25- Fatal

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Darian walked into the study, bowing. Elira looked up from her screen, gesturing to one of the chairs, which Darian refused with a wave of his hand

"Your Majesty, you asked to see me?"

"Yes, general. I wanted to begin a proper investigation into the tampering. I believe that begins with the interrogation of the persons suspected as well as an analysis of the residue on the envelope. The latter is being handled by one of the scientists at the royal college, and the former, I believe you will be in charge of that."

"Yes, your majesty. Do you have any people in mind?"

"Start with the royal doctors and physicians. And the last few people who interacted with Papa and Kiana on the day of. Courtiers, maids, servants, I want all of them questioned. any minor hitch in their stories, bring it to my notice,"

Darian nodded as Elira continued, "I don't want to leave any stone unturned. Anyone who seems to have even the slightest connection to their deaths will face the consequences," Elira seethed lowly, the fire in her eyes startling General Darian ever so slightly.

In his many conversations with King Oran, they knew Elira would be the better monarch, all things considered. But they also knew that with all the qualities Elira possessed, one of them was her fatal flaw.

Her temper

She'd kept it under control for weeks now, but with all the pleasantries and ceremonies out of the way, it had bubbled its way to the top again.

"Your majesty, If I may be ever so bold-"

"Yes, what is it?"

The general opened his mouth, considering his next move, before shutting it again and nodding his head, "Nothing, ma'am. I shall look into it and begin with the process," He bowed once again, before walking out of the room.

Elira watched as the older man walked out of the study, the door closing behind him.

Talking about all of It again, this time with a level of certainty about the foul-play had brought out the rage in her that she didn't know she harboured. 

She felt the heat radiating from her skin as she thought about how she had lost her father and sister to something as trivial as politics and greed.

All those soldiers, all those bodyguards and they'd still not been safe.

She clenched and unclenched her hands as she tried to steady her breathing. Looking around the study, a place she'd found to be a source of comfort, she only saw shadows of the man, who'd smile every time Elira showed up with a complicated sum she had solved on her own, or who'd laugh at a stupid dad joke he'd made, leaving Elira annoyed as she drew her lips in a thin line, stifling her laughter.

She got up from her chair in an instant, it hitting the wall behind her, before stalking her way out of the study. 

Alder spotted her as she looked to the ground and made her way with surety away from that wretched room, 

"Your majesty?" 

"Not now, Alder. I need a break. I'll be in the training room for a while. keep everyone out, please" she said, not meeting his eyes as he nodded and stood in place, watching her disappear around a corner.


Elira walked into the training room, a couple of the Queen's guards who were sparring stopping dead in their tracks when they spotted her.


"Out. Now. And don't let anybody inside."

They quickly filed out, leaving Elira alone in the expansive room. She reached to her side and drew out her sword, from its Ruby sheath. Stopping by the treasury had been a wonderful idea.

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