"Well, she hasn't known because I'm not from here," You say. Both looked at you confused and you elaborate, "I'm from a different universe. I'm what you call a version of Sans. But you can call me Nightmare. I am the King of negativity and nightmares. And for the food, I want Sans to work under me with undying loyalty. That is all." You nod.

'I am surprised by how you haven't fucked up your execution on these deal offers'

'Bad word!' Nightmare reprimanded as he slapped the back of Corrupts skull. He usually doesn't correct foul language unless he's tense about something. You guess you feeling tense and nervous was affecting him and Corrupt was just trying to distract you from it and hide the fact that he's feeling tense and nervous as well.

Calming yourself down and forcefully relaxing your body, you reply to both 'Thanks for looking out for me, guys.'

Nightmare smiles and Corrupt just huffs as he rolls his eye light.

You return your focus to both brothers who were still hazing out in shock.

"So do I have a deal or not?"

Papyrus snaps out of his shocked trance first and looks towards Axe, gently nudging his shoulder to snap him out of it.

Axe looks at you with such hope that it sort of takes your breath away despite you being a skeleton and not having to breathe.

"This... is not... some kind of joke?"

You nod, "I do not joke about serious matters like this," Damn, acting and practicing to be so high and mighty for a few centuries really does make you act formally. Especially after Corrupt's insistence and guidance.

"K... I will... work for you but... you... need to keep up our deal" Axe says as he firmly shakes your hand.

"Of course," you nod, "Deals are a very serious matter." You open up a dark portal and continue talking, "I have a place you will stay in, one of the Papyri will escort you to your room. Do you wish to take Papyrus with you?"

"No... despite state of under..ground... Pap will be safest here,"

"I understand," you nod, "before you go, you need a different name to be called by. There will be different Sans's there too."

"You... pick... don't care..." Axe shrugs as he grabs his axe.

"Then you will be called Axe. I have a different matter to attend to but first thing when you come through here, do not panic, warping to a different universe is a bit unsettling. Two, there will be another Sans there called Cross, do not harm him. Three there are shadow Papyri around They look like your brother, but are a tad different, you will see what I mean. Request #5, state your name and that you were sent by Nightmare. Four, explore the place and get used to it, I will call on everyone once I recruit everyone who I want." You have also taken things into account. Since Axe has memory problems because of his skull, you already wrote down on when you said on paper on him. "And the skull wound looks troubling, it probably affects your memory doesnt it," you ask and Axe dazedly nods from the overload of information you told him.

Taking out a piece of paper from your inventory, one of your tendrils takes it out of your hand and gives it to Axe who looks at the paper and widens his eye light.

"I wrote everything I said on it so now you won't have any trouble remembering. Now go on." you urge, "The first rations of food will come out and about a week so dont worry."

Axe nods and then goes through the portal. Once he's gone, you close it and turn around. You see Papyrus crying, sorrow, and happiness leaking from his aura. You question him.

"Are you... alright?"

"Oh, I am absolutely happy! I am so glad that you suddenly came! Everything is starting to look bright in the future now! Oh, thank you so much!" Papyrus responds and you slightly blush from the praise, but you force the small cyan blush to quickly fade away and you speak up.

"My medics at my base still need to learn dentistry, but when they do, I can have them fix up your teeth for you if you desire. Speaking looks quite painful with those teeth."

"Yes please!" Papyrus smiles although you both wince as you hear his teeth grating against each other.

"Alright, well, I wish you the best of luck and I will meet with you in about a week with some food." you nod, and Papyrus nods back in agreement.


Axe recruited: Yes

Cross recruited: Yes

Killer recruited: No

Dust recruited: No

Error is an Ally: Yes

Make deal with Farmtale: Not yet done

5 years until Dream breaks out

Just to keep tabs :)

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