4- Discernment

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"What did you make of her?" Yoongi asked Namjoon as they lounged on the chairs in the former's room, Yoongi swirling his crystal glass with whiskey while Namjoon's rested on the table between them.

"She seems normal enough. Nice even. I saw her majesty talk to her in the garden and she seemed really happy-"

"She was inviting her over to Busan-"


"I don't know either... Something is fishy here. Nobody is invited to Busan unless it's an important member of the other country and I'm talking rulers and prime ministers,  that too only if it clashes with our scheduled trip out there"

"Isn't this a bit too random now?" Namjoon said as he leaned forward

"I don't know what to make of this. They made the plan about Busan yesterday and now they're inviting her?," Yoongi sipped on the caramel liquid, swishing it in his mouth before swallowing it with a smack, "Who is planning what here now-"

"You don't think-?" Namjoon whispered as his fingers played with the edge of his glass

"I don't think what?"

"That they're, you know-"

"What is it Namjoon? Spit it out already-"

"They're trying to set her up with you,"

"I-" Yoongi burst out laughing, "Dude, are you listening to yourself?"

"No think about it. Your father, the king, gave you an order and told you to show her around, then they break protocol and made you pick her up from the airport. Didn't even give you two separate cars-"

"Then they make an impromptu plan to Busan and then invite her there, even though she's been here for a few hours,"

"Man, it wouldn't be a stretch to say they might give you guys bedrooms in the same wings-"

"Wait- the Amity gala is coming up... don't tell me-"

"That you might have to dance with her?" Namjoon leaned back with a smirk, "There's no doubt about that. That was going to happen with or without all of this, but isn't it usually the crown prince?"

Yoongi rubbed his temple as he poured himself another glass as he mumbled, "It is...But now it might mean something else too..."

"Do you think she's in on it though?" Namjoon asked thoughtfully

Yoongi thought back to her actions

Her grin, her shaking his hand as she introduced herself for the second time.

Was that politeness or did any of it have a motive?

"I don't think so..."

"Then again, it's not like you can get married before Yong-saeng anyway, so none of this makes sense..."

Yoongi nodded at that

"Be careful out there. Especially since it's you-" 

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?!" Yoongi asked incredulously, setting his glass down

"Oh, you know... You can't look a girl straight in the face, not to mention the fact that you wore gloves today, just because you know your palms get sweaty when you meet new people. And why do they get sweaty? Cause you're nervous~" Namjoon said in a sing-song voice earning an amused glare from Yoongi

"Do you forget I am older than you and the fact that I'm the prince here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, a sly smile on his face, "As if YOU know anything about women"

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