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As I finished my shower, I put on my T-shirt and black lace panties. I applied cream on my face and legs, then some oils on my face. Once I was finished with my routine I opened my bathroom door and walked out.

"Wow the Principessa has finally finished" He rolls his eyes, and I flash him a sarcastic smile. 

I only took like an hour.

I walk over to my walk-in closet and crouch down to a cabinet I have hidden under clothes, I pull out two wine glasses and bring them back to my room. I set them on my dresser and fill them both with the red wine. As I turned around Kylo studied me as he laid on my bed. "Who said you could get on my bed?" I ask with my eyebrows furrowed.

"I've been in it before I didn't think it was an issue" he shot back being sarcastically defensive with me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just don't spill wine on my bed" I berated before I handed him a glass of wine. I sat on the other side of my bed and Kylo moved to face me. "Wanna play a drinking game?" I ask to calm the pressuring silence.

"Sure" Kylo looks at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I'll go first, let's start off slow. What's your favorite candy?" I ask trying not to go crazy with the first question. 

"Dark chocolate," He says and then takes a sip of his drink. 

"First of all, disgusting. Second of all, you answered the question you weren't supposed to drink" I roll my eyes at his bad tastes, and stupidity. 

"The game isn't fun unless your drunk" He shrugs, I hate to admit he's right. More truths come out when people are drunk. 

"Fine, we'll play like that, but if you don't want to answer you have to drink more" I suggested the idea, and he nodded.

"What's your favorite candy?" he reciprocated my question.

"Hershey's, milk chocolate " I make sure to address it taking yet another sip of my wine. I love chocolate, I think obsession is an understatement. But you will never catch me eating dark, white, or peppermint chocolate, it's disgusting. 

He chuckles at me, "okay your turn."

"Okay now that the drinks are settling in, let's get a little juicier. Biggest turn-off?" I ask arching a brow.

"Always talking about themselves or not being considerate or respectful to me" he shrugs as if it were no big deal, drinking yet again another sip of wine.

"Oh, so you're basically saying me, huh?" I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Yup, what about you, biggest turn-off?" he once again reciprocates my question.

"Hmm, probably poor hygiene, manipulative, and I guess just selfishness in general" I shrug my shoulders and sip my wine.

"Understandable" He hums in response. "Biggest turn-on?" he asks with a smirk. 

"It's not even your turn, but whatever. Probably smelling good, protective, clingy but obviously not too much, good listener" I scratch my head trying to think of more. "How about you?" I ask holding my wine to my lips and taking another sip.

"Wearing red or black, playing with my hair, being affectionate, eye contact" He lists on his fingers. He then proceeds to bring the wine to his mouth and drink it. I feel something heavy in my core as he mentions his biggest turn-ons.

 It could be the alcohol making me think differently but the way he sits on my bed without a shirt, his abs, and tattoos are very prominent. He catches me staring and chuckles a bit.

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