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I hear grunting and a body encasing me in a tight hug. What the hell? I turn to face the figure...


 What the fuck happened last night. I look under the sheets, okay shirt on is a good sign. But no panties on, oh fuck. 

"Kylo, Kylo. Kylo" I try to shake him awake, but he continues grunting and groaning. 

"Leave, leave me alone. No, you- Aspen don't. Stop, I- don't touch me there" he slurs not making sense. Touch him where?

"Kylo, wake up. Kylo you're dreaming" I talk to him as if he were awake. 

"Aspen, stop touching me" he groans, and my face flushes red. He's having a dream about me, touching him? Oh my god, he's such a fucking horn dog.

"Kylo get your ass up" I jump on his chest poking at his face.

"What the hell" he grunts as I jump on his chest again trying to wake him up. 

"Good morning" I smile.

 "Good morning Principessa" he caresses my cheek, and I slap his hand away. 

"What were you dreaming about?" I ask curiously.

"I don't fucking know why?" He asks confused.

 "You were saying 'Aspen don't touch me' and 'don't touch me there'" I chuckle. "Only in your fucking dreams" I roll my eyes.

"Oh but was it only in my dreams?" He smirks.

 "What?" I roll my eyes at his idiocracy.

"Yeah it wasn't a dream last night" he chuckles. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask curiously.

 "Your a freaky little shit when you're drunk" he shakes his head laughing. 

"Kylo details, I don't fucking remember. All I remember was drinking" my anger begins to grow.

"Well first you grabbed my dick, then asked me to fuck you, so I did" he shrugs. My jaw hits the floor. No, no what have I done, no he didn't. I would've felt sore and shitty. 

"Your lying" I study his face. 

"Only about one part" he smirks.  

"What do you mean one part? I didn't grab your dick" I roll my eyes.

"Oh yes, you did. You called me hot, told me you want your pussy tasted, talked about sucking me off at one point, and that you wanted me to fuck you" he smirks, and I stare at him horrified. 

I heard I was a really bad horny drunk, but this is on another level. I would've thought my drunk self would take care of me around Kylo knowing better, but I guess not.

"Well that's in the past, and don't you dare bring it up again" I threaten. 

"Oh, and you're going to threaten me? What are you going to do?" He chuckles. 

"Where's Francesca and why did I sleep in here" I completely disregard his question and look around the room to see Beast and Bella sharing a bed.

Aw cute, at least the dogs are making progress.

"Francesca's in your room with Dante, and you're here because um-" He pauses and thinks for a moment. 

"Come on spit it out" I usher.

 "Uh because we agreed we were both the most sober to stay with each of you so you didn't go do something stupid" he comes up with something on the spot.

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