49- Faults

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Namjoon walked out the gates of the airport, his duffle bag in his hand, his eyes searching for a sign amidst the clamouring crowd.

"Sir! Kim Namjoon sir!" A voice called out to him towards his right. He spotted the speaker and waved his hand, walking towards the man in long strides.

"I'll just bring the car around to the pick-up area just ahead sir, please wait nearby. It will be a black Mercedes."

Namjoon nodded and the driver took his leave. He took his phone out and texted Yoongi of his arrival. Putting it back in his pocket he sighed and stretched his neck, the joints cracking.
He watched as the Avarian flag flew high atop the flag pole in the parking lot.

It still felt surreal to think Yoongi, his Yoongi, would be king here soon.

The crowd had started thinning as everyone walked to their respective modes of transportation from here on our, a few stragglers on their phones or hurriedly walking towards one of the many airport buses

A honk startled him from his thoughts, the car pulling up a couple of metres in front of him.
He picked up his duffle bag when he felt a swoosh by his ear.
Namjoon whipped his head around, his ears peeking up when he heard glass shatter behind him, shocked screams fueling the adrenaline in his blood.

He looked up, trying to spot the source of the bullet. Spotting nobody nearby, he muttered a string of curses. He looked to his side, the car merely metres away from him.

"If there's any god out there-" he whispered before holding his duffle to his face, his feet carrying him as fast as they could.

Sharp pain sliced through his side making him stumble. He threw his bag on the ground, bullets whizzing by as he ran with all his might, the driver of the car opening the door for him as he jumped inside, bullets clanging against its bulletproof exterior.

"GUN IT!" Namjoon yelled, the driver complying, tired screeching as they pulled out of the airport.

Namjoon breathed heavily, his eyes searching his surroundings as he slumped in the seat. The driver looked at him through the rearview mirror, worry evident in his eyes

"Sir- are- are you alright?"

Namjoon almost laughed at that, a pained whine slipping past his lips. The adrenaline had begun to fizzle out, making him horribly aware of the pain in his abdomen and the way his right foot looked like it was twisted on wrong

He groaned as he shifted, his hands brushing the side of his midriff, hands coming off sticky and warm with blood.

"Far from it... Far-" Namjoon felt his eyes droop, too heavy to carry their weight

Must not fall asleep, must not give in-

"Yoon-," he mumbled, his body giving out on him, his vision going black.


"Ma'am there's been a shooting," General Darian announced as he ran into the dining room, Elira standing up
"What?! Where?"
"Leas international airport ma'am. General Kim Namjoon has been shot-"

Yoongi's ears zoned out, the food threatening to make its way up his throat

"The driver's taking him to the National University hospital as we speak, I've also sent a police convoy to clear the way, but-," General Darian rubbed the bridge of his nose, "the driver said the man's already unconscious. Now it might be a shock but being a military man I don't think that would be the case, which would mean"

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