50- Attempt

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"Your majesty?"

Elira looked up, Mr Choi smiling at her with what seemed to be pity, in his eyes. He handed her a warm cup of tea and turned to look at Namjoon through the window of the ICU

"I didn't know General Kim was visiting, your majesty... I heard there was an accident?"

Elira nodded as she inhaled the comforting scent of the tea, taking a small sip. She looked up at the clock in the corridor.

12:39 am. It had been around 45 minutes since Yoongi had left. Approximately 45 more to go.

"Where's Prince Yoongi, ma'am?"

"He left. He had something to attend to."

Secretary Choi quirked an eyebrow but didn't push her further.

"I take it has been a long day ma'am. Would you like to go home and rest? I can keep an eye on General Kim here,"

"No, that won't be necessary, Mr Choi. I can manage. It's not like I haven't pulled all-nighters before," Elira said with a weak smile

"Surely there's a place you can rest, ma'am? Here, in the hospital? Tomorrow is going to be another busy day with the planning..."

The planning
"Why bother planning when everything goes to shit anyway?" Elira mumbled

"I'm sorry ma'am I didn't quite catch that?"

Elira waved it off, "I guess a nap couldn't hurt. I'll be in the lounge if you need me."

Elira handed back the empty mug with a soft thank you, before walking tiredly towards the lounge.


"ELIRA WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Yoongi's panicked voice filtered through the phone, Elira flinching. She looked at the clock.

2:30 am

"I- I'm in the lounge-" 


Elira struggled to get up, her arms felt like lead as she slowly sat up, her chest heaving with the effort

"Yoongi- yoongi I can't-"

"ELIRA ARE YOU OKAY?" Yoongi panicked as he heard Elira shuffling at the other side

"I- I don't feel so good- it- it was Choi...?" she slurred, her phone slipping from her grip, clattering on the floor as she fell down.

Yoongi stood, panicked and helpless in Korea as voices filtered through the phone

The queen has collapsed!
Someone get the doctors here!
Put the hospital on lockdown!

Yoongi felt his breath quickening as he heard someone pick up the phone,

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice spoke

"Hello? Who is this?? This is Prince Yoongi"

"Sir what can I do for you?"

"Is Elira okay?"

"I- I don't know sir. Her breathing is shallow but she is still breathing. They are shifting her to an ICU so I think she will be fine,"

Yoongi cursed under his breath before continuing, "Could you please check on General Kim. I think there's something wrong there-"

"Will do sir. Please do not worry. We have this under control," the nurse replied calmly, the line disconnecting as Yoongi stood shaking, helpless.

"Yoongi you need to sit down..." Yong Saeng said softly from a distance, too afraid of the wound-up younger brother in front of him

Lueur| A Yoongi FF| (Completed✓)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora