figure he had taken the day to do his mother's business she prepared the food wasn't in the mode to eat so she just left it on the stove for Bart he still wasn't home when she was finished she dish away his pur it in the microwave what free time she got she used it to call Liam on video chat while she was taking a bath he was with rogue who kept barking they weren't out on the beach tonight but in his pool room Amber could see the water behind him it seems the home bar was in the pool room and she could see a pool table as well,
"You work late" Liam asked
"A little over time"
"Do you ever take any day off?"
"Not since I started working at that company"
"How about a vacation a week in Paradise"
"Ah" Amber said when would that be she wondered for if she don't want to miss a day how is she going to miss a week, "I'll give you time to think about it" Liam said Amber nod knowing she could be thinking of it until next year she's been asking her fiance for a while now to take a weekend off and go somewhere but he believes it's not something she needs she didn't want to just go off with Liam especially while she's still engaged to him and living in the same house that too for a whole week
"Ok maybe for your birthday"
"I'll think about it" Amber said before Liam get to asked when his her birthday Bart came in the drive way and Amber bid him goodbye saying that he'll see her at work tomorrow "bye baby dream of me" he said making kissing sounds Amber did it back him they both smile Liam han up sat on the pool chair relax and continue to have a drink, Amber lay back in the water a relaxing bath wasn't something done like this during the week she always save it for Saturday morning but tonight she feels she deserves it she enjoys playing some building blocks in her phone, though Bart had entered the house and didn't see Amber anywhere he didn't went up he pour himself a drink and sat on the sofa the bottle of liquors Amber had gotten on valentine day were still on the coffee table the basket was now empty it seems she had removed them a little at a time, only the bottle of wine was left from it, and it haven't been touched it didn't look to be as expensive as as the others but it look to be fine wine, he lift the bottle to look at it put it back on the table he would ĺike to try some but wasn't sure he want to just Crack the seal ir wasn't it but for Amber he pick it up for the second time in a row view it once again just as he rest it down Amber came down walk by him, "Bart" she greets him he look up at her but didn't gave a response, though he didn't respond she went on, "I fix dinner didn't you find it?" She asked He look up at her "I'm not hungry " he said after Amber been waiting a while for his response, she nod going off to the kitchen since he wasn't hungry and she has no intention of eating she put them away and went off to bed she haven't fallen a sleep when Bart came in the room he showers then climb into a pajama bottom, Amber lay looking at him, she wondered where did she went wrong with him remembering the times when they couldn't get enough of each other when they just met and started dating he was everything to her they got engaged she was expecting to marry him long time a go years ago but she wasn't sure what happened for he gotten so distance the most they do now is argue Amber knew now she's having a relationship with someone else but it was because she became lonely for it's been months since he touched her didn't seem to care she had tried but he turned her down because of tired or aches he's been having, it's so long they haven't spent time together like a engaged couple she's been getting it on with Liam but only God knows what he wants she's been long into this relationship with Bart and she wanted to marry him for them to hold it out for all the years inspite of he probably be the right person to marry, she was looking at him he caught her eyes lift his head, "What?" He asked turning his back to her, although his back was to her she turned her back too lay until she falls a sleep, in the morning while getting ready for work Amber fix breakfast but as like he refused dinner Bart refused breakfast,
"You said I'm cooking and now that I do you're ignoring it?" Amber asked
"I have to plead to you to get some food around here why should I eat it?" He asked
Amber said nothing she watch him to the cupboard where he took out some bread butter it and have it instead of her nice blue berries pancakes and scramble eggs with coconut flavor tea mix, he has a glass of tang he mixed himself, "This Saturday is my parents anniversary I'm not sure you remember I'm having them a little party"
Bart look at her she was smiling but he didn't "will you be able?" She asked
"I'm not sure but if I can I will" he left the kitchen by she finish her doing he was gone, since Bart didn't eat Amber dish a little of her breakfast for Monique who she's sure ran out with out èating they got to the drive way together she was loaded with bags and things for today is the big party which will start at four and they were putting off most of the work to decorate Amber noticed Liam's car was already there in his parking space she wasn't sure if she are to get him latta or did he already got himself but she did anyway she went and get the usual two just as they got to their floor he came down from the secretary's office he and Abigail came up talking she went off and he stop with Monique and Amber they were together at Monique's desk when Bart came Liam was standing exactly in front of Monique talking to them he walk down clear his throat Liam turn dressed back for him to approach the desk, "Miss Fuentes do you have an appointment for me today?"
"One o'clock" Monique told him without going in the book"
"Are you sure it's one?"
"I just told you Mr Wilson"
"But you didn't check the book" Bart said
"I didn't have to check the book Mr Wilson it's the last appointment I wrote down yesterday" Monique said Bart turn away Liam watch him to his office door look at Monique and smirk both Monique and Amber wondered what it was he found to be so funny, "you ladies if you go out for lunch please bring me some I'm gonna be busy then I'm leaving early"
"Early sir?" Did you forget it's the party this afternoon at four" Monique asked
"Four?" He question himself to see how well he can make it he have to pack for the weekend buy a gift for Amber's parents anniversary and bake a cake for the party he has an early flight in the morning and he need rest with that he could use a little love but didn't think either of them has room for it, Monique nod he smile "What time does the stores close up around here?" He asked
"A little after midnight some twenty four hours"
"Ok that's good then I guess I can spear some time"
"Ok thanks sir" Monique said Liam nod and left them
Amber look at him thinking what reason was it for him to be leaving early again today and Tomorrow he will be gone for he's leaving for a weekend a weekend Amber wondered what it's going to be like for him how will he be spending it, what will he be spending it doing who will he be spending it with she wants to asked all that but could she will he allow her to question him like that will she get an answer she shrugged "what?" Monique asked
"Nothing" Amber said
"What you thinking I saw that look when Mr Turner said he's leaving early" Amber flag her off
"You're jealous"
"What for?" Amber said hoarsely
"It sounds and it doesn't sounds pretty on you" Monique told her Amber hissed at her, "I'm not used to it, but anyway he's staying a little for the party" Amber smile poke her and left her desk left her giggling,
They got together to decorate the first floor lobby an hour before lunch time Monique decided to call in for lunch instead of her going out they normally get lunch from happeas and it took thirty five minutes to deliver but to made the order she need to know what to get for the boss, but Liam was way on the eight floor too much trouble to go up just to asked
"Miss lopez" Monique called Amber was to the other side of the lobby she was helping a few of the staff members to hang the birthday banner it was up when she climb off the stool walk to Monique, "I'm ordering lunch" Monique said
"For me?" Amber asked
"For you, for me" she said "and for your boyfriend" she whispered "but I, I am not sure what Mr nice guy wants"
"Fish maybe"
"I don't really know that much, but I'm sure he'll enjoy some slice fish with okra and some vegetables Liam's meals aren't complete without vegetables boil broccolies cauliflower an....d I think he'll also want mushrooms"
"Sounds of if you know" Monique said
"I told you not really"
"Alright" Monique said Amber nod went back a cross the room Monique make the order for them fish and okra with her's and Amber she ordered roast yam and pasta but for liam the fish and boil vegetables Amber said he might want to have, while they wait for lunch they continue to put things together Amber was hanging up balloons climbing up on a small folding ladder she was stand at the top reached upward when she slipped she and was coming down screaming every one pinned their attention to her some rushing over she close her eyes tightly waiting to hit the floor but before that happened Liam was there to catch her she scream again grabbed on to his shirt tightly gripping it, "you alright?" A voice said
"Amber what are you fine?" Monique voice echo as well as her shoes as she came running over,
"She is now, right miss lopez" that one special voice said Amber open her eyes to find that she was in Liam's arms she breathe deeply she turn to look up, Liam look up with her
"That's a high fall, be careful Ok you want to hurt yourself?" He asked Amber shook her head he set her to her feet which were trembling from fear they were wobbly she was now holding to his upper arm trying to keep from falling she had to take her shoe off she let go Liam walk away towards the groups of chairs to sit, Monique picked up her shoes and followed her with Liam behind her Bart was there looking but what interests him was Monique and the intimate engagement she seems to be having with the boss Amber heart was racing still, "you alright miss lopez?" A guy from the engineering department by the name of Lincoln came asking Amber nod "Lincoln do you mind handing the rest of those balloons for me?"
"Sure miss lopez I can do that, I matter of fact I'm right on it" he touched her and walk away
The bell ding and the man dressed in happeas delivery suit came in "lunch his here" Monique said others have already gotten their lunch while some went out and few brought their home mades lunches
"What's for lunch?" Liam asked walking behind Monique to the table under Bart's and Joshua's watchful eyes as Joshua had now joined him,
"I told you man there's something definitely going on between them" he said
"I believe you now" Joshua said
"Sir this is for you" Monique hand Liam his lunch with a bottle of pine and ginger juice,
Joshua and Bart look at each other
Liam rest the bottle down to look in his dish "wow this is amazing fish and vegetables" he nod kissing her cheek Josh and Bart roll their eyes "did I tell what I wanted for I had to tell you"
"Amber said you might" Monique told him,
"Well I can't go over there and kiss her now can I her man his right over there" Monique smile at him, "thanks miss Fuentes and be sure to thank miss lopez for me as well" he turned her way she was still sitting down looking as if she was lost, "she's going to be alright you save her from that devastating fall I'm sure her heart will stop racing at some point"
Liam nod
Bart wish he could hear the conversation they were having but Liam walk away towards the elevator going by Bart and Joshua Mr Bassett, Wilson" he greets "boss" they both said and watched him board the elevator,
"You feel any better?" Monique asked on bringing lunch to hand to Amber, Amber nod Monique sat next to her "your boyfriend was very pleased with lunch" Monique said with a grin "it's a pity he couldn't come over and kiss you" she smiled Amber look at her "cheer up you didn't fall, he came up at the right time" Amber nod her heart wasn't racing as bad now she managed to eat after lunch she decorate the tables walking around with no shoe they finished the decorations Lincoln hang the last of the balloons climb down Amber thank him he nod and left
"This is nice" Liam said coming down again when they were finish
"Thank you sir" a few ladies who helped with the decorating said Monique and Amber smile after Bart's appointment he came down only to see Liam with Monique again to him it seems they weren't hiding it and can't believe neither would stoop to that Monique knew she has a man
"So how long before you leave the party?" Monique asked
"When I get a little time with her" he whispered Monique grin he nod turn again to leave he wasn't sure how but it was going to happen but he sure was goingto find away, the party gets on as planned at exactly four pm some were all dressed up for it while others remained in their work clothes they were mixing and mingling, for those who where celebrating were been wish they were actually sixteen people born in March two on this very day Friday March thirty first, Liam plans to stay for an hour so he'll be able to round up some points Amber stood across the room watching Liam across the room standing with Basil and keith what ever they were talking about it was making them laugh Bart was with Joshua and to the way they were standing by looking at Liam with Keith and Basil she knew it wasn't anything good being said
"The music sounds great doesn't it" Monique whispered from behind Amber she didn't even know she came "why don't you asked Mr Turner to dance?" She asked Amber look at her then back to Liam and she didn't forget about Bart across the room, she shook her head "Let's go over" she said but Amber refused
"Miss lopez and miss Fuentes sure are looking marvelous today" a guy from the construction department said as he came next to Basil, "well we all know miss lopez is classy don't we?" Basil said
"Mmh mm" Keith said nodding as he slip from his glass Liam look at them, sipping as well, "yeah!" he said "miss Lopez is one damn fine woman" they look at him, he at them and shrugs "you think her man will get mad if I asked her to dance?" He asked they look at him "think I want to try" he said turning around to rest his glass down "back me up incase it gets ugly"
The three grin at each other as they watch him walk away Bart saw him going across the floor to where Monique stood with Amber he walk up stood behind them both his head in-between their's he look from Amber to Monique with a smile "dance with me" he said
"Monique" Amber said looking at Monique
"You" Monique and Liam said
"No way" Amber said
"Don't play with Amber I ain't got all night Monique step back Liam pulled Amber to the dance floor much as he wanted to held her tightly and held her butt not just because thousands of people were in the room but because her fiance was standing across from them, the boys kept watch as they dance like a friendly dance, "can you come to my office?" He asked
"When is that don't you have leave?" She asked
"Not before I hold you tight" he said trying not to get tempted from sliding his palm down her butt to grab her cheeks, Bart probably wouldn't try this if someone else was dancing with Amber or he wouldn't asked to dance if she was alone but he touched Joshua indicated to him that he was cutting in, Keith, Basil and the guy with them look as Bart walked toward Liam and Amber "hey" he said cutting in Monique's eyes were on Liam and Amber and saw when Bart came Liam let go walk to Monique to rest an hand on her she look up at him and he smile Monique knew Bart did that because Amber was dancing with Liam she can see him watching her he left the lobby and Bart dance with Amber came to an abrupt end Amber didn't wait when she get away from as she couldn't wait she took the stairs to the second floor and took the elevator up Monique didn't see she went missing Liam came back and find her gone he went up she was waiting for him he smile at her pulled her in his arms and the kiss they share was a heated long awaiting one.

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