15- Duty

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Elira looked out the window as Alder rattled off her engagements the moment she touched Avarian soil.

"The press secretary has said that the office will release a statement only once your majesty is back on Avarian soil. The news has been kept behind closed doors for now, but we cannot contain it much longer... Following which, your majesty will have to make an address announcing your position as the new monarch. The funeral will be held in a couple of days following which the dates for the coronation will be decided in discussion with the queen mother-"

Her mother.

she had refused to talk to her over the phone

No matter how much she begged to listen to her voice, she declined.

Elira couldn't imagine how she must've felt in the palace when she got the news.

Alone in that gigantic building, and effectively,

  the country.

"Is my mother coming to meet me at the airport-"

"Her highness didn't mention anything of that sort, your majesty,"

"And what about my speech?"

"The press secretary has prepared one for your review. It'll be delivered to you the moment we touchdown."

Elira nodded before turning back to face the window, watching the clouds roll by beneath her.


Elira stepped out of the plane, grateful that there weren't any cameras flashing in her face. This entire ordeal had been exhausting and the last thing she needed to deal with was the nosy press.

She swiftly got into the car, Alder handing her a cream sealed envelope with the speech, before closing the divider between them.

"To her majesty", it read in gold filigree

They had changed the stationary in the blink of an eye,

and this was probably meant for Kiana-

Elira shook her head as she tried to refocus back on the envelope. She stared at the burgundy seal, her fingers reaching up to open it, but stopping short.

She couldn't bring herself to open it. She didn't think any of this was real.

Sitting in the car as the Queen, about to open a funeral speech for her father and her sister. It all felt wrong

so so wrong.

She sighed as she tossed the speech to the other end of  her seat, turning to look outside the window, the familiar scene she had seen so many times before,

Now seeming all new.

This was her land now, her people, her rule, 

her responsibility

And it weighed down on her like a ton of bricks.

She needed to talk to someone about this otherwise she was going to lose her mind.


Narina stood at the door of the palace, dressed in mourning. She watched as her daughter stepped out of the car, dazed as she looked up at the palace

like it was a new place.

Not a place where she had grown up and lived all her life

"Oh, honey..." She said as she walked up to her and wrapped her in a hug.

Elira sighed as she buried herself in the hug

"Come on bub, let's go..." She said as she gently led Elira inside.


"I'll make the address, darling. It's okay. You've been a Royal for too long now. Be a daughter and a sister for a day. It's okay~" Narina whispered as Elira sat on the edge of her bed

"But it's my duty-"

"Remember what your father used to say? Nothing is worth your mental peace, not this country, nothing..."

Elira choked down a sob as she looked up at the ceiling.


Narina stood behind Elira as she stood at the podium, the Avarian seal and flag behind them.

Hundreds of cameras in front.

Elira looked into the indiscernible crowd of lenses and took a deep breath.

"Good afternoon to everyone gathered here.
I have called you all here today to break some unfortunate and deeply saddening news," She looked down at her cue cards for a second, steeling herself.

"The king of Avar, his majesty, King Oran, and my beloved sister, heir apparent, Princess Kiana have passed away, owing to a tragic car crash,"
The room erupted into a chaos of action as all the reporters started scrambling for answers, screaming questions.
Elira raised her hand, silencing them as she once again started

"Early reports suggest that the king suffered a heart attack while driving, causing him to lose control of the vehicle and swerve off the road," Elira continued, taking in a shaky breath, "The funerals will be held in two days. In the meantime, for now, and forevermore, I, Princess, nay-," she looked straight into the cameras, "Queen Elira, will strive to maintain and ensure stability and peace in our country. Avar is not weak or destabilized. We will bounce back from this, stronger than ever, our resilience is what makes us one of the mightiest kingdoms in the world. I will not let my people or this country down, come what may. Starting from today, I'll be taking over my father's and my sister's pending engagements before taking on duties befitting the monarch.
The country will observe a two week mourning period, following which regular functioning will resume," Elira nodded once before walking from the stage, amidst the flashing cameras and clamour of the crowd.

She could hear her heart beat out of her chest, her palms ice-cold as she walked into the corridor on the wings of the stage.

She held onto the wall the first chance she got, clutching her chest, taking deep breaths,

"What the fuck," she seethed under her breath

Her thoughts took over, running their own course,

If you can't handle one speech, how in the heck will you handle a country


Everyone is wishing for your downfall, go ahead and satisfy them then you pathetic little shi-

"Elira?!" She heard her mother call out worriedly from behind her.
Elira raised her hand to stop her, as she shakily stood back up, "I'll be- I'll be in Papa's study," Elira said without turning back to face her, "I need to tend to some things. I'll talk to you at 18:00 hours," she said as she nodded to Alder, him following her wordlessly as Narina stood in the corridor wondering what just happened

"Oh no, darling. Don't do this. Don't make this mistake," she whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek as she watched Elira walk away, turning a corner and disappearing from her field of vision.







I *almost* deadass forgot to post today lol
But here you GOOOOO
it's so beautiful 😭
The sope transition gets me every time.
And the vocals??!??????!??!? BTS are just stupid good at this point, nobody can touch them🤚

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