Wandering in the dark

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Keira: It's grown awfully quiet

Arivan: Could the the calm before the storm

(Arivan and Keira walk into the next room over and find a huge stone golem waiting for them)

Golem: Zireael not recognized. Destroy the intruders

(Keira hits the golem with arcane lightning, and Arivan hits it with a fireball)

(The duo keeps their distance from the golem's punches and they keep dishing out magic damage little by little until the golem finally collapses)

Keira: And that would be that. I knew we'd manage

Arivan: Really? Make sure to tell me beforehand next time

Keira: My intuition's a fine instrument, witcher. Don't underestimate it. In fact, I have some very good feelings about you. In several domains

Arivan: I could say the same about you

Keira: Once you finally find Ciri, what will you do? Any plans?

Arivan: Depends what she wants

Keira: Imagined it -- how it will...transpire? What will she say? What will she look like?

Arivan: Honestly? I have no idea

(Arivan and Keira are walking down a dark hall, when all of a sudden, a couple of gargoyles appear)

(Arivan casts a yrden sign at the ground and traps a gargoyle)

(Arivan battles the other gargoyle with his sword while recieving ranged support from Keira. They work together to kill it)

(The other gargoyle is an easy kill because of Arivan's magical trap)

(But then the duo finds a doorway blocked by debris)

Arivan: Teleport us over there

Keira: We must activate it quickly. I've a feeling another golem's about to surprise us

Arivan: Not if we're quick

(Keira summons a portal, and she finds herself with Arivan back in the main room of the ruin. Only on the opposite side this time)

Keira: Look, we managed to cross the bridge. This is where we first saw the wild hunt

Arivan: That means they're way ahead of us. Come on

(By the next staircase, they see some golems frozen solid)

Arivan: Definitely the wild hunt's handiwork

Keira: They destroyed the mage's sentries? They didn't come here for a friendly chat with the elf

Arivan: The hunt froze them before they even knew what was going on

(A short ways later, the duo finds a large chamber occupied by huntsmen)

Mage: Shaar'az!

Huntsman: They're here already

Mage: Tend to them. We've no time to lose. Go

Navigator: Shaent tah'vir!

(The room grows deathly cold as ice starts forming all over the cavern walls)

Keira: What is this?!

Arivan: The White Frost. Mage from the Hunt summoned it. Can you seal those cracks it's blowing through?

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