With a smile I snuggled against him, but then my stomach growled.

Lucian chuckled. "We should get something to eat."

No, I didn't want to leave his arms but I wanted to eat something too. We had been laying in bed for too long that we had missed our breakfast and maybe he was hungry as well. I forced myself to sit up then swung legs down. That's when I saw my beautiful white gown on the floor, ripped and torn.

"I am sorry about that." Lucian said running his finger through his hair, innocently.

Wrapping the sheets around me I jingled the bell on the nightstand and a maid came in immediately.

"Bring me Irene." I ordered.

"I am sorry My Lady, but who?"

"Irene. Bring me Irene."

The maid, I think her name was Nora, looked at me confused.

"My Lady, I am sorry but there is no one called Irene."

"Alright. Just bring me the maid who was here last night."

"I was here last night My lady."

Alright, now I was confused.

"No you were not. A maid called Irene was here with me."

The maid looked at me, confusion and fear in her eyes.

"My Lady I have never even heard that name." Her voice quivered.

How was that possible? Irene had been with me all these days.

I stood up. "So are you saying I had been without a maid all these days?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"I was serving you My Lady."

I sighed in frustration and disbelief.

"Little girl. Why don't you call the head maid." Lucian said standing up, the sheets only covering his lower body.

The maid looked down quickly her cheeks turning a bright red. Nodding she left the room.

"What's happening? Who is Irene?" Lucian asked.

"Irene is my personal maid. She had been here with me all these days and now she is telling me there is no one called Irene."

He frowned. Yes, I was confused too, but then suddenly I got scared. Irene was a witch. What if she had been discovered and burned alive? Or maybe the bloodthirsty king had found her and made her his s.e.x slave? No, no. I shook my head.

"Is something wrong?" Lucian looked worried.

There was a knock on the door and next an old lady came in.

"My Lady, Your Highness." She bowed deeply. "I am Margaret, the head maid. You called for me. How may I help you?"

I looked over at Lucian.

"Do you happen to know someone called Irene?" He asked.

"No Your Highness. Never heard the name."

"Who had been attending my wife?"

"A maid called Nora had been serving My Lady, Your Highness."

I stared at her in disbelief.

"You may leave." Lucian said and she left.

"She is lying," I told Lucian.

"What makes you think so?"

"I think the king took Irene and told everyone to keep it a secret or maybe they discovered that she is a w.."

Married To The Devil'S Son 2 (SAMPLE)Where stories live. Discover now