Hurt and comfort

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(Around the midnight after the battle of Kaer Morhen, Vesemir and the other casualties are all laid to rest)

(Geralt, Arivan, Ciri, Yennefer, Triss, Lambert, Eskel, Coen, Kiera, Zoltan, Roche, Ves, Letho, Gaetan, Ermion, Hjalmar, Dandelion, and whatever's left of the random soldiers and witchers all attend the funeral and lay the dead to rest)

(Ciri takes Vesemir's witcher medallion and places flowers in his hands)

Letho: I didn't know him for long, but Vesemir seemed like a good man

Arivan: He was. I'm gonna miss having him around to tell stories

Geralt: Vesemir taught me everything I know about being a witcher. He was a mentor. An ally. A friend. I'll always remember his teachings, and the sacrifice he's made

(Geralt uses a torch to light the fire, and cremate Vesemir's body)

(Everyone either cries or watches in sorrow)

(Tears flow freely down Ciri's face)

Geralt: Don't blame yourself. No witcher's ever died in his own bed

Ciri: You don't know what it feels like... To have someone care about die because of you... For you

Geralt: We all knew what we were getting ourselves into

Ciri: And you saved me. But for how long? A month? A week?

Geralt: We'll hide you. Cover your tracks

Ciri: No. I will hide no more

(Ciri walks off, and Geralt sighs)

Yennefer: She's grieving. Just give her time. She'll come around

Geralt: I know

(Geralt and Yennefer hug)

(Dandelion takes off his hat and holds it in his hands as he speaks)

Dandelion: Goodnight, Vesemir. May you awaken to the light of the heavens

Avallac'h: For those who remain, death should never take precedence over life. Pay your last respects to your friend. Then we must hold council

(Avallac'h walks away)

Eskel: Kaer Morhen... I can't imagine this place without Vesemir. I'll head down the valley soon and find us all somewhere else to winter for

Gaetan: Like where? Kaer Morhen was one of the last standing witcher strongholds

Eskel: The place has been dying for a while. The attack from the wild hunt was the last nail in the coffin. It's time we accepted that. I'll see if I can find a new lodge for us

Coen: I hope I see you all there

(Coen fists bumps Geralt, Eskel, Lambert, and Gaetan)

Geralt: Thank you for coming, Ermion

Ermion: Please. The old should only ever stick around to help the young. You know this hardly ends your struggle?

Geralt: I know

Ermion: Whatever you aim to do, you'll find souls willing to aid you all around. Myself included

Geralt: Thank you, Ermion

Ermion: I shall take another look at the wounded, but I need to go soon. I'll leave you some medicines just in case

Hjalmar: Tis a crying shame about Vesemir. I'm sorry

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