Portal hop

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(Geralt and Arivan find Avallac'h confusedly looking at explicit pictures of nude women)

Geralt: Need a hanky? Gotta admit, I never expected this of you

Avallac'h: You humans have... unusual tastes. How did the adventure fare on bald mountain?

Arivan: You really even need to ask? You're a sage

Avallac'h: I ask as a courtesy. A concept you clearly forgot when you and Cirilla left without uttering so much as a word

Arivan: Ciri was in a hurry

Avallac'h: I know, she wrote so in her letter. But that is not my concern. From what I heard, she eliminated Imlerith adeptly. So adeptly you might say she's inspired me. The loss of one of Eredin's great generals has weakened him. Significantly. Two others remain

Geralt: How do we get rid of them?

Avallac'h: Caranthir is a loyalist. But Ge'els... That is another story. He was a devoted follower of our former king. And as it happens, Eredin poisoned our beloved ruler

Geralt: Regicide is serious stuff. I take it not many know about this?

Avallac'h: Of the living, only I. And Eredin, of course

Arivan: Question is, can you get Ge'els to believe you?

Acallac'h: Nothing you need to worry about

Geralt: And you haven't mentioned killing him. I'm guessing that's a no go?

Arivan: Kill him, and someone else more loyal to Eredin would replace him

Avallac'h: The boy is right. Such drastic measures are not always necessary

Geralt: So, you probably plan to offer him a deal

Avallac'h: Brilliant deduction. Bravo

Geralt: Fine. So what do you propose?

Avallac'h: Why, to bring Ge'els here, of course. To show him the truth of what happened

Arivan: Fabulous plan. If only we knew where to find him

Avallac'h: We do. In the land of the Aen Elle

Geralt: I think you're forgetting something. You and Ciri might know how to travel between worlds. But me and Arivan, not so much

Avallac'h: You clearly know that there are many other worlds apart from the one where we now stand. They are linked by passages, hidden gateways that can afford travel from one world to another. Of course, few know of these gateways, and even fewer can locate them

Geralt: Elven sages, for example?

Avallac'h: For example. One such passage will open soon, near where we are. Fortuitously enough, between this noble edifice and the butcher's yard. That is our chance. Shall we go?

Geralt/Arivan: Lets go

(Geralt, Arivan, and Avallac'h travel to an abandoned house and find the inter-world passage. They go through the portal and end up in a desert)

Geralt: Where are we?

Avallac'h: Welcome to the ddiddiwedt desert

Arivan: I feel bad for anyone trying to write that

Geralt: Is this somewhere in our world?

Avallac'h: Have you ever seen such canyons in your world? Come. We must go

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