Arivan: What exactly is this place? It's a wasteland

Avallac'h: Indeed. It's a very old world. Thoroughly raped and destroyed

Geralt: Anything live here?

Avallac'h: Mainly desert creatures able to survive for months on end without water. Oh, and large sandcrabs beneath the surface. We must be careful they do not sense us

Geralt: What about before? Were there any people? Or elves?

Avallac'h: Do you believe humanoids have a monopoly on destroying worlds?

Geralt: So what did live here then? Sentient monsters of some sort?

Avallac'h: Look at those cliffs. Do they remind you of anything?

Arivan: Hmm. They look a bit like the bed of a giant river. Or the bottom of a sea

Geralt: So there were water creatures here once?

Avallac'h: No creatures. Merely a sea. There are many different worlds, and even more forms of life. Many of them are intelligent. In fact, much more so than you humans. But as it turns out, not even that could stop them from exhausting all the resources of their world. To the last drop. Ah, and here's the next portal

Geralt: Looks more like a ruin

Avallac'h: Appearances can be deceiving

Arivan: How do you know?

Avallac'h: Are you asking me all of these questions just to annoy me?

Arivan: Depends. Is it working?

(Avallac'h rolls his eyes and shakes his head, and the ground starts to rumble)

Avallac'h: Looks like the sandcrabs have sensed our presence

Geralt: Wonderful...

Arivan: Here they come

(A few sandcrabs burst out from under the surface of the sand and run towards the two witchers)

(Geralt and Arivan draw their swords and fight the sandcrabs directly while Avallac'h provides ranged support with his magic)

(They kill a few of the sandcrabs, but they just keep coming)

Geralt: There's too many of them

Arivan: We're starting to get overwhelmed!

Avallac'h: We can't hope to defeat them all! When the portal opens, we must jump in at once!

(The trio works together to hold off the sandcrabs, and eventually the portal opens. They all jump through, and they end up in a rocky world covered partially in grass and flowers)

(Everyone ends up in different parts of the area, but they all manage to find their way to the next portal without dying)

(The next world is completely submerged in water, so everyone had to quickly swim to the next portal)

(The next world is encased in ice and snow)

(Geralt uses an aard sign to smash the ice wall trapping them, and Arivan uses fire magic to create a fire shield and keep everyone warm while they journey over to the next portal)

(They also have some fun sliding down the ice)

(The next world, the group has to hurry. Because that world's sun had just died, and they have to hurry)

(Several worlds later, they actually manage to arrive at Ge'el's palace)

Arivan: I think this is finally it

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