Preparing the fortress

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(At Kaer Morhen)

(Vesemir is petting a horses mane when it starts to jump onto it's hind legs)

Vesemir: Woah now. There there. It's a- What the-?

(Geralt, Arivan, and Ciri come out of a portal)

(Ciri looks around with a smile on her face, seeing everything is as she remembered it)

(She runs up to Vesemir laughing, and hugs him)

(Vesemir spins Ciri around as he hugs her)

Vesemir: Welcome back, child

Yennefer: Ah! Ciri! (Laughing)

(Yennefer and Ciri hug)

Yennefer: My, you've grown beautiful!

Vesemir: Well, no point in standing around. Time to go greet the others

Ciri: You've not changed a bit. Any of you. All just like I remembered. Except for Arivan

Arivan: Can't argue there. I got better at magic, and I have a beard

Triss: Little sis!

(Triss and Ciri hug)

(Yennefer grabs Geralt and kisses him)

(Triss glares at Yennefer)

Vesemir: Everyone's here, everyone you asked for help. Avallac'h is resting in the tower. No reason to do this out here. Come inside

(Geralt, Arivan, Ciri, Vesemir, Yennefer, and Triss head inside)

Geralt: Thanks for coming, Triss. It's good to see you again

Triss: Thank Yennefer. She's the one who invited me

Yennefer: There will be time to talk later. We should confer now

(Gathered at Kaer Morhen is Geralt, Arivan, Ciri, Triss, Yennefer, Vesemir, Lambert, Eskel, Coen, Keira, Avallac'h, Zoltan, Roche, Ves, Hjalmar, Ermion, Letho, Gaetan, Dandelion, some random soldiers, and a bunch of random witchers from various schools)

(Everyone gets together to talk in a council)

(Except Dandelion doesn't contribute a whole lot except for writing songs and documenting the council)

Arivan: This has to be the highest concentration of witchers I've ever seen in one place

Ciri: I just wish it were under better circumstances

Avallac'h: Shh. The council is starting

Geralt: Thank you all for coming. The wild hunt will be here soon. They're coming for Ciri. They want to take her. We'll stop them

Lambert: How do you even know the hunt will show?

Ciri: They always know where I am. And they can move from place to place in an instant

Eskel: So, what's the plan, wolf?

Geralt: There isn't an enormous number of us, but I'd trust any of you with my life. If we all work together, we'll defeat the hunt. Everyone will have a task

Arivan: Can you specify?

Geralt: When they attack, Yen will dome the fortress with a magic shield. The hunt will be forced to land outside the walls

Lambert: If they're dispersed out in the woods, we could hunt down small groups of riders

Geralt: Exactly. Got our first volunteer for the hunting party. I'm the second

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