11- Whiskey

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Elira rapped on the door, Yoongi promptly opening the door, still dressed in his gala outfit.

"I thought you left earlier-" she gestured at him

"I did, but I thought I'd wear this out a little more," he said as he beckoned Elira to enter, closing the door behind them.

He stood back as Elira looked around the room again, looking for a place to sit in her poofy gown, Yoongi realising his mistake, clearing out a sofa for her with a sheepish smile, sitting across from her once she was done.

"Oh, right!" He said as he jumped up again, walking over to his little bar in the corner, "what would you like?"

"A neat whiskey sounds nice," Elira said as she crossed her legs and leaned back on the sofa
Yoongi cocked an eyebrow, amused, as he poured out two glasses of whiskey.

"Here you go, my lady," he said, handing her her glass.

"Thank you, fine sir," she replied causing him to choke on the liquid, making her laugh.

He sat down, a sigh of relief leaving his lips as he sank into the chair, swiftly taking a sip of the rich liquid.

Elira sipped daintily as she looked around the room again, before turning back to her glass, "Soo..."


"You were really cool today," she said, barely a whisper

Yoongi blushed, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips, which he tried to hide with another swig of his drink.

"Tha- thank you-"

Elira nodded

"And you too-" he blurted out, causing Elira to look up and scoff

"I didn't do shit-"

"Oh no but you did. The way you handle crowds and socialise. Everyone feels at ease around you and you make them feel seen and happy. That's not something everyone can do. That's not something one can teach,"

Elira stared at him, as he looked at her intensely

"There's a reason why your family had faith to send you here. You're a true royal, calm, composed, kind and approachable while still commanding the room. You should give yourself credit for that,"

"I think we both know that there might've been some other motive for this entire thing now-" she muttered, Yoongi looking at her sadly

Elira looked away and gulped down the rest of the alcohol, hoping her blush could be blamed on the drink, Yoongi promptly took the glass from her, filling it again.

"But, Thank you..." she said, Yoongi acknowledging it with a smile, walking up to his record player in the corner

"Vinyl?" Elira enquired as Yoongi flipped through the slipcases, who hummed in agreement, "The only acceptable way to listen to music,"

Elira raised her glass as Yoongi asked, "Any preferences?"

She thought for a while before setting her glass down, scooting next to him as she looked through the titles.

The close proximity made Yoongi note her fragrance

A citrus and sweet perfume mixed with the scent of whiskey of the night. It was intoxicating

He looked at her as her delicate fingers flipped through the titles, her raising them up to read the titles, eyes focused, cherry lips drawn in a thin line.

She was intoxicating.

She leaned ahead, going through the last few rows, letting out a little, "Oh?" as she pulled one out that caught her eye

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