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(Arivan meets Ciri at the market)

Arivan: I take it you're not shopping for new boots?

Ciri: Just a pretty little trinket. When I was last here in Novigrad, I had my share of troubles. A few people helped me. And then others... Not so much. Now I mean to repay them both. Coming with?

Arivan: Sounds good to me. I've got a bit of unfinished business in Novigrad myself

Ciri: We need to go to temple isle

Arivan: I didn't know you were religious

Ciri: I'm not. Lets go

(Arivan and Ciri make their way towards temple isle together)

Ciri: We're almost there

Arivan: Where are we going exactly?

Ciri: To see Whoreson Junior. I asked Zoltan for help, and he said Junior's on temple isle. I want to look him in the eyes

Arivan: What then?

Ciri: I don't know. Depends what I see

(Arivan and Ciri walk over to a building, and they see Whoreson Junior as a ragged beggar)

Ciri: Not what I thought I'd find

Junior: Who... who are you?

Ciri: Remember me?

Junior: You! You cunt! You little arse-fucked whore! You'll pay for what you did to me!

(Ciri backhands Junior, shutting him up)

Arivan: I'd watch my words if I were in your shoes. She's got something of a temper

Junior: And you! The WITCHER! This is all your fault! Are you happy you cocksucker?! I've naught left! Not a bloody scrap of human dignity left!

Arivan: I say you deserve it

(A random child throws a stone and hits Junior on the head)

Junior: Ow! You little shit!

Ciri: On my way here, I didn't know what I'd do. Killing him was definitely an option

Arivan: Just leave him. It's more of a punishment than the release of death

Ciri: My thoughts exactly. The hardest part's over. Only the pleasant bit's left

(Arivan and Ciri walk away to let Junior wallow in his misery)

Arivan: Where to now?

Ciri: The golden sturgeon. A waitress works there who helped me. She's a friend of Dandelion. Her name is Bea. I wish to thank her. She risked a lot

Arivan: How so?

Ciri: The temple guard were breathing down my neck. If she were to be seen with me, then she'd have been flogged, or worse

Arivan: Always getting into trouble. Some things just never change, do they?

Ciri: I do take after Geralt

(Arivan and Ciri both laugh lightly)

Ciri: You know, I visited a city once that was very much like Novigrad. But the people there were much taller and had dark skin

Arivan: Is it somewhere in zerrikania?

Ciri: No. It's in another world

(Ariva and Ciri walk into the golden sturgeon and find a young woman named Bea getting harassed by a group of thugs)

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