44- Betrothed

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"Why would we wanna fake the marriage when it's gonna happen anyway later?" Yoongi asked, confusion apparent on his face

"Legal implications are messy when there are two countries involved. Especially if it's a queen and her prince, turned king. If King Ye Jun does something funny on his side, backing out of something legitimate would complicate everything tenfold. So, an easy *out* would benefit us," Elira said thoughtfully

"Precisely! Though, with you being a queen, it would be a huge affair, the wedding. We need to handle this matter delicately so as to not compromise the integrity of the nation and the institution that is the monarchy," Alder continued

"And doing all this would do what exactly?" Yoongi asked, leaning forward

"It lets King Ye Jun think he's winning when in reality it's a sham. He's going to continue with his scheme... And you, on the other hand, can go back to Korea and gather information, help us build a solid case against him with concrete evidence. Ye Jun's going to proceed with his plan, thinking he's on solid ground when on reality, he's on thin fucking ice," General Darian said with a smirk, Alder clicking his tongue disapprovingly next to him, mumbling something about the *crassness of military men*


"You're- you're getting MARRIED?" Queen Narina almost yelled as she held her hand up to her mouth and walked around her desk and walked up to Elira and Yoongi, nervous smiles on their faces.

"Ah yes, ma'am... I-" Yoongi chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "I forgot to get her the ring in my flurry to leave Korea, so... We were going to go pick one out..."

Narina looked at both of them wordlessly, taking each of their hands in both of hers, "Did you come here for this, without any warning?"

"He- he apparently couldn't stay any longer without me so he came here on an impulse..."

The tears shining in Narina's eyes filled both Yoongi and Elira with guilt.

She didn't need to know all this wasn't real...

Narina chuckled as she rubbed her eyes, "I kept teasing her, and now it's actually happening?" She reached for Yoongi's face and kissed his forehead and pulled Elira into a hug, "You better take care of my baby, young man. And you, young lady, better take care of him too!" She said as she pulled back from her daughter, pouting when she saw tears in the younger's eyes. Narina caressed her daughter's face, rubbing the tear with her thumb, "oh don't cry love..."

Elira buried her head in her mother's shoulder as Narina cooed, Yoongi standing off to the side stiffly.

Deception never sat right with him.

"Come now. You need to go pick out your engagement rings, don't you? I heard Yoongi has to go back this night..." Narina said as she gave Elira her handkerchief, nudging her towards Yoongi, "So go! Shoo! The stores won't be open all night!"
Yoongi chuckled as he placed a chaste kiss on Elira's head, the latter calming down, a red tint coating her cheeks in embarrassment.

Narina sighed, grabbing her little purse from her desk before pushing the two of them out of the room, "I'll be leaving too! A royal wedding! Announcements must be made, invitations sent out! You two go to Serein boulevard. I think Alder must've got the car out by now too! " she said, waving them towards the main gate, before turning around, a slight skip in her step as she walked away from them.

"Oh, Yoongi... what are we doing?" Elira whispered as she watched her mother disappear around the corner.

"What must be done... Let's go, love"

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