54- Tradition

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Though the reception has been a pretty calm affair, the day's events had taken a toll on both Elira and Yoongi, who waved off their families' teasing remarks as they walked to their wing for the night.

"Here, hold these-" Elira said as she handed Yoongi her heels, her hands immediately working towards removing her earrings

"Why don't you wait till we get to the room to undress, love?"

Elira rolled her eyes, "It's called being efficient-"

"Huh..." Yoongi slowed down and stood behind her, giving her heels back,

"Oh come oN YOONGI WHAT THE-" Elira's eyes widened as Yoongi lifted her up, her hands automatically going around his neck for support

"I mean they don't call this lift *bridal style* for nothing. So might as well lift the woman of the day. It's, efficient, no?" He said with a gummy grin as Elira looked at him in disbelief

"You've got to be kidding me right now-"

"HOLD ON!" he yelled before charging to their shared bedroom, Elira throwing her head back and laughing all the way


"Good morning your majesties!" Alder called out into the room, "I don't mean to intrude but we have a busy day today," he took hesitant steps into the room, only to meet Yoongi a couple of steps in, the young man buttoning up his cuffs,

"We'll be out in a short while Alder. I think she's almost done too! Elira dear!"  He went inside the room again and Alder heaved a sigh of relief.

He wasn't looking forward to waking them up today.

"Ah yes, Alder! Morning! Now, what does our day look like?" Elira said as she fell in step next to Alder, Yoongi standing next to her

"Well, it's the televised tapestry ceremony at 10:30 am, followed by your flight to Korea at 2:00 pm for their part of the traditions. I understand you will be back in three days?"

Elira stopped midstep, "Aren't you coming with us?"

"Erm. No, your majesty. I have been instructed to take a break by the Queen mother-"

"Alder are you alright?" Yoongi asked carefully

"Oh no no it's nothing to worry about! I am getting a little old so all this running around just gets to me easier, is all." He nervously chuckled

"Well then, take that well-deserved break, starting now! Go on, I think we can manage ourselves," Elira said as she gently patted Alder's arm

"Are- are you sure ma'am?"

"Absolutely! I've got Yoongi here now-"

"Does that mean I'm a replacement for Alder?! That's not fair, I have giant shoes to fill!" He nudged Elira playfully

"Nobody is anybody's replacement sir. I'll be back, all sprightly!" Alder said with an unsure smile, confirming what Elira said before taking his leave.


Narina had called it a dance
And a dance it was indeed.
Unlike the dance last night where Elira and Yoongi twirled in the centre, under watchful eyes of their families and people of interest, it was a dance under the watchful eyes of the cameras, threads twirling as they carefully worked their way down the fabric, sewing them together.

Both the fabrics were pretty similar, Elira's bearing a giant map of Avar imprinted on a camellia and Yoongi's one of Korea on a plum blossom The red thread being sewn intertwining the two tapestries together, for it to be displayed in the country's museum before being relegated to the archives for safekeeping.

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