46- Secure

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"I think we might have to start the letters again," Yoongi said thoughtfully through the video call as Elira brushed her teeth


"Dr Kim could barely hold out on me. I think he might've already reported to the king, and as a precaution, maybe even my communication has been tapped, we cannot be sure. If I'm found conspiring-"

Elira rinsed out her mouth, dabbing her face with a towel before grabbing the phone and walking out the echoey bathroom, "You cannot tell me what you found through the phone huh?"

"Nope... Also paper, I'm concerned. Letters seem secure, but until or unless Namjoon delivers them to your doorstep, I wouldn't rest easy,"

"Keep what you find with you. Give it to me once you come here for the wedding prep in a couple of weeks. Anything you need help with here?"

"I'm still trying to figure out your assassination attempt. Do you think it someone from my entourage?"

Elira shrugged her shoulders, "I honestly have no clue and I don't even care. I didn't die, so that's that."

Yoongi looked at her, his lips set in a firm line as Elira waved it off, "You need to worry a bit less, wrinkles don't suit you,"

"But what of when I get old??" Yoongi pouted, making Elira laugh

"Well that part, I wouldn't wanna miss!"

Elira took a deep breath and walked into the living room, ducking out of the way as one of the servants carried fifteen different cuts of fabric, dropping into a short curtsy before she weaved her way through the flurry of activity.

Her eyes followed the woman, soon finding her mother as she stood at the centre of it all, talking to the designer, the living room now a makeshift Atelier.
Narina's eyes caught the unmoving figure of her daughter, a smile on her face as she walked across the room, the people parting for her like the sea.

"I've spoken to the weavers, Yoongi's tapestry threads are being sent from Korea and should arrive any day. And yours we took out of storage for maintenance before the main event, so that's on track!"

"My tapestry, huh?" Elira's mind unwittingly went to the funeral, her draping Kiana's tapestry on the coffin, Her mother, King Oran's.

"Yup! Nothing wrong with it! but just checking it to make sure! Yoongi's tapestry will take fifteen days, and with the wedding 45 days later, we're good to go!"

Elira nodded wordlessly as Narina promptly started to lead her onto the centre of the room, everyone.

Jung Hoseok was a man in his mid-twenties, hair platinum blond, almost white, a black thin-framed pair of spectacles sat on his nose and he was clad in a sharp suit made of navy leaf patterned fabric. He walked to Elira and bent in a 90-degree bow "Your majesty... its an honour." he said with a smile, extending his hand forward.

Elira took his hand and he kissed it quickly, "The honour is all mine, Mr Hoseok. It's only fitting a designer of your calibre make clothes for the royal wedding," Elira said with an amicable smile, making Hoseok blush.

"Well, I hope I won't let you down!" he said as he gestured to Elira to stand on the wooden pedestal, an assistant at the ready with a measuring tape.


"When will you get here?" Elira asked as she plopped herself on the bed, Yoongi putting a sheet mask on his face at his dresser

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