48- A dance

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"Sir! it's time to wake up-" Secretary Choi stopped in his tracks when he spotted Elira and Yoongi knocked out on the bed, arms around each other, the fluffy red duvet tightly enveloping both their sleeping forms.

He watched in horror as Yoongi's eyes slowly cracked open

"I- I'm so sorry sir, I- I'll come back in a while-"Mr Choi stuttered as he hurried out of the room.

Yoongi cocked an eyebrow at the older man's retreating form, before looking down, Elira's messy braid tickling his neck as the latter buried her head in his chest, a small whine of protest leaving her lips making Yoongi smile.

"Love... We need to get up... It's a busy day" he whispered, pressing a kiss on the crown of her head

Elira mumbled something unintelligible as she snuggled closer to him, her grip tightening around his waist, a deep chuckle leaving his lips.

"I'm not going to go anywhere after this. But you need to wake up to make it happen, so Elira, babe, up!" Yoongi said as he reached under the covers and brushed his fingers at her hips, making her squirm. Mischief curled his lips as he proceeded to tickle Elira, whines turning to giggles as she twisted around trying to get away from his fingers.

"STOPP STOP IM UP IMUP-" Elira yelled as she wiped her eyes, a smile on her face while she sat up.

Yoongi sighed, pulling her closer, making her sit on his lap, her hands on his bare chest, her legs straddling his waist, Elira's eyes nervous, not meeting his as he looked her up and down, her form barely covered by an oversized tee thrown on last night in the afterglow.

He gently guided her hands up around his neck, bending into her field of vision.

"Hi gorgeous..." he rasped, Elira squirming under his attention

Yoongi hissed as he held her hips down, "Don't move if you won't want to deal with the consequences-"

"Oh? so you can tease me all you like but this-" Elira smirked, "This is your limit? Maybe you shouldn't have pulled me back on here huh?"

"I don't really think when I'm around you," Yoongi sighed before he pressed a butterfly kiss on Elira's bare shoulder, her breath hitching. He caressed her lower back as he worked his way up her neck, Elira melting against him

"Don't- don't we have places to be?" She asked, her voice barely a breath against his ear

Yoongi pulled away from her neck and stared into her eyes, "It can wait"

Yoongi and Elira walked into the parlour room closest to the Queen mother's quarters, Narina guiding them to two armchairs.

"The both of you need to practice sewing. Together. It's going to be televised and also kept in the National archives so it has to be perfect!"

"Practice for sewing?" Yoongi asked as he took the Tapestry needles and red thread

"This isn't just sewing," Elira said as she threaded her needle with ease, " Mother always told me it's like a dance. The way we have to twist each of our threads, reinforcing our bond, intertwining our destinies. It has to be perfect on the day. One fumble and it's said to be a reflection of our relationship..."

"Wow, so no pressure huh?" Yoongi chuckled

"It's gonna take a while on the actual days... The tapestries are big enough to be capes. We're going to have to do this for an hour, maybe more-"

Yoongi sat up straighter, his needle shining in his fingers, "so, where do we begin?"

Namjoon had been uneasy ever since the meeting with Yong Saeng, always looking behind his shoulder as he went about his days.

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