Get Junior

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(While Carlo and his men are busy raiding the casino, Geralt goes down into the bowels of the city to look for the arena)

(And Arivan goes to Junior's home address to see if he can find him. He thought it was a longshot until he saw a bunch of Junior's thugs gathered inside the residence)

(Arivan uses his crossbow on a rooftop and starts sniping on the thugs until they're all smart enough to take cover)

(Arivan puts the crossbow away, jumps to the ground, and whistles)

Arivan: Oi! Cunts!

(The group of thugs rushes towards him)

(When a lot of them are bunched up, Arivan casts a sign called aagni. A telekinetic wave with a fire charge. The fire spreads to other thugs, and it really puts a hurting on their numbers)

(With his magical energy exhausted until it recharges, Arivan draws his sword and starts fighting the thugs conventionally)

(A bunch more thugs try and whack Arivan with swords and axes, but Arivan's level of swordsmanship can't be matched by just any mere man)

Arivan: (Chuckles) When will they learn...

(Arivan chucks a bomb at a group of incoming thugs and blows them to chunks)

(A few thugs try to attack at the same time, but Arivan uses his defensive stance to block and parry their moves until he gets an opening and kills them one at a time)

(The sound of blades clashing echoed throughout the area. Sparks and drops of blood flew through the air. But Arivan was still standing, and most thugs weren't)

(He slaughters the thugs with his sword one by one, and eventually they all lay dead on the ground)

(After the thugs are all dead, Arivan shakes the blood off his sword, and uses a spell to accellerate his healing. A few cuts start to stop bleeding and seal themselves up)

(Arivan uses his witcher senses to look around the residence, and he finds a bunch of people inside a building)

(He kicks the door open and powers through a few thugs who try to get in his way. He hears movement in another part of the building so he heads up stairs)

(But when he heads upstairs, he finds a few dead women tied and gagged. Their bodies are stained with blood and tears)

Arivan: That fucking degenerate... If he so much as touched Ciri, I'll castrate him

(When Arivan peeks into the next room, he sees a woman hanging from a noose, and a few dead women in a bathtub)

(He kicks the door, and it flies off it's hinges)

Junior: What the sandwich fuck is this?!

Arivan: Gotcha now, Junior

(Junior tries to grab a weapon, but Arivan grabs his arm and breaks it)

(When Junior howls, Arivan headbutts him, and breaks his nose)

(When Junior grips his face, Arivan grips Junior by the throat and lifts him up)

Junior: Someone help me for fuck's sake!

Arivan: No thugs are here to save you this time!

(Arivan throws Junior, and he flies through a wall)

(Junior tries to run away, but Arivan casts a yrden sign by the door and puts Junior in a magic trap)

Junior: What are you doing, freak?!

(Blinded by rage, Arivan starts to punch Junior again and again, he breaks some bones, and definitely puts some bruises on Junior's body)

Just a Witcher 3 fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon