16- Elira

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Elira started off with the cleaning of the royal study. She walked into the familiar bookshelf lined room, the three windows filtering light into the room through light curtains, papers scattered on the messy desk, a pen here, a pen cap there, a basket filled with rolled-up newspapers old and new.

"Her Royal Highness, the queen-mother, requested that the room remain untouched till you reached, your majesty, otherwise we would've-" the maid stuttered.
"No, it's quite alright. She did the right thing. You may leave for now. I'll summon someone if I need to in a while," Elira replied with a gentle smile as the maid exited, leaving her alone in the room.
She walked up to the table carefully, tears filling her eyes when she spotted the organised chaos that was King Oran's table. She spotted his uncapped blue gunmetal pen, shuffling through the papers till she found the cap, clicking it in place.

She turned the cool metal in her hand, the delicate, unnoticeable gold inlay shining in the light.

Elira opened it, rolling it between her fingers, feeling its grip, before capping it and dropping it in her pocket.
Leaning forward on the table she saw another familiar key piece of equipment on the table.
The carved wooden box, big enough to fit important papers and letters for his majesty's reading at the beginning of the day.

She walked up to the brown island in the sea of white papers and pulled it closer to her, running her fingertips over the carving and the inlay that read "The king"
Opening the latch, she looked into the velvet-lined box, unopened letters and envelopes still lying in the box. She carefully emptied it out and dusted the box, tucking it under her arm before walking out.

Alder walked up to her, "Get that room cleaned and go through all the papers on the desk, tossing aside any that you deem useless. Have them move in my stationery and chalkboards from my study as well as the first two shelves of books. In the meantime, send anything addressed to me at the gazebo in the garden. If anyone wishes to find me, tell them I'll be there," Elira said as she walked to her mother's room for a brief stop

She knocked on the door, opening it after hearing a faint "come in" from the inside.

"I thought you would like to keep this..." Elira mumbled as she held out the box in front of her, Narina's eyes crinkling as she looked at it sadly.
She nodded and took it from Elira's hands, setting it on her dressing table.

"I'll be out in the gazebo now," Elira stated before turning on her heel, only to be stopped by a hand on her wrist.

"Stop this," Narina said, her voice barely a whisper

Elira raised an eyebrow as she waited

"Stop trying to avoid the conversation. Stop trying to numb your pain by drowning in work. Stop-," Narina breathed in, "Stop trying to ignore the fact that both your father and your sister are dead!" she yelled
Elira pulled her hand from her grip, "And what is the use of sitting and dwelling on that fact? Does it get the work done? Does it run the country?" 

"You have designated two weeks of mourning for the entire country, so can't you afford a day of mourning for yourself? Heck, even half a day?!"

"What good does that do, mother?" Elira deadpanned, a far off look on her face

"Elira, Listen to me. Your father did not die because of some stupid heart attack. He was perfectly healthy. Nothing showed any signs of him having the slightest risk of a cardiac arrest!"

"What are you trying to say?" Elira enunciated carefully, narrowing her eyes at her mother

"They were killed Elira. Your father and sister were MURDERED,"

"But the doctors-"

"They're lying. I feel it. I know they are all lying. I requested for a doctor from Korea to do the post mortem but I'm pretty sure he's lying too-"

Elira scoffed, as she looked away from her mother, "so you want me to base this very serious allegation, on your gut feeling?"

Narina looked at Elira incredulously,
"What- you don't believe me? What has gotten into you?"

"Think about this rationally, mother. What you're saying, doesn't make sense,"

Narina took a careful step back as she looked at her towering daughter, as unreadable as a wall.

"You aren't listening to me. You-Oh no darling," she whispered as she took more steps back, "don't do this to yourself... Don't lose yourself like this,"

"Mother now you're just spouting nonsense, I'm not losing anything-"

"Love...Don't ever forget that first and foremost, you're Elira. Before anything, you're you."


Narina turned away as she waved Elira away, walking up to her dressing table, running her hands over the wooden box as Elira waited for a few moments before she shook her head and walked out, closing the door softly behind her.

Elira sat in the gazebo on the small hill the entire day, Alder and the other courtiers handing her paperwork and lists of things to be done for the funerals and the country.

The sun began to set, casting an orange glow over the entire scene, Elira sipping on her fifth cup of coffee, reading through a document.

Alder cautiously approached her, "Ma'am, I know this matter may not be of utmost importance right now,"

Elira looked up from her paper, eyeing Alder

"But we need to begin the preparations for your coronation. So if we could get a date-"
Alder stiffened as Elira inhaled sharply, setting her glass and papers down, gesturing to the seat in front of her.

Alder took his seat in front of her, clearing his throat, but Elira cut him off

"I understand the country needs an official ruler now. And without the coronation, I'm just a figurehead. So what's the earliest date after the funeral that we can have the coronation?"

Alder flipped through his notebook, "well after the funeral, there is a stipulated period of 12 days before any new monarch can be crowned-"
"Ten days after the funeral it is then," Elira said with an air of finality, Alder wordlessly nodding before getting up, leaving Elira alone, papers scattered on her desk, a new wooden box half open

The queen, it read. 

Elira looked down at the gardens below, the sun painting the sky with streaks of orange.

Don't ever forget, that you're Elira

She watched the sunset, her coffee cooling in her cup as tears rolled down her cheeks.














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