35- Tangled

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Legs tangled under the sheets, an arm lazily draped across her midsection holding her in place. That's what Elira was aware of when she tiredly opened her eyes. She blinked her eyes, willing them to focus, finding herself face to face with Yoongi's angelic face, his pink lips parted ever so slightly as he breathed out in soft puffs.

Lips on her neck, hungry as he marked her, biting bruises into places she couldn't hide


She reached up to her neck in a panic, her sudden movement stirring the male in his sleep.

He squinted in the morning light, lips curving when he registered her in front of him.

"Morning~" he whispered raspily as Elira reached up to brush his hair off his face gently, Yoongi turning his head to kiss her palm instead.

He closed his eyes again, pulling her closer and burying his head in her neck instead "Warm..." he whispered, his lips brushing against her skin, sending shivers up her spine.

"Well you're not helping," Elira said, willing herself to stay calm

Yoongi hummed as he placed an open-mouthed kiss on her neck, chuckling when he felt Elira freeze under him, "You'd think after all that-"

"shut up shut up shut up shut upp-" she mumbled as she hid her face in his chest.

Yoongi laughed as he rubbed her back comfortingly.
"If I could stop time..." he said before bending down and kissing her shoulder.

Their momentary peace was disrupted by the buzzing of Elira's phone on the side table, her eyes going wide when she realised what it was.

Her 8 o clock alarm-

"Oh fuck-" she jumped up, hitting Yoongi's nose in the process


" Shit- I'm so sorry, wait let me just go get some ice-" she said as she scrambled to get up, Yoongi grabbing her hand

He sat up and lifted his face towards her, "Kiss it better instead,"

"I swear to god-" Elira huffed before leaning in and planting a kiss.

"They're gonna go in my room and not find me there no no no no-" She panicked as she walked around the room, holding a thin sheet in place around her while she scrambled for her clothes.

"Ahh, they're gonna know where you are anyway love..." Yoongi said as he stretched his arms, groaning when he popped his shoulder.

"YOONGI HOW DID MY UNDERWEAR GET HERE?" Elira yelled from the corridor near the bathroom

"Did I mention I play basketball?" he answered with an airy chuckle, earning him a glare from Elira before she went inside the bathroom to dress up

"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO I READ IT IN YOUR FILE!" she yelled from inside

Yoongi laughed as he sank back into the bed, Elira's phone making him move

"YOUR MAJESTY WHERE ARE YOU? THE MAIDS-" Alder's voice filtered through the phone, making Yoongi hold it away from his face

"Alder-" Yoongi answered calmly, silence heavy on the other side, "She is with me-"

"Prince- Prince Yoongi?"

"Yes, this is Prince Yoongi. Elira is here with me, safe and sound and we'll drop by for breakfast in a while,"

"Oh- oh- okay. Okay, your highness, I'll inform General Darian that-"

"Don't tell me-"

"That I announced she was missing before trying her phone? Yes, yes I did- Now I have to undo that mistake. If you'll excuse me, your highness..." The line dying with a click

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