Audience at the palace

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(Geralt, Arivan, and Yennefer all arrive in Vizima later, and they get cleaned up and change into some different clothes. Once all of them have bathed, they gather before the emperor and a group of nobles)

Noble: Bow before his imperial majesty. The white flame dancing on the graves of his foes, Emhyr Var Emreis!

(The nobles all bow, but Geralt and Arivan don't)

Arivan: Your archmagnifency

Geralt: Your majesty

Noble: The witchers are here, as your majesty wished

Emhyr: All except the witchers will leave

(The nobles walk out of the room and shut the door behind them. The only ones in the room now are Geralt, Arivan, and Emhyr)

Emhyr: I suppose it's true then. Witchers bow before no man. All that time at King Foltest's court, yet you still have not mastered the basics of etiquete, Geralt Of Rivia?

Geralt: You know what they say. You can't teach an old wolf new tricks

Emhyr: And who might your partner be?

Arivan: Arivan. I was helping Geralt look for Yennefer

Emhyr: I thought witchers were sterile. That they couldn't have children

Arivan: My hair turned silver from my mutations. I'm not related to Geralt by blood, but he was my role model as a boy

Geralt: I take it you didn't summon me here to reminisce about the good old days. So...

Emhyr: Silence. My daughter Cirilla. She's returned, and she's in danger

Geralt/Arivan: (Wide eyes)

Emhyr: The wild hunt pursues her. You will find her and bring her to me

Arivan: Forgive me, but are there not more than fifty thousand men in your army? Yet you hand-picked us for the task

Emhyr: Is it no obvious? I chose you both because she trusts you

Geralt: Yes. So why are you looking for her? I doubt it's to make up for all those lost years

Emhyr: For reasons of state. As always. Enough of this banter. You will agree regardless. If for no other reason than because I shall pay you. More than you customarily receive for a contract. Considerably more

Geralt: Are you sure? Ciri...left. Went far, far away. She leaves very few tracks

Emhyr: Do you believe I'd drag you here in the middle of a war to discuss a rumor?

Geralt: I think anyone can be wrong, even an emperor

Emhyr: I had forgotten how insolent you can be. I haven't the time to convince you, nor the desire, in fact. Yennefer will tell you the rest. This audience is finished. Mererid! Take them to the sorceress

(Geralt and Arivan follow a chamberlain through a hall and they find Yennefer waiting for them)

Yennefer: Geralt! And Arivan. Those tunics... you look positively smashing

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