47- Groundwork

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Two cake tastings, three trips to flower shops, two separate fittings, all under the watchful eye of palace press cameras.

Yoongi pulled on his tie as they sat in the car, on their way to the venue.

"Do we really have to plan a wedding in *one* day?"

Elira chuckled "Stop being dramatic~ You're lucky you weren't here to pick out the paper for the invitations, and the damn tablecloths... I thought I was gonna lose my mind," she said as she grabbed a bottle of water from the minibar between them

"Were the cameras necessary?" Yoongi whispered, "I mean, the last thing we want is all of this recorded for posterity considering-"

"As far as anyone is concerned, this is very much real... A royal wedding, that too of the monarch. It's the event of the decade. Any objections to keeping a record of it and everything would be blown. Besides, it's only fake legally. Everything else-" Elira squeezed his hand, "is real, no?"
Yoongi smiled, placing a quick peck on her lips as Alder called out from the front seat, "We're here, your majesty"


The botanical gardens of Leas housed some of the most magnificent specimens of flowers, Roses, camellias and carnations in full bloom, cascading vines and florals lining the cobblestone paths as the entourage walked up to the venue for the royal wedding, the Glass Palace.

The Large glass greenhouse stood two storeys tall, the dark green metal framework a stark contrast to the crystal clear glass that made up the building.

"The roof, ma'am, will be replaced by the stained glass roof that has been commissioned and will be delivered within this week!" The manager of the gardens, Ms Inari chirped, "other than that, the Glass palace is ready to host the wedding,"

"The chandeliers will be brought in soon too-" Narina went on to add, moving closer to Inari as the two of them discussed the specifics, Elira and Yoongi walking further into the building

"A stained glass roof?" Yoongi asked quietly

"Something to commemorate the wedding," Elira sighed as she looked up,  " it keeps getting bigger and bigger and I don't have the heart to tell her" She looked at Narina who laughed and waved her a little wave, "cause this is the liveliest she's been in ages..."

Yoongi reassuringly squeezed her shoulder as they walked to the front of the building.

"At least, with this weather, this place will be warm for the ceremony!"

Elira laughed, a lilting sound that echoed beautifully in the crystal building.

Yoongi took both of her hands in his own as they stood at what would be the dais, a subtle tint coating their cheeks as they looked at each other.

"Twenty days from now huh?" Elira smiled

"I cannot wait"

A couple of clicks interrupted their momentary bliss, the both of them turning back to face the crowd,
All the chatter hushed as they stared at them unabashedly.

"What are we even planning for? They're already as good as married," Narina announced unabashedly, everyone laughing as Yoongi and Elira chuckled nervously.


Yong Saeng nervously chewed on the edge of his thumb as he sat in his room, his legs propped up on the table.
Yoongi was to get married in thirty days. Crowned King in thirty-five.

Yong Saeng was to lose all his status two days after that. Go from being the Crown prince to nothing.

All these years. All these years living in preparation for it all to be washed down the drain.

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