You chuckle with him, "Well, I only visit when I can. I am busy after all. And today was such a ride," you sigh.

"Really? What happened?" Ccino asked.

You start to explain on how you recruited Cross and Axe.


"So that's what happened. Well, I'm sure you're spent. But I want to ask if you still want to meet Melon?"

"You're just here for the shits and giggles aren't you," you roll your eyelight but smile all the same.

Ccino chuckles but doesnt deny your question. It was the afternoon already and all of the monsters and people start to filter out one by one. Slowly making the Cafe empty unti you and a few others were left.

Ccino was making you another espresso, this time though, Melon was at his heels, being showed on how to make it.

Melon had an aura of confusion lingering on him though. You wondered why as you saw Ccino grab a cake pop and start to make his way towards you.

Melons POV

Instead of telling him on how to make the Espresso the so-called 'King of negativity and nightmares' liked, Ccino was showing him on how to do it. But he was confused! Why would he waste coffee like that! One sane monster shouldn't be able to drink that many espresso shots!

"Ccino, I know that no sane monster wouldn't be able to drink this much shots, it's crazy!"

"It is for Nightmare," Ccino smiles and Melon rolls his eyelights.

"I get that you think I'm still a kid and that Ill fall for your dumb story on the 'King of Nightmares and negativity' but I don't beleive it. And how is he a version of us anyways?!"

"Well, you've met Ink right?"

"Yes..." Melon looked at Ccino carefully, looking for an explanation, not getting at what he was hinting at.

"Well Ink is the guardian of Alternate universes, and his enemy is Error, the destroyer,"

"Well, yes, I know that! Please get to the point already!" Melon whines. Although he was a teenager, he still acts a bit childish from time to time.

"Well then anything should be possible, shouldn't it?" Ccino asks as he grabs a little cute cat-shaped cake pop.

Melon's eye socket twitches in slight frustration and annoyance, "I don't think that a big-shot like a lord of all darkness would come here to this cutesy cat cafe and eat that."

"Well, then I guess that you don't know Nightmare, and don't dishonor him like that," Ccino huffs, amused as he starts walking in a direction. Melon behind him, not seeing what was in front of Ccino.

"Well he isn't real, so why should I care-" the room's temperature slightly gets a little colder and Melon shivers a little before his magic adjusts him to the temperature of the surrounding area.

"Nightmare, I have your cake pop and Espresso," Ccino says and Melon's eye sockets widen exponentially. Still, behind Ccino, he doesnt see anyone. So slowly, he looks over from behind Ccino to see a glowing sharp cyan eye which causes him to hide behind Ccino again. Oh god, he was actually real!? He had no idea!

"Ah, thank you again Ccino. And Melon is behind you I presume?"

"Yes, he is. Melon, come say hello! He means no harm!"

"How can you say that!?" Melon whisper hisses through his teeth.

"Because he's been coming here for almost 500 years, I should know," Ccino chuckles and Melon slowly gets out from hiding behind Ccino to get a good look at the King of negativity and nightmares.

He has the urge to run right back behind Ccino, immediately.

The King was nothing like he expected in appearance at all. He shifted his feet nervously as he spoke, "Uhhrm, it is good to make your acquaintance your majesty," Melon bows his head slightly with a stiff posture. Nightmare had one glowing cyan eye light that looked cold and calculating and looked like he was covered by a black tar-like goop-

He heard a snort beside him and immediately blushed as he looked over at Ccino who was holding back his laughter.


Axe recruited: Yes

Cross recruited: Yes

Killer recruited: No

Dust recruited: No

Error is an Ally: Yes

Make deal with Farmtale: Not yet done

5 years until Dream breaks out

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now